
In Re:Zero from Teyvat As The Shadow Monarch

Cool, overpowered, low-profiled, no harem, but only Rem, What else do you want from an alpha male protagonist

Sung_Jin_Doo · Anime & Comics
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18 Chs

Zhongli Again

Alan made his way through the bustling streets of Liyue Harbor, his heart heavy with a mixture of gratitude and nostalgia. The time he had spent under Zhongli's guidance had been invaluable, shaping him into the warrior he had become. Now, it was time to bid his mentor farewell and embark on the next leg of his journey.

As he approached the grandiose Wangsheng Funeral Parlor, Alan couldn't help but feel a sense of reverence. It was here that he had first met Zhongli, a wise and enigmatic figure who had imparted to him countless lessons about the world, its history, and the intricacies of elemental powers.

Alan entered the serene halls of the funeral parlor, the familiar scent of incense enveloping him. The soft glow of candles illuminated the space, casting dancing shadows on the walls. He navigated the corridors with purpose, his footsteps echoing in the silence.

Finally, he arrived at Zhongli's study—a room adorned with ancient scrolls, artifacts, and intricate stone carvings. Zhongli sat behind a massive desk, engrossed in his scholarly pursuits. The sage turned his gaze towards Alan, his eyes filled with a mixture of fondness and wisdom.

"Ah, Alan," Zhongli greeted him, his voice carrying a soothing warmth. "I sensed your presence approaching. Come, sit."

Alan took a seat across from Zhongli, his heart swelling with a bittersweet mix of emotions. He looked at the sage, the man who had become a mentor, a guide, and a friend. Memories of their training sessions, their conversations about the world's secrets, and their shared moments of reflection flooded his mind.

"I came to say my final goodbyes, Zhongli," Alan began, his voice filled with gratitude. "Your teachings have shaped me in ways I never imagined. I am indebted to you for everything."

Zhongli smiled gently, his eyes crinkling with warmth. "It has been a pleasure to witness your growth, Alan. You have embraced the wisdom of the elements and honed your skills with unwavering dedication. But remember, the journey does not end here. There is much more to learn beyond the borders of Liyue."

Alan nodded, his resolve firm. "I understand, Zhongli. My path now leads me to Inazuma, a land shrouded in secrecy. I seek to uncover its mysteries and further expand my abilities. But I will always carry the lessons you have taught me in my heart."

Zhongli reached across the desk, placing a hand on Alan's. "You are destined for great things, Alan. Inazuma will test your mettle, but I have faith in your abilities. Embrace the challenges that come your way, learn from them, and let them shape you into an even stronger warrior."

Alan's eyes gleamed with determination. "I will, Zhongli. And I will return one day, to share with you the knowledge and experiences I have gained."

Zhongli nodded approvingly. "I eagerly await that day, my young student. Remember, the world is vast and filled with wonders. Seek knowledge, explore the depths of your abilities, and always stay true to yourself."

With a final nod, Alan rose from his seat, a sense of purpose radiating from his being. He extended his hand towards Zhongli, who grasped it firmly in a gesture of mutual respect.

"Thank you, Zhongli, for everything," Alan said, his voice filled with gratitude.

"And thank you, Alan, for being an eager and dedicated student," Zhongli replied, his voice carrying a touch of nostalgia. "May your journey be filled with triumphs and discoveries."