
In Quest of buildings a kingdom!

[This novel is filled with kingdom building and war type . For those who are interested in this type of plot , this novel is best for you guys. There will be tons of upgrades and improvements , it is not fast growing but slow yet fun. At the starting of the novel there will be some stories and after reaching 7 -8 He will start the Quest of kingdom building .] The Blaze Kingdom "You are not worthy to be the king of the Blaze Kingdom " A beautiful woman looked at him coldly and said with overbearing manner. Aaron couldn't help but say in despair "Aunt ...why ?" The beautiful eyes of the women narrowed and said with indifference "This is the rule of the jungle . Only the strong has the right to rule as for weak like you do not deserve this fortune ". Later Aaron was ruthlessly fell down from the rightful heir of blaze Kingdom . Now he became someone with no status and support. His loyal followers who once said that they will follow him to the end now looked at him with mockery and disdain . The officials and general kept silent while his enemies tried to kill him . Even his future wife broke up the engagement pact which made him a joke in the royal family. With no one supporting him and the constant pursuit of the enemy made him sick of his life . "Alright it's time to end this" He looked below the cliff and ready to end his life but something happened which changed his life . [QUEST TO BUILD A KINGDOM ] Will he strive forward or doomed in the scheme of power struggle ? Only the time will tell !

Depressed_life · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
26 Chs

Chapter 2

"Where is aunt?"

The third princess who was crying silently said with uncertainty

"I don't know. Imperial Mother said that she will come soon as possible "

He didn't feel anything but nodded his head and left the room with a heavy heart. Darius silently followed him whenever he went without any emotions.

Soon the death of the king was spread everywhere and many people cried hearing this but when they heard that the crown prince Aaron was the next King many people become cheerful because of his kindness and generosity he was more popular than the Old king so many citizen and nobles supported the Will of the old king but except some forces who are planing something big .

Two days the funeral for the old king was completed and today is the ceremony for the New king to inherit the throne .


In the king hall ,

All the high officials and nobles were waiting at the sides for the arrival of the new king with anticipation and curiosity . Some also had evil intent and hostility for the new king since he offended some people by bringing out justice and punishing them without giving them any face , this made them hate him so they didn't miss this chance to provoke him .

It's best if he didn't become king or else they would have to be low profile and become humble. That's made them uncomfortable and felt that Aaron slapped their face publicly which made them humiliation that's why they are here for to do some trouble indirectly for him.

Of course even through Aaron would be the new King , He still has to take time in controlling the situation and that would be enough for them to create some problems for them .

A tall handsome youth who was take a sip of red wine casually said to the nearby ladies and gentlemen wil low voice.

"I heard that something is big going to happen today? Pardon me ! Do you have any news about this ? "

The group of ladies and gentlemen who were talking each other became silent hearing this . One of the lady who had a curly hair said leaning closer to them in fearing others would ears drop their conversation.

"Hm.. there is a rumour that the second Prince is unhappy about the old king decision and badly wanted to rebel against it "

The rest of the group didn't look surprised at the news at all . One of the youth who had a dark complexion said coldly

"Dianna you really have late news "

Hearing this the lady who said the news , Dianna couldn't help but ask in displeasure

"Charles do you think you know something more than we don't know ?"

Charles brought a drink and took a light sip . He lightly shook the glass and said with a mocking tone

"Yes I know and the news I have could be terrifying enough to shake the current situation"

Hearing this the rest of their interest piqued and they all urged him to tell the news fastly.

Dianna face couldn't help but sank and she coldly said to Charles

"You better don't speak nonsense and court trouble ."

Charles sneered and replied to her

"It's none of your buisness"

Dianna snorted unhappily.

The rest of the people meditated between them and calmed down the infuriated Dianna .

One of the lady said with a seductive smile

"Charles hurry up say what's your so called news ?"

Charles stopped provoking Dianna and became serious

"I heard that the New King Aunt didn't attend the funeral of the old king"

Hearing this some of their eyes narrowed and others with confusion.

One of the youth said in confusion

"What's so special about this?"

The rest of the people looked at him in disdain which made the youth flushed in embarassment.

Only fools would not understand the meaning of the sentence.

Even the neighbouring kingdom kings visited for the funeral of the old king yet the Aunt of new king didn't visit !

Isn't this unnatural ?

No matter how busy you are ! Are you that much busy to not attend the funeral of former ruler of the blaze Kingdom ?

Understanding the hidden meaning the rest of the group felt that something was big going to happen today which made them fearful and at the same time excitement.

Seeing their reaction Charles decided to drop some more news to create chaos

"And today someone saw New king Aunt was leaving her home to attend today ceremony "

As he said he drank the whole wine in the cup and left the group .

But the rest of the group became stunned hearing the news .

The new kings Aunt left the home today !

This was the only news could be echoed in their minds. .

After some second one of the lady couldn't help but say

"She didn't attend the funeral but now she was attending the new king ceremony ? Isn't that she indirectly revolting?"

Dianna couldn't help but say

"I heard that the old king and The new king Aunt had a conflict but I thought it was a rumour but it's looks like not all rumours are false "

One of the youth thought for a while and said slowly

"My father once said that the New king Aunt is the real H-"

Before he could say the sentence he was stooped by the rest of them . The youth knew he shouldn't casually talk about the royal family affairs like that or else his while family will be killed if some royal family heard him talking like that.

He face became pale and hurriedly shut his mouth from fear.

Dianna said seriously to the youth

"Remember never talk royal family affair that openly or else we don't even know how we die"

The rest of them nodded in their understanding and soon silence regained in their group .

After some time the seductive girl wanted to say something but suddenly a loud voice could be heard from the entrance of the king palace


Hearing this all the people in the hall became silent and soon footsteps sound could be heard in the entire hall.

The cheerful and mumbling sounds became dead silence only the sound of footsteps could be heard which made many people feel uneasy all of a sudden.
