
In Re:Zero from Teyvat As The Shadow Monarch

Cool, overpowered, low-profiled, no harem, but only Rem, What else do you want from an alpha male protagonist

Sung_Jin_Doo · Anime & Comics
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18 Chs

Raiden El Vs Alan

Alan's heart pounded in his chest as he stood before the mighty Raiden Shogun, ready to confront her in battle. His determination burned brighter than ever, fueled by his unwavering belief in the need for change in Inazuma.

The Raiden Shogun's eyes met Alan's, a mixture of curiosity and resolve in her gaze. Without a word, the clash of their powers began. The room erupted into a tempest of elemental energy as Alan unleashed his Anemo abilities with precision, creating powerful gusts of wind that danced around him.

The Raiden Shogun, wielding the might of electro, countered his attacks with calculated precision. Bolts of lightning crackled through the air, illuminating the room with their brilliance. The clash between Anemo and Electro shook the very foundations of the throne room.

Alan's every movement was infused with determination and purpose. He drew upon his years of training, his connection with the elements, and the resolve that had brought him this far. With each strike, he pushed himself further, refusing to yield.

But the Raiden Shogun was a formidable opponent, her mastery of electro unmatched. She swiftly dodged and parried Alan's attacks, retaliating with devastating precision. The battle seemed to reach a stalemate, neither side able to gain a clear advantage.

As their clash intensified, the throne room's magnificent architecture quaked under the strain of their powers. The air crackled with energy, and the room was filled with a symphony of clashing elements.

Beside him stood Durin, the mighty black dragon, and his loyal shadow soldiers. They fought valiantly, their combined might delivering powerful blows against Raiden Shogun's forces. The battlefield crackled with energy as shadow clashed with light, but it soon became apparent that their opponents were too numerous and too powerful.

One by one, the shadow soldiers fell, their ethereal forms dissipating into the air. Alan felt a deep sense of loss and despair as he saw his comrades defeated.

Just when it seemed like Alan's resolve would falter, a surge of newfound strength coursed through his veins. It was as if a dormant power within him had been awakened, fueled by the intensity of the battle. Shadows swirled around him, intertwining with his Anemo energy.

With a roar of determination, Alan tapped into his latent potential, his body surging with energy. He unleashed the power of Shadow Monarch Mode, transforming into a being completely made out of shadow. His form radiated an aura of darkness and raw power as he embraced his newfound abilities.

With this newfound ability, Alan's attacks took on an otherworldly intensity. The shadows lashed out, merging with his Anemo abilities to create a devastating force. The Raiden Shogun, taken aback by this sudden transformation, found herself on the defensive.

In this shadowy state, Alan's strength increased exponentially. His strikes were swift and devastating, each blow leaving a trail of darkness in its wake. He moved with unparalleled agility, weaving through Raiden Shogun's attacks with uncanny grace.

But Alan knew he needed more if he were to overcome Raiden Shogun's overwhelming power. Drawing upon his unwavering determination, he tapped into the depths of his being and unleashed the Oni Mode. In this state, his ability to gather energy from the air intensified to an extraordinary degree, allowing him to channel the ambient elemental energy around him at an astonishing rate.

As the air crackled with electricity, Alan's movements became a blur. He fought with unparalleled speed and ferocity, his attacks infused with the raw power of the elements. Each strike delivered a surge of energy that reverberated through the battlefield.

However, even with his newfound abilities, Alan struggled to gain the upper hand against Raiden Shogun's indomitable will. Blow after blow, he fought on, his body battered and bruised, but his spirit unwavering.

At the brink of exhaustion and on the verge of defeat, a final surge of power surged within Alan. In a moment of clarity, he unlocked the true potential of his abilities. His entire being merged with the shadowy energy that surrounded him, and he ascended to his ultimate form—the Shadow Monarch Dragon.

As the dragon's immense form materialized, shrouded in darkness, a roar of power shook the battlefield. The shadowy dragon radiated an aura of ancient wisdom and untamed strength. With the dragon's assistance, Alan's abilities reached their peak, surpassing anything he had ever imagined.

In a breathtaking display of power, Alan and the Shadow Monarch Dragon unleashed a devastating onslaught against Raiden Shogun. Their attacks were a symphony of darkness and raw power, overwhelming Raiden Shogun's defenses. The clash between light and shadow intensified, illuminating the battlefield in a dazzling display of elemental prowess.

And then, with a resounding strike, Raiden Shogun was defeated. She fell to her knees, her once indomitable spirit broken. Alan stood before her, his form pulsating with the residual energy of his unleashed abilities. He felt a mix of emotions—triumph, relief, and a sense of awe at the untapped power he had discovered.

