
Chapter 01

Hi!!! I am Richy Plume, a 25-year-old man. I have a bachelor’s degree in finance and management and I work in the company of Mr. Mickael Plume, my father. He is, therefore, the director of the large company producing computers and computer tools. My tender mother is named Angela Quenum. She is a good quality loincloth dealer in a large recognized market in the city.

I come from a very rich family of three children. Thus, I have two adorable sisters, Félicité and Carina. These are my loves. I love them very much and this feeling is reciprocal between us. I also have an Aunt named Adjo ABOTSI. Tante Adjo is like my second mother because she gave me a lot of advice about life and the painful episodes she can take us through.

Hubert and Diderot are my best friends. We have known each other since high school. They are my friends and we always have a good time together. Hubert works as a DGA in a trade and transport company. He already has a girlfriend with whom he is madly in love and I love their couple. Diderot, on the other hand, is a doctor in a large hospital in the city. He is always supported by his girlfriend whom he loves with all his heart. But I still don’t have one. I couldn’t find a real relationship since they are all interested in money. They leave me later, heartbroken.

I just turned twenty-five and my parents are asking me for the name of the girl who makes my heart beat. GIRL! What to say? I don’t have one. They are all waiting for me to introduce them to my girlfriend, the one who governs my heart, to finally consider the marriage and the coming of their grandson. I still hope to find a REAL one later.

The weekend promises to be very quiet. I was thinking in my room when my mother called me.

– Richy!!!! Please come! You will come!

I get up to see her, once close to her:

—Mother! You called me.

—Yes, darling. Do me this service! Go to the supermarket « LES MERVEILLES » and make these few purchases!

She handed me a small piece of paper on which were written the products she needed.

—Good mother! I’m setting off.

—Thank you, my son. See you later.

I quickly put on a red t-shirt and arrange my hair a little, wear my very simple shoes and start my car.

In less than thirty minutes, I go to the LES MERVEILLES supermarket.

—It’s so big and so beautiful here! I exclaim.

I entered and started shopping. I was going shopping. I read on the piece of paper « A BIG BISCUIT « I LOVE YOU » INTENDED FOR YOU ». My heart is all illuminated and I couldn’t help smiling. My mother is very comical and just pampers me. At twenty-five, she offers me a big chocolate biscuit in addition! This lady fills me with joy.

I finished the races and it wasn’t a lot of things. I took everything she asked me and it even hid my face. I pay the ransom and get out of the place. I was walking when my phone rang. I try somehow to answer the call and also protect the products. I’m not careful and I violently hit a lady with my purchases. She also comes from the supermarket since she had also made purchases. But because of me, everything she bought is now on the ground. I am very embarrassed and lower myself at the same time, putting down my bag.

—I... am sorry madam. I didn’t do it on purpose.

It lowers itself at the same time as I did and we picked up its effects together. But when we got up, our eyes crossed and I realized that I had spilled the products of a shiny fairy. She is of incomparable beauty.

I scrape my throat and look away.

—Please excuse me, lady...?


- Lady Rose. I didn’t do it on purpose.

- Don’t worry.

—Thank you, lady. (Handed out his hand) I’m Richy. Nice to have met you.

—As well as me.

—So can I drop you off?

—No thanks.

—I insist. How to leave such a beautiful lady in the middle of the street and also, the sun is at the Zenith. I just propose to tow you and I will try to pay attention to your goods.

She smiles and I feel read in her eyes that she accepts. We walk towards my vehicle and I put our purchases in the rear trunk. I open the door and it comes in. I start the car and we take the path. Although I was at the wheel, I couldn’t help but fix the beauty next to me in my vehicle. She is so beautiful. Isn’t it still one among many who hurt without worrying about the feelings of others? I try to drive these ideas out of my mind and snatch a few words from the lady.

—So, where can I drop off the Angel in my vehicle?

- You can stop at this alleyway. My house is just a stone’s throw away.

- Understood!

I park and she goes down

– Thank you... Richy!

She brandishes my hand and I do the same.

- On one of these days... Princess.

I go home, a smile on my lips, and give the purchases to my mother. She handed me the cookie I took after giving it an invigorating kiss. I go up to my room and think about this lady. Rose. I don’t know why I feel very happy after meeting him. I didn’t have his number and I couldn’t ask for it since we had just met. Maybe luck will smile at me another day and I will see her again in this supermarket. I will take a tour from time to time hoping to see her again. Supermarket THE WONDERS !!!! You make you discover wonders!

It’s the weekend and at the same time the beginning of my holidays. Yes, my father gave me a week off and so I’m free. I decided to visit Hubert. It’s been a very long time since I saw him anymore. I take my phone and dial its number. After two unanswered calls, he finally picked up:

—Yes, buddy! But what have you been doing since then? Head of stuff!

—Ah Richy! I was in circulation. And stop thinking about something else. So how are you?

—In great shape and you?

- Super well brother.

—I want to see you, tomorrow brother. We met two months ago. I want to see your head again and I already miss your jokes.

—Oh yeah? Richy is the delicious guy. My Richy!

I burst out laughing and He pursues

—I miss you too. We’ll see you in front of the Clear dry cleaner around 3 p.m. I will be available and then take you home.

- Well received. See you, tomorrow brother.

—That’s it. See you tomorrow Rich!

This Hubert is so comical. I miss these little jokes and seeing them again will do me good. I lie down, then close my eyes and let myself be carried away by sleep.