
In One Piece with Pokémon ~Hiatus~

Have you ever wondered what the One Piece World would be if Pokémon existed in it alongside humans? Follow Rudra on his adventure in the One Piece World (and maybe some other worlds?) along with his Pokemon Team. . . . . This is my first time writing anything and am open to criticism in the comments and reviews section. I wish to better myself in writing, and i really appreciate the help. Thank You. I am posting this fanfic on both RoyalRoad and Scribblehub. Here are the links to my profile:- https://www.royalroad.com/profile/360175 https://www.scribblehub.com/profile/124423/divine_nebula/

Divine_Nebula · Anime & Comics
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The First Partner Hatches

A few days later...

Rudra, Cynthia, and Paimon were with Prof. Carolina learning about the history of Hoenn and the ancient paintings that were found in the Granite Cave, from her. She was telling them about the legend of two legendary Pokémon fighting for dominance and a third Pokémon descending to stop them from causing more destruction in the world.

The Hoenn legends claim that Kyogre could call upon rain and created the seas and Groudon used its heat to repel the rains and create land, thus creating all the continents that exist today. These continents are said to have been towed into their places by another legendary Pokémon called Regigigas. Whenever Kyogre and Groudon met they would always clash as their nature opposed each other and during these clashes could only be stopped by Raquaza, the sky-high legendary Pokémon who lived in the Ozone layer.

It is said that in some of their clashes, Kyogre and Groudon had undergone a phenomenon named Primal Reversion, which was similar to the Mega Evolution that was discovered recently. To stop them Rayquaza too had transformed but it was unknown if it was Primal Reversion.

That is why they were researching the legends of different regions as each one of them contains information and secrets we have no idea about.

Rudra and Cynthia were fascinated by the legends and had planned to go on a journey together to unravel all the secrets from the ancient legends in all the regions and about the wars that happened around 3000 years ago that people of today had no idea about. The world government had suppressed the information they had about the wars and had vouched to never reveal them to the world.

But their journey would have to wait since they had to grow up first. Cynthia would start her journey before Rudra as she was 4 years older than him and he would have to wait till she returns from participating in the Lily of the Valley Conference(Sinnoh League) in Sinnoh.

Just as they were listening to Carolina, the egg that had been gifted to him on his birthday, which he never left away from him for no longer than a few seconds, started glowing brightly. He realized what was happening and then got up and ran downstairs where his mum and brother were working along with the other Pokémon Professors. Cynthia and Carolina followed after him.

"Mum, brother, look, it's hatching," He exclaimed as he ran towards them.

"Oh, it's a fire-type Pokémon. Charizard, Mega evolve and feed it your fire and infinity energies" Oak said and commanded his Champion rank Charizard.

"It's traces of fighting and psychic energies too. Gardevoir, Medicham you too mega evolve and feed it your psychic, fighting, and infinity energies," Parvati did the same with her Master and Champion ranked Pokémon.

"Blaziken, Gardevior, you too," said Ganesha to his Master ranked Pokémon.

"Tauros, Charizard, Incineroar, same," Shiva had also come to see the birth of his son's first Pokémon, and had decided to feed it with the energies of his Master ranked Pokémon too.

One by one all the Professors brought out their Pokémon and started feeding the egg with some of their own energy.

It is always recommended to have the egg's parents around when it's being hatched as they feed it their energies and help it maintain its health. In this case, the egg was being fed by multiple Champion and Master rank Pokémon. The egg wasn't being overflown with energy as Parvati had started guiding the energy and was feeding it properly. She knew that the Pokémon was of Mythical Potential as she saw how much energy the baby was feeding on.

After a while, she told everyone to stop feeding it with energy when she felt that it had reached its limits. Everyone stopped and looked at the egg as they waited patiently. They knew that the Pokémon was going to be extremely strong and were excited to see it. This was going to be no less than a miracle.

Rudra looked at the egg with anticipation as cracks started forming on the egg. Moments later a blue foot popped out of the egg, and then another one popped out from the side. And then the Pokémon inside finally broke free and had completely hatched and Paimon started clapping with joy jumping in the air.

Rudra looked at the Pokémon and was completely baffled.

It was a Torchic, his favorite Pokémon evolution line. But this was not a normal Torchic. It had black feathers, its mane, and its crest were larger than normal and blue in color, and it was huge, way bigger than a normal Torchic.

He watched it open its eyes and stare at him. It felt as if it was staring into his soul. It then cheerfully jumped around and crashed into him causing him to fall to back laughing. He had a partner now, one that would be his companion forever.

"Paimon, stats please," he asked, as he wanted to know why it was so large, and black and blue in color instead of the normal orange and yellow.

"Here you go,

Name:- Torchic

Category:- Chick Pokémon

Type:- Fire

Description:- Torchic sticks with its Trainer, following behind with unsteady steps. This Pokémon breathes fire of over 1,800 degrees Fahrenheit, including fireballs that leave the foe scorched black. Torchic has a place inside its body where it keeps its flame. Give it a hug—it will be glowing with warmth. This Pokémon is covered all over by a fluffy coat of down.

Potential:- Mythical

Rank:- Normal

Height:- 1 m

Weight:- 9.5 kg

Moves:- Scratch, Growl, Ember, Detect, Focus Energy, Calm Mind, Confusion,

Counter, Rock Smash, Hypnosis

Ability:- Blaze

Hidden Ability:- Speed Boost

Nature:- Jolly

Specialties:- This Torchic is Mutated. Its parents are Master Ranked Blaziken and Shiny Gardevior. Due to both of them being at master rank one gene couldn't dominate the other. Therefore this Pokémon has Psychic abilities including the fire and fighting type."

After taking a look at his Torchics stats he was shocked. It was at this moment that he knew, he had received a terrifying Pokémon.

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