
In One Piece with the Ironman Armor

Sengoku: I want various destroyers, battleships, and super soldier potions. Vegapunk : I want the T-Virus Dragon: I want a lot of AK47 rifles, armored vehicles and T72 tanks. Kings of Countries: We want Terminator T800 and T1000 robots as bodyguards. Itami smiled : No problem, as long as you join me.

Shihao777 · Anime & Comics
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54 Chs

Chapter 6 : Depressed Sengoku

Looking at Darth Vader in front of him, Itami came to and stammered.

"Sir, sir?"

He immediately asked: "System, you will not be the one who bought the Stormtrooper genes, so you rewarded me Darth Vader?"


Itami didn't think so at all, but now he didn't have time to think about it.

He saw Darth Vader asking in that unique synthetic voice.

"Are you the object of my loyalty?"

There was an air of pride in his tone.

Itami nodded with a smile and didn't care about his attitude. The characters produced by the system are absolutely loyal.

And he knew very well that the character of Darth Vader was like that.

Itami stepped forward and say, "He's just in time, sir."

"With your help, I won't have to stay at the base for long to gather strength."

Though Darth Vader was wondering why the person in front of him was calling him Sir.

But still he asked: "Do you have any orders?" Under the mask of him, came the unique synthetic sound.

Itami had a smirk on his face: "There is no rush, although your arrival has greatly increased my strength."

"But after all, we only have two people, and we still need to train some subordinates."

Speaking of which, he seemed to remember something.

"By the way, can I use Darth Vader's genes to grow clones?"

"Yes, but I advise you not to do this."

"Because?" Itami asked.

The System explained: "Since you know Darth Vader, host."

"It should have been known that the armor on him was actually a life support system."

"Once unleashed, Darth Vader is likely to die."

Hearing the words of the system, Itami remembered it at this moment.

Darth Vader is no longer Anakin.

During his duel with Obi-Wan, his legs and left arm were removed.

He can only rely on the current armor to sustain life.

"Is there a device that can restore Darth Vader?" He asked

"As long as the Host builds up reputation and gains a powerful healing device, Darth Vader can make a full recovery."

"In the end, I still need money." Itami sneered.

Of course, anyway, with the help of Darth Vader, his security has improved a lot.

After all, as a master of the force, Darth Vader's strength is very terrifying.

With the addition of the Stormtrooper genes, I think it won't be long before he can cultivate an army of clones.


Time passed slowly, and it had been half a month since Itami killed Celestial Dragons.

In the last two weeks though there are still a lot of people commenting on his exploits.

But compared to the beginning, he has slowly returned to calm.

After all, the world can't revolve around just one person.


Naval Headquarters, Marineford.

Inside the Marshal's office, Sengoku's face filled with helplessness: "The Five Elders have given me an ultimatum."

"I must find the criminal within a month, otherwise they are going to cut off a large part of Marine's economy."

Hearing this, Tsuru frowned, but Garp next to him said.

"Isn't it just a Celestial Dragons, is all this fuss necessary?"

Tsuru gave him an amused look and said, "These dead Heavenly Dragons are all about the face of the world government, they will definitely find out the murderer at all costs and deal with him."

"Declare your authority to the whole world with the impetus of thunder."

"And by the way it prevents some people from having thoughts they shouldn't have."

Garp sneered at her: "Any bad ideas? Are you still afraid of someone threatening your rule?"

Tsuru crossed her arms: "You know this world well Garp. Once this kind of thing happens for the first time, there may be a second and third time."

"As world nobles, you cannot allow anything to threaten your rule."

Sengoku next door said at this time: "Now is not the time to discuss this, let's think about how to find this person."

Tsuru asked, "Is there any news from CP0?"

Sengoku shook his head: "Like us, they have no idea."

"If that's the case, then prepare for the worst."

Hearing her say this, Sengoku had a sad face, "Okay, marine may have a tough time ahead."


Just as they were arguing, somewhere in the sea, a Navy ship was sailing.

At that moment, a Marine soldier standing guard noticed a small black speck rapidly approaching in the distance.

After noticing this situation, he immediately informed his superior.

"Report, Vice Admiral Momonga, an unknown object is approaching us at extreme speed in the direction of 3 o'clock."

Hearing his words, Vice Admiral Momonga went up to the deck and looked at the approaching object.

He carefully observed and discovered that it was a flying creation that he had never seen before.

"Can it fly, or is it made of iron, what is this?"

Although he was puzzled, Momonga carefully held the handle of the knife in his hand.

Soon the plane passed over them and hung there.

The rest of the ship saw its shape.

This is a fighter jet with a fan engine and a streamlined appearance.

For the people of the pirate world who have never seen such a shape. At first glance, you will feel very beautiful, and the whole body shows a sense of sophistication.

If someone who has seen Marvel is here, they will definitely recognize it at a glance.

This is SHIELD's special plane, the Quinjet.

At this moment, the side door of the fighter plane was suddenly opened, and Itami's figure appeared there.

He looked at the warship below and said.

"I heard that you marines transport the Heavenly Gold?"





Chapter 7 : Anakin vs Vice Admiral

Chapter 8 : Anakin vs Vice Admiral (2)

Chapter 9 : Yue in action






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