
In One Piece with Pokémon ~Hiatus~

Have you ever wondered what the One Piece World would be if Pokémon existed in it alongside humans? Follow Rudra on his adventure in the One Piece World (and maybe some other worlds?) along with his Pokemon Team. . . . . This is my first time writing anything and am open to criticism in the comments and reviews section. I wish to better myself in writing, and i really appreciate the help. Thank You. I am posting this fanfic on both RoyalRoad and Scribblehub. Here are the links to my profile:- https://www.royalroad.com/profile/360175 https://www.scribblehub.com/profile/124423/divine_nebula/

Divine_Nebula · Anime & Comics
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27 Chs

Heaven Party

"Ugh," Rudra groaned as he woke up from what seemed like the best sleep he had in years. He was very surprised as he found himself in an unfamiliar environment. He looked around and there was nothing around him. Just darkness. A few seconds later he started hearing a familiar song and all his senses started returning to him.

He looked around to see if he could find the source of the song and saw a weird unearthly door behind him. He had found the source. He stood up and started to move towards the door. The song started getting louder and louder as he moved closer. The moment he was about to reach out for the door he started getting a weird feeling. It felt as if someone or something was telling him that opening the door was the most important choice for his existence. If he decided to go through then life as he knew would change forever.

" I have nothing to lose anyway "

He said as he decided to open the door. He pushed the door open and a blast of sound hit him in the face. He covered his ears trying to protect them and looked around. He was trying to comprehend what he was seeing around him. Utter shock was what he felt when he finally understood what was going on.

(Just Wanna Rock-Lil Uzi Vert)



"Wha...What in the flying f**ck is this !??!"

The only words he could use to describe the scene were a concert or a party. A massive massive party with hundreds of millions of people jumping around and dancing to music. He was baffled, to say the least.

"A new soul has joined Eveeryybooodyyy!!!"

A booming voice was heard and everyone cheered for Rudra.

"Come on newbie, DAAANCEEE !!"

Rudra looked at where the voice was coming from and was surprised to see an extremely handsome man with a blue skin tone, four arms, long unkempt hair, a snake around his neck, a crescent moon on his hair wearing headphones controlling a DJ mixer, and a chibi cow-calf dancing on stage with other 'beings?' putting up a beautiful performance. There were large digital screens all around the arena/venue/colleseum?, he had never seen a large structure like this ever in his life, displaying what he assumed was the DJ's name, ''DJ SHIVA". Now that was a name he was very familiar with and when he saw it, he finally started understanding what had happened, or rather what was happening to him. But he couldn't hold that thought for too long as he heard the voice again.

"Come on my boy DANCE!!"

He was overwhelmed at first and didn't know what took over him as he started dancing to the music, but he liked it.

'Buh, Buh, Buh, Buh'

'Buh, Buh, Buh, Buh'

Dancing was one of the few things he found happiness in and he was glad to dance with so many people just enjoying themselves. He danced for hours and hours on different songs and didn't realize how fast time passed by. After a while the music stopped and the booming voice was heard again.

"That was some beautiful dancing my people. Now is the time to choose a winner. Judges, please cast your votes."

Rudra looked at the 'Judges' the DJ pointed towards and was again surprised to see so many people who he could only describe as unearthly beautiful. As he took a closer look at them he was surprised again to see 'them' further validating his thought from before.

"And the WINNER of the 1 Billionth Heaven Dance Championship is..."

There was pin-drop silence as everyone watched him, eagerly awaiting the result. Just as he opened his mouth to say the words, everyone stopped breathing.

"Any guesses ?" He said with a grin and everyone lost their minds.

Here they were with their imaginary hearts stopped and breaths held and this man dared to prank them. "Booo " they started booing at him in rage.

"Hahahaha" he started laughing as everyone fell for the prank he performed on them almost every year. It was hard not to as it was always during the most important moment of the many events and they always forgot about it in the heat of the moment. Rudra and the 'Judges' also started laughing. After controlling himself with great difficulty DJ Shiva finally started speaking again.

"Ladies and Gentlemen... The Winner of the billionth Heavenly Dance Championship Iiiisss... The Newcomer Ruuuudrrraaaaa !!!!"

" Yeaaaahhhhhhh" Everybody started cheering and Rudra was overwhelmed.

He was genuinely surprised to see so many people competing against each other cheering for the winner. The cameras were focused on him and all the screens were now displaying him. The people around him got more excited and they picked him up and started moving him towards the stage. Rudra was thoroughly enjoying the moment. He closed his eyes and started relishing in the feeling of being carried by hundreds of people as it felt as if he was riding a wave, hearing people cheering for him and calling out his name.

After reaching the stage he finally opened his eyes. DJ Shiva came forward, shook his hands, and hugged him by his shoulders.

"Let us congratulate the winner, everybody !!!"

"Wooooooohhh" Cheers louder than ever before could be heard.

"Ok ok everybody let's calm down now. He's just come here and has already won an award for something he surely has no idea about. So let's not overwhelm him anymore."

"We'll just announce the rewards now everyone. Rudra my boy, as you can see you have won a very special championship. We hold this every year but this was the Billionth one. A very very special one for all the residents of heaven."

This was the confirmation Rudra needed and he was finally sure about where he was.

Shiva continued, "And because this an extremely special occasion you will receive an extremely generous reward. Rudra, you receive an opportunity to reincarnate or travel to a world of your choice no matter the tier, along with 1 wish each from 5 of the 'judges' !! Including myself of course"

"Wooooooooohhhhhhhhhh" Everybody in the audience went mad. This was heaven. It had everything you would ever want. But sometimes some of them just wanted to experience life again after living in heaven for years. The Gods themselves often reincarnated and enjoyed mortal life. Mortal life was not easy. It had so many twists and turns and that was exciting for the gods and other immortals in heaven. That is why everyone yearned to have an opportunity to reincarnate.

And when these immortals heard that one of them was being given that opportunity everybody was in ecstasy. This was truly an extremely special reward.

"Now my people we are going to take the champion away for a while. I am sure everyone wants to congratulate and talk to him, but keep in mind he is a newcomer here and we need to clarify the situation he has found himself in which, I am sure is very confusing to him. So we will take our leave, but do not worry the party is still on and you are free to enjoy yourselves! DJ NANDI take over and spin that!!!!"

He threw his headphones toward the chibi cow calf and started heading down the stage taking Rudra with him. The chibi calf caught the headphones, shouted " Aye aye Capt'n" and took control of the DJ mixer. The music started again and everyone started enjoying the night as Rudra and Shiva left the venue.