
In Re:Zero from Teyvat As The Shadow Monarch

Cool, overpowered, low-profiled, no harem, but only Rem, What else do you want from an alpha male protagonist

Sung_Jin_Doo · Anime & Comics
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18 Chs

Too Soon

As Alan ventured further into Inazuma, the land of eternal thunderstorms and oppressive rule, he couldn't help but notice the stark contrast between the breathtaking beauty of the surroundings and the underlying tension that gripped the nation. The people lived under the watchful gaze of the Raiden Shogun, enduring strict regulations and a lack of freedom.

With each step, Alan felt the weight of his mission grow heavier. He knew that he had to find a way to bring about change, to inspire hope in the hearts of the people and loosen the grip of the Electro Archon. The fireworks given to him by Yoi Miya served as a reminder of that mission, their vibrant colors symbolizing the light he aimed to ignite.

As he made his way through the bustling streets of Inazuma, Alan observed the weariness and resignation etched on the faces of the citizens. Their spirits seemed dampened, their hopes subdued. But Alan refused to let the oppressive atmosphere deter him. He knew that even a single spark could ignite a revolution.

Word of his arrival had spread, and whispers of a traveler with extraordinary powers began to circulate. It wasn't long before the attention of the Shogunate was drawn to him. Alan found himself pursued by the relentless forces of the Vision Hunt Decree, their intent clear: to capture him and suppress any potential threat to the status quo.

Cornered in an alley, Alan prepared to face his pursuers, his grip tightening around the firework sticks. He could feel the surge of energy coursing through him, the latent power of the fireworks eager to be unleashed. But as the Shogunate soldiers closed in, a voice rang out, cutting through the tension.


The voice belonged to Yae Miko, the esteemed shrine maiden and loyal supporter of the Raiden Shogun. She stood before Alan, her expression a mix of curiosity and authority. Her presence commanded attention, her every movement radiating grace and strength.

"You have caught the attention of the Raiden Shogun," Yae Miko stated, her tone measured yet tinged with intrigue. "But it seems she wishes to understand your intentions before passing judgment."

Alan regarded Yae Miko with caution, sensing an opportunity amidst the uncertainty. He lowered his guard slightly but remained vigilant. "I seek to bring change to Inazuma, to unite the people and foster a brighter future. The Vision Hunt Decree brings suffering and stifles the potential of the nation. I wish to challenge the status quo."

Yae Miko's eyes flickered with a mixture of surprise and contemplation. "Your words are bold, outsider. You have faced the might of the Shogunate and displayed powers beyond the ordinary. Perhaps... there is more to you than meets the eye."

She paused, her gaze lingering on the firework sticks in Alan's hands. "These fireworks... They hold a power, a symbol of celebration and unity. Perhaps they are the key to unlocking the hearts of the people. Show me, traveler, what you are capable of."

Alan understood the gravity of the moment. This was his chance to make a lasting impression, to showcase the power of unity and hope. He raised the firework sticks high, infusing them with his own energy. The night sky above Inazuma erupted in a brilliant display of colors and patterns, each firework bursting forth with a mesmerizing brilliance.

The people of Inazuma, who had been living in fear and darkness, emerged from their homes, drawn to the spectacle above. They watched in awe and wonder as the fireworks illuminated the night, their spirits lifted by the beauty and the symbolism of the display.

Yae Miko observed the scene, her gaze softening. She turned to Alan, a newfound respect.

As the fireworks painted the sky with vibrant hues, a glimmer of hope began to take hold in the hearts of the Inazuman people. They saw in Alan's display not just a dazzling spectacle but a symbol of resilience and unity—a spark that could ignite the fires of change.

Yae Miko approached Alan, her eyes shimmering with a mix of curiosity and admiration. "You possess a power that resonates with the people, traveler. Your ability to inspire hope is undeniable. Perhaps there is a chance for a new path in Inazuma."

Alan nodded, grateful for the opportunity to have his voice heard. "I believe that change is possible, even in the face of the Shogunate's oppressive rule. The people deserve a future where they can embrace their dreams and thrive."

Yae Miko regarded him thoughtfully. "I have seen your conviction and witnessed your strength. But to truly understand the plight of Inazuma, there is one more challenge you must face—a trial that lies beyond this illusion."

With those words, Yae Miko's form shimmered and transformed into an ethereal specter, a mirror image of the Raiden Shogun herself. The dummy Raiden Shogun stood before Alan, ready to test his resolve and determination.

Without hesitation, Alan summoned his Geo powers, creating barriers of stone and launching powerful earth-based attacks. The dummy Raiden Shogun countered with lightning-infused strikes, her speed and precision unmatched.

The battle that ensued was intense, with the clash of elemental energies reverberating through the air. Alan pushed himself to his limits, his determination unwavering. He utilized his agility and strategic thinking to evade attacks and find openings to strike back.

After a grueling struggle, Alan managed to land a decisive blow, shattering the illusion of the dummy Raiden Shogun. As the specter dissipated into nothingness, Yae Miko appeared once again, her expression a mix of surprise and admiration.

"You have surpassed expectations, traveler," she said, a newfound respect evident in her voice. "Your strength and unwavering spirit have earned you an audience with the true Raiden Shogun."

Alan nodded, his heart filled with both anticipation and a sense of accomplishment. This was the moment he had been waiting for—the chance to present his vision for Inazuma directly to the ruler herself.

Guided by Yae Miko, Alan ventured deeper into the heart of Inazuma, finally reaching the grand palace where the Raiden Shogun resided. The halls were adorned with opulence, a stark contrast to the suffering experienced by the people outside.

As Alan approached the throne room, his heart raced. He had come this far, and he would not falter now. The doors swung open, revealing the imposing figure of the Raiden Shogun seated on her throne, radiating power and authority.

The meeting between Alan and Raiden Shogun was fraught with tension. Their conflicting ideologies clashed like thunder and lightning, each representing a different vision for the future of Inazuma. As they stood face to face, their gazes locked in a battle of wills, it was clear that a confrontation was inevitable.

Raiden Shogun, resolute and unwavering, saw herself as the sole guardian of Inazuma's stability. She believed in the concept of eternity, the necessity of the Vision Hunt Decree, and the unification of the Electro Archon's will. To her, the pursuit of eternity was a means of protecting the people from suffering and chaos.

Alan, on the other hand, stood firm in his belief in freedom, individuality, and the power of the people. He rejected the notion that one person should hold absolute control and determine the fate of an entire nation. He believed in the potential for change, for the people to shape their own destinies, and for the power of the Vision-bearers to be embraced rather than suppressed.

Their clash of ideals ignited a tempest of energy, the air crackling with tension. Without words, they engaged in a fierce battle, their elemental powers colliding in a dazzling display of light and thunder. Raiden's electro surged through the air, crackling with immense power, while Alan's anemo infused the battlefield with swirling gusts of wind.

It was like a battle between two conquerors haki users, there aura colliding with each other.