
In Riordanverse as The Shadowy One

Reborn?.....rather remade? as a girl? Why do I see cyclops in the construction area? Why are harpies on the telephone lines? Why are there giants at the beach? Am I in the Percy Jackson world? And why am I finding this amusing instead of panicking? All characters and story belongs to the respective authors and only my OC and the changes belong to me.

Solace_7649 · Book&Literature
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17 Chs

Chapter 5- Hunt

Monsters are hard to kill.

That is something Skye discovered after 2 weeks of traveling.

Skye didn't know where to go so she started walking south. On the way she kept note of increase in momster activity and their locations.

The two harpies were following her as always and were probably getting ready to strike after waiting for so long.

She didn't try to antagonize them needlessly because they could fly away and come back when you least expect it, also they might call reinforcements if they find they are somehow not enough.

She kept on her part seemingly ignoring the harpies but always alert. A good thing that she found is that whenever she wore her blanket her scent gets covered up and so she sleeps in her blanket at night. Also she wraps her rucksack in it and wears it on her back while traveling. It should stop other monsters who aren't already on her trail to not discover her.

One night she was finally able to lose the harpies and finally got on her way but met a lone adult cyclops who figured out who she is.


I was walking through a construction area to take a shortcut to the other side of the block when I sensed I was being followed.

At the corner of my eye I saw a large portly but muscled man walking slowly towards me.

Looking closer the man had one eye and was much bigger than what he first appeared.

He was close to 7 feet and if I saw through the mist correctly can grow above 12 feet.

I realized that I was completely outclassed but I knew I couldn't just run away. He would likely be able to catch up to me and it would hurt my pride if I didn't even try.

Daggers would do no good except for disposable throwing weapon against this monster so I turned the corner, and took out a metal baseball bat from my shadow. Just in case I took out two knives and tied them around my waist.

Hearing the footsteps nearing I threw t a pebble in the other direction of which I turned to. The footsteps paused and made their way towards the sound.

"Hey there little girl. Are you lost? You aren't supposed to enter this area." A voice of a kindly old man sounded and I had the urge to peek again but I stopped myself.

Hearing the footsteps fade to the other side I got our of the corner and slowly made my way towards the cyclops.

I climbed on the scaffolding until I was above the cyclops who was still looking about.

My heart was hammering in my chest so I took deep breaths to calm down.

I jumped from the scaffolding and used the bat to hit his head as hard as I could. The bat bent in the shape of his skull and he was dazed for only a second but that was wnough as I equipped my knives and lunged at his eye.

"AAARGHHH", he screamed as he backhanded me and I crashed into a wall.

*cough* *cough*

I coughed out blood and gave a bloody smile at my success which qui kly disappeared as I saw the cyclops take the knife out of his eye and though slowly I could make out that his eye was healing.

"Shit", I cursed I saw I could do no substantial harm, am temporarily unable to move and was now faces with an angry, hungry cyclops.

"ROARGHH", the cyclops roared at me and started growing bigger as his clothes ripped to shreds.

"Shit indeed little demigod. I will have fun tormenting you", he laughed seeing me unable to move.

I desperately willed myself to move to do anything to wither fight or at least escape.

I reached for my power over shadows and they spiked up going through the leg of the cyclops and then willed myself away, then my shadow swallowed me and punted me on to a sandy shore where I lost consciousness.

————Flashback end————

It was dark when Skye woke up and found herself on a sandy shoreline and according to stars which she could somehow get a read that she is in the north east of New York quite a bit of distance away from where she was in Baltimore.

Here away from the beach there was a small village which she walked towards for shelter.

While walking she noticed some tracks of a huge serpent swishing through the sand.

She followed the tracks to find a double headed serpent, one head for the tail, sunbathing.

She observed its habits and movements for 3 days before she finally decided to hunt it.

She had to figure out a way a way to kill both its head as fast as possible or she would be food.

She covered herself with her blanket to cover herself and hide her scent, when she suddenly turned invisible. She was shocked then happy and grateful.

She sent a quick prayer to whoever who gave this blanket, be it her godly parent or someone else.

She pulled out her weapons from the shadow and got ready to lure the serpent into her trap.

She sent a quick prayer to the only goddess she knew, "Hey Lady Artemis, this is Skye Hunt who you may or may not remember. Eitherway, although not my first monster battle, this is my first hunt and likely my first kill. I would like to dedicate it to you and you know get some effective weapon in return, preferably sharp and which can be thrown. I didn't really get any weapons from my parent if I am supposed to be getting any and would greatly appreciate the help. Anyway I don't need you blessings in the hunt as I am confident I will succeed but after please give me a weapon. Thank you."

Skye jumped out of her hiding place and shouted at the snake, whose species name is Amphisbaena, "Hey you ugly cowardly loach!"

When she screamed she just wanted to vent her frustrations and didn't really think that this non humanoid monster would understand her words which it did and it caused both head to snap in her direction and hiss loudly.

The two heads tumbled over each other to get to Skye first which bought her ample time to prepare her trap.

She lured the snake the jungle area and quickly climbed a tree and sat at a higher branch. The snake noticing this started slithering up the tree.

When both of the heads were in the perfect position under the shadows of the branches she concentrated on the heads and pet spikes erupt from the shadows.

"Hisss!!", both heads screamed in pain as she jumped off her branch and with her knife coated in shadows cut of the uninjured head of the Amphisbaena leaving it writhing in pain.

She again used the shadows to repeatedly make spikes which eventually silenced the snake.

The serpent turned to golden dust and s

disappeared. As soon as it disappeared in its place were two crescent moon shaped darts.

A bright smile appeared on her face as she picked them up and they turned into two silver rings which she wore on the middle finger of both hands. They fit perfectly.

"Thank you, Lady Artemis." I laughed in joy at the wonderful gift I received.