As Raiden Shogun knelt before Alan, her once indomitable spirit now broken, he felt a surge of conflicting emotions within him. The taste of victory mingled with a sense of compassion and mercy. He realized that ending her life would not bring him the satisfaction he sought.

Just as Alan contemplated his next move, a sudden presence made itself known. Yae Miko, the esteemed and wise leader of the Shrine of Inazuma, appeared on the battlefield. Her eyes held a mixture of concern and determination as she surveyed the scene before her. She approached Alan, her voice filled with urgency as she pleaded for him to spare Raiden's life.

"Alan, I understand your grievances, and I too seek change in Inazuma," Yae Miko began. "But Raiden is still a vital figure in our nation. Inazuma needs her leadership, even if it means her methods must evolve. Please, consider sparing her life."

Alan paused, his gaze shifting between Yae Miko and the weakened Raiden Shogun. He understood the weight of Yae Miko's words. Killing Raiden wouldn't bring about the transformation he desired. It would only leave Inazuma in further chaos, with a power vacuum that could plunge the nation into deeper turmoil.

Taking a deep breath, Alan reluctantly lowered his weapon. He glanced at Yae Miko, his expression filled with resolve. "Very well," he said. "I will spare her life, but on one condition."

Yae Miko's eyes widened, curiosity and anticipation mingling on her face. "Name it," she replied, her voice filled with a mixture of caution and hope.

"I want Raiden to acknowledge the need for change and work towards a more inclusive and balanced Inazuma," Alan stated firmly. "No more suffering caused by the Vision Hunt Decree, no more oppression. Inazuma needs to embrace a new era where the visions are respected, and the people's voices are heard."

Yae Miko nodded in agreement, understanding the significance of Alan's condition. "I will convey your message to Raiden," she assured him. "Together, we will strive to bring about a brighter future for Inazuma, where unity and progress reign."

With that, Alan stepped back, giving Yae Miko the space to attend to the wounded Raiden Shogun. As he watched them, a mix of emotions flooded his heart—relief, hope, and a sense of responsibility for the path he had chosen.

The battle may have ended, but the journey toward change had just begun. Alan knew that his role in Inazuma's transformation was far from over. With the combined efforts of Yae Miko, the people of Inazuma, and his own unwavering determination, they would strive to reshape the nation into one that fostered harmony, justice, and progress.

And so, as Alan looked upon the recovering Raiden Shogun and the determined Yae Miko, he felt a renewed sense of purpose. The fate of Inazuma hung in the balance, and he was ready to embrace the challenges ahead, guided by his ideals and the hope for a better future.

Yae Miko turned towards Alan, her gaze unwavering. "You have shown great strength and mercy, Alan. In recognition of your valor and willingness to spare Raiden Shogun, I offer you a boon. Name your wish, and I shall do my utmost to fulfill it."

Alan approached Yae Miko, his eyes filled with a newfound determination. He knew that to truly understand the path of change in Inazuma, he needed to learn from Raiden herself. He turned to Yae Miko and spoke with conviction.

"Yae Miko, I ask you to let Raiden teach me the way of the electro," Alan said. "I want to understand her perspective, her vision for Inazuma, and the power of electro that she wields. If I am to bring about meaningful change, I need to learn from both her triumphs and her mistakes."

Yae Miko regarded Alan, her gaze filled with contemplation. She understood the significance of his request. By learning from Raiden, Alan could gain invaluable insights into the nature of power, leadership, and the complexities of Inazuma's political landscape.

After a moment of thoughtful consideration, Yae Miko nodded. "Very well, Alan," she said. "I will convey your request to Raiden. But I must warn you, her teachings may not be what you expect. The way of the electro is rooted in her beliefs and the history of Inazuma. Are you prepared to face the challenges that lie ahead?"

Alan's resolve remained unyielding. "I am ready," he replied. "I understand that there will be obstacles and conflicting ideologies, but I believe that by learning from Raiden, I can gain a deeper understanding of Inazuma's past, present, and the future we aspire to create."

Yae Miko offered a small smile, acknowledging Alan's determination. "Very well," she said. "I will arrange a meeting between you and Raiden. Be prepared for a journey that will test your limits and reshape your perspective."

And so, Alan embarked on a new chapter of his journey—one that would take him deep into the heart of Inazuma, guided by the enigmatic Raiden Shogun. He knew that the path ahead would be arduous, filled with challenges, and laden with difficult choices. But he was ready to embrace it all, fueled by his unwavering belief in a better Inazuma.

As he followed Yae Miko's lead, Alan's mind buzzed with anticipation and curiosity. What would he learn from Raiden? How would her teachings shape his understanding of the electro element and its potential for positive change? Only time would reveal the answers, and Alan was eager to uncover the truth hidden within Inazuma's tempestuous winds of transformation.