
In Re:Zero from Teyvat As The Shadow Monarch

Cool, overpowered, low-profiled, no harem, but only Rem, What else do you want from an alpha male protagonist

Sung_Jin_Doo · Anime & Comics
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18 Chs

Hu Tao

As Alan soared through the sky, his heart filled with a sense of accomplishment after successfully completing the Spiral Abyss, he spotted a familiar figure below. It was Hu Tao, the eccentric and enigmatic funeral director of Liyue. Intrigued by her presence, he decided to descend and introduce himself, curious about the enigmatic character he had heard so much about.

Author Note: Alan had unlock his dragon wings in the Spiral Abyss and was flying without Durin as he might attract lot of attention with a huge as 30 metres long Dragon. And people who sees him with his wings might thing it's a glider.

Hu Tao's eyes widened with excitement as she noticed Alan approaching. "Well, well, well, what do we have here? A new face in the skies," she exclaimed, a mischievous smile playing on her lips.

Alan landed gracefully, his feet touching the ground as he greeted Hu Tao with a warm smile. "Hello, I'm Alan. I've heard so much about you, Hu Tao. Your reputation as an expert in all things related to life and death precedes you."

Hu Tao's eyes gleamed with curiosity as she assessed Alan. "Alan, huh? That's quite the interesting name. So, what brings you here to Liyue, flying through the skies like a celestial bird?"

Alan chuckled and explained his recent journey through the Spiral Abyss and his desire to bid farewell to Zhongli before venturing to Inazuma. He mentioned his encounter with Hu Tao and his curiosity about her expertise in spirits and the afterlife.

Hu Tao's mischievous grin widened as she took a step closer to Alan. "Oh, so you're interested in spirits, huh? Well, my friend, you've come to the right person. As the director of the Wangsheng Funeral Parlor, I have an intimate relationship with all things related to death and the spirits that reside beyond."

Alan's eyes widened with intrigue. "I've always felt a strong connection to the spiritual realm, Hu Tao. Can you help me understand and harness that power?"

Hu Tao's playful expression turned contemplative as she studied Alan. "It seems you possess a unique affinity with the spirits, my friend. They are drawn to you, sensing your energy and potential. But harnessing that power requires understanding and respect for the delicate balance between life and death."

She paused for a moment before continuing, her tone shifting to a more serious one. "You see, Alan, the spirits are not to be trifled with. They require reverence and understanding. If you truly wish to explore your connection with them, you must approach them with an open heart and a willingness to learn."

"Is is definitely due to my 2 divine protections that being od the Death God and Spirit Gathering." Thought Alan. As he nodded, his gaze unwavering. "I understand, Hu Tao. I will approach the spirits with respect and reverence. I seek to learn and grow, to honor their presence and guidance."

Hu Tao's mischievous smile returned, and she clapped her hands together. "Good! I like your spirit, Alan. Perhaps we can embark on this journey together. I'll show you the ropes, introduce you to the wonders of the spiritual realm."

Alan's heart swelled with gratitude. He had found an unexpected ally in Hu Tao, someone who could guide him on this path of discovery. With a renewed sense of purpose and excitement, Alan and Hu Tao set off, their shared adventure into the realms of spirits and the mysteries of life and death just beginning.

As Alan and Hu Tao embarked on their shared adventure, they delved deeper into the realm of spirits and the mysteries of life and death. Hu Tao, with her vast knowledge and connection to the afterlife, became Alan's guide and mentor, introducing him to the intricacies of communicating with spirits.

Under Hu Tao's tutelage, Alan learned the ancient art of spirit communication. They visited sacred sites, performed rituals, and meditated in serene environments to attune themselves to the ethereal energies. Hu Tao taught Alan the importance of respecting the spirits and approaching them with humility and sincerity.

As they traveled through the vibrant landscapes of Teyvat, they encountered various spirits along their journey. Some were benevolent and eager to offer guidance, while others were more elusive, requiring Alan to develop his intuition and sensitivity to their presence.

Alan's innate connection with the spiritual realm deepened with each passing day. He honed his ability to sense the subtle shifts in energy, decipher messages from the spirits, and even channel their power when necessary. Hu Tao marveled at his progress, impressed by his natural talent and unwavering dedication.

Together, they ventured into ancient ruins, explored forgotten tombs, and communed with the spirits of long-lost civilizations. Alan's interactions with the spirits revealed not only profound wisdom but also unlocked hidden depths within himself. He discovered that his connection to the spirits was not just a means of harnessing power but a path of self-discovery and spiritual growth.

Throughout their journey, Alan and Hu Tao formed a deep bond, forged through shared experiences and a mutual fascination with the metaphysical. They laughed, exchanged stories, and challenged each other's perceptions, creating a camaraderie built on trust and respect.

As they continued their exploration, word of their exploits spread, and people began seeking their help. Villagers would come to them, seeking guidance or assistance in communicating with their departed loved ones. Alan and Hu Tao would lend a compassionate ear, helping those in need find closure and peace.

Their journey eventually led them to an ancient temple, nestled deep within a sacred forest. The temple was said to hold the key to unlocking even greater spiritual powers, a place where mortal and spiritual realms intertwined. It was a treacherous path, filled with trials and tests of their newfound abilities, but Alan and Hu Tao faced the challenges with unwavering determination.

Inside the temple, they encountered powerful spirits, guardians of ancient knowledge and guardians of the balance between life and death. Alan's connection with the spirits allowed him to navigate the trials with grace and insight. Together, they overcame every obstacle, proving their worthiness and earning the respect of the spirits that dwelled within the temple.

At the heart of the temple, they discovered a sacred artifact, a relic of immense spiritual power. Its purpose was not to shape-shift, but rather to enhance their abilities to commune with the spirits and channel their energy more effectively. Alan, guided by his deep connection to the spirits, reached out and touched the relic, feeling a surge of energy coursing through him.

With the relic in his grasp, Alan's power and understanding of the spirits reached new heights. He could communicate with them more effortlessly, receiving clearer messages and guidance. The relic became a conduit for his spiritual energy, allowing him to channel it in more focused and potent ways.

As Alan and Hu Tao left the temple, their hearts filled with awe and gratitude, they knew that their journey together was far from over. They would continue to explore the realms of spirits, seeking greater understanding and enlightenment. And as they ventured forth, they carried with them the wisdom and power they had gained, ready to face whatever challenges awaited them on their path.

United by their shared affinity for the spirit world, Alan and Hu Tao would continue to unravel the mysteries of spirits.

After a month

As Alan and Hu Tao concluded their memorable journey together, they stood at the crossroads where their paths diverged. The bond they had formed through their shared experiences remained strong, and they knew they would always cherish the time they spent together. With heartfelt farewells and promises to meet again, they bid each other goodbye, knowing that their individual journeys would continue to shape them.

With Hu Tao's departure, Alan's thoughts turned to his next destination—to visit Zhongli, Which honestly he had forgotten due to the time he had spent with Hu Tao.

Arthur note: It has been 2 years and 3 months since Alan Arrived. 10 months of training with Zhongli, 6 months of training with Venti, 4 months with Hu Tao and rest in his journey.