
In Riordanverse as The Shadowy One

Reborn?.....rather remade? as a girl? Why do I see cyclops in the construction area? Why are harpies on the telephone lines? Why are there giants at the beach? Am I in the Percy Jackson world? And why am I finding this amusing instead of panicking? All characters and story belongs to the respective authors and only my OC and the changes belong to me.

Solace_7649 · Book&Literature
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Chapter 6- The Jacksons

Skye walked towards the village to get shelter.

She was tired both physically and mentally after her hunt of the Amphisbaena.

She tried to rent one of the beachside houses to rest for a week or so but the owner refused by saying the she is too young.

Sky was getting quite irritated, "I have the money and I will pay you in cash. I just need to rent a house for 2 weeks."

The unkempt middle aged man at the reception was nonplussed. "I don't care how much money you have. It might be stolen and I don't want to rent my house to a runaway child."

This irritated Skye even more and just as she was about to Mist herself a room a kindly voice interrupted her actions.

"She can live with me Mr. Miller. I will take care of her for these few days. We can't leave a child on her lonesome."

"Then we should just send her to the authorities." answered back Mr.Miller.

"Well at least for a while she is staying with me and until I have understood her circumstances please don't call the police."

Mr.Miller looked into the eyes of the woman and saw that she is not backing down.

"Sigh, OK Sally but none on this is related to me or my responsibility."

Skye is understandably surprised and looked at the woman, Sally, with wonder as she couldn't detect any lies and only sincerity.

Skye, even in her old world knew one truth, nobody helps another for no reason but now in front of her Sally seemed intent on doing just that.

Skye became curious and though she could use the mist to make everyone forget she decided to follow this woman and observe for a while. She wanted to see if this is just an act or if there is some other motive.

She smiled at Sally. "Thank you Mrs. Sally."

She noticed Sally is a strikingly beautiful woman with a smile as warm as a quilt and sparkling blue eyes that change of color in the light. Her hair is long and brown and she had a pleasant smell of candy.

Sally gave her another warm smile of hers and said, "Hello there, my name is Sally Jackson. If you are fine with it you will live with me for a few days. What's your name?"

"Hello Mrs. Jackson, my name is Skye Hunt but you can call me Skye."

"Are you ok with following me Skye?"Sally asked with a slightly worried look on her face, just noticing her state of dress which was covered in sand and torn in several places alongside a few blood stains.

Skye noticing her looking at her disheveled state shrugged. "Sure, Mrs.Jackson and thank you again."

"Come on let's get you cleaned up. I have a son your age and I think you will get along just fine." Sally stretched out her hand for Skye to hold.

Skye noticed Sally didn't ask about her state of dress but not because she wasn't curious but because she wanted Skye to be comfortable and it was working.

Skye took the extended hand and followed Sally to Sally's cabin on the beach.


Skye entered Sally's cabin to find the cabin painted in comforting shades of blue. It was a comfy cabin with just enough space for two adults to live and she guessed enough for an adult and two children.

Inside she saw a boy who has tan skin, disheveled, jet-black hair swept to one side as 'if he just got a walk to the beach' and sea-green eyes.

He was sitting on the sofa playing with Legos and eating blue? candy.

"This", Sally gestures to the boy,"is my son Percy. He is quite shy and doesn't have many friends so I would be delighted if you could befriend him."

"Moooom, don't say that." Percy whined ad he got up from the sofa.

Skye looked at them and could see the unconditional love and trust they had for one another and it relaxed her even more though she felt pangs of envy in her heart.

Sally motioned for them to introduce themselves.

Percy shyly said, " Hello, my name is Percy Jackson. I recently turned 6 years old. I like the the ocean and the beach and my mom and umnnn...and the color blue!"

"Yeah, I noticed." Skye said looking around the cabin and at the remains of the blue candy on Percy's mouth.

"Hey, my name is Skye Hunt. I am also 6 turning 7 soon. I like... sleeping peacefully, good food, hunting and weapons I guess."

This is when she realized she spoke something she shouldn't as Sally tenses before looking at her worriedly and Percy just stares blankly at her both probably wondering why a 6 year old likes hunting and weapons.

Skye was surprised about her mistake of giving too much information so soon but realized it was the effect both Sally and Percy had on her.

They just seemed so genuinely nice that she relaxed more than ever before. Even her ADHD which she usually kept under control using methods taught by Scathach had come to the forefront and she was fidgeting while looking around constantly.

Just as she was trying to bring her fidgeting under control she was surrounded by the warm embrace of Sally Jackson. Skye tensed for a moment before letting herself relax into the hug.


[Skye Hunt PoV]

I have been living with the Jackson's for 4 days now and I am starting to quite like these days of relaxation.

It was only recently Percy's birthday that caused them to come here to enjoy the rest of his summer break.

I have already forgotten the fact that I was going to go on a monster hunter spree but these two made me see the joy in just relaxing and spending time with family and friends.

Yes, I have become friends with a 6 year old which before this day I didn't think was possible. Even if my physical and mental age was affected by my reincarnation I still felt like a wall seperated me from making friends.

Either the kids and even some adults were afraid of me or I became the leader of the group whether I wanted it or not.

Still, there was something different about Percy. It was not just the fact that he would be prodigious in the art of the sword or that he was brimming with the power of the seas. It felt like he consciously or unconsciously affected all those around him in some way or the other.

To me he brought out my normalish side, I guess. The side not influenced into a monster hunting battle maniac by Scathach. Sally too had that ability but a diluted version.

That is probably what attracted the God who gave her Percy.

All in all I was having fun playing Legos and running around the beach with Percy who seemed similarly happy with having a friend.

Is this what it is like with all demigods?

Living in the mortal world but not part of it?

Left behind by their godly parent for whatever reason to not get involved in the world of gods?

Do any demigod children even survive to reach adulthood? Because monsters seem intent on killing them off.

It is a bit sad living as a demigod where everyday seems to be another fight for survival.

But I guess there are happy moments too like now sitting around the small bonfire as we watch the sunset eating s'mores while the wind blows back our hair.