
In One Piece with Hidan's Abilities

Our character Alex has been subjected to torture and left to die by his supposed family from a young age, leading to significant psychological issues and the emergence of troubled personality traits. However, years of living on the streets have given him experience in shady dealings. After a long life, he decides to leave his criminal past behind due to illness and fatigue, settling down to lead a sedentary life, leaving his years of wandering behind. His senses have dulled, and he has lost his cautiousness, becoming an ordinary man who watches anime and reads manga. But everything changes when a mysterious package arrives. After his death, Alex migrates to another world with the abilities granted to him, but that's not the end of it. The gods take pity on him, granting him a system, and he sets out to destroy the world of One Piece with the powers he gains. !!!! Attention: The protagonist of this story has a negative personality. (Although they may appear normal at the beginning of the series, you'll understand as the story progresses.) The series contains R18 content. (I will indicate it at the beginning of each chapter; you can skip it if you want.)!!!!

Leiartx · Anime & Comics
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14 Chs

Chapter 12 - Water 7

"I've been gone for a while, I've come back again."


Valery took Anna and led her to his room, then proceeded to clean the surroundings and serve the meal.

Valery: Huuh... It's really strange, isn't it? Just last week, I was being sold by a slave trader, and now I'm cleaning up the boss's mess in an assassination organization... sigh...

Over time, both Valery and Fred had fully accepted Hidan's authority. The world of the OP was truly terrifying, and having a support like Hidan was comforting for both of them. Moreover, the chakra and power they gained further bound them to Hidan.

After a silent meal at the dining table on the deck, everyone was slowly getting ready to tend to their tasks.

Hidan pulled out chakra-infused papers from his inventory and handed them to the three of them.

Hidan: These are called Chakra Receptive Papers, and they help you sense chakra proximity. Take them and infuse them with your chakra.

Albert was the first to take one, excited to start learning ninjutsu.

Albert infused the paper with a lot of chakra, and after a while, one side of the paper wrinkled while the other side crumbled.

Hidan: Lightning and Earth, huh?

Albert was quite pleased with Lightning affinity, as he was still a young boy and found it cool. As for Earth, he thought it represented a strength inherited from his father.

!!! Albert is 14 years old !!!

Hidan: Valery, it's your turn now...

Valery: Alright.

Valery transferred her chakra to the paper, causing it to crumble completely.

Hidan: Earth again...

Valery and Hidan didn't find this strange either.

Fred: I guess it's my turn?

Lastly, Fred transferred his chakra to the paper as well, and this time the paper split in two.

Hidan: Wind? It seems quite rare.

Fred grinned slightly and chuckled.

Hidan: First of all, I want all of you to learn the Shunshin no Jutsu (Body Flicker Technique). We'll be reaching Water 7 next week. Work on learning it during this time, and also decide what kind of shinobi you want to become. Also, Albert, take this sword!

Albert: Thank you, sensei!


[ (C) Level Sword Lost! ]

Albert examined the sword in his hand with happiness.

Then, all three nodded and headed off for their training.


Hidan was reviewing Albert's report from his previous mission. He had asked him to investigate skilled blacksmiths and powerful individuals within the prison, particularly those with expertise in metallurgy.

Albert learned that in Water 7, his hometown, there was a shop run by the son of a long-standing blacksmith, and they could find prisoners in Enies Lobby, which was near Water 7, anyway.

For a week, Hidan had been training Fred, Valery, and Albert. He improved his own techniques and spent a lot of time with Anna as well.

At the end of the past week, our team had arrived at Water 7.

After anchoring the ship, Hidan...

Hidan: First of all, we need to get a new ship, and we'll take care of our business. Valery, along with Anna, will address the shortcomings. Albert, gather intelligence in the city, Fred, come with me.

They all agreed and began their tasks.

Hidan set out with Fred towards the Galley-La company.

As the pair arrived at the shipyard, they saw people constantly working around. Both humans and giants were collaborating to build massive ships. Although the company was relatively new, it had developed rapidly during these years, thanks in part to the efforts of Rob Lucci and his associates who had arrived six years ago. Their contributions had propelled the company's growth.

Paulie, noticing them entering the shipyard, greeted them.

Paulie: How can I assist you?

Hidan was dressed in his usual attire, so he didn't appear unreachable. Hence, Paulie asked without hesitation.

Hidan: We want to have a ship built.

Paulie: Of course, you'll need to talk to President Iceburg. His office is over there.

Paulie pointed towards the office and then returned to his work.

Hidan and Fred headed towards the office and entered, making their way towards Iceburg's room. Just as they were about to step in...

?: Sir, you cannot enter that room without permission.

The voice belonged to a woman with blue eyes, glasses, long, slender, and well-proportioned body. Yes, it was Kalifa.

Kalifa: If you need something, may I assist you?

Noticing Hidan's displeased expression upon seeing this woman, Fred intervened before the captain could get angry.

Fred: Hello, we wanted to have a ship built, and one of the craftsmen at the entrance directed us here.

Kalifa: Yes, many people come for that every day. But right now, I can't let you in. Mr. Iceburg is currently busy.

Upon hearing this, Fred realized that the captain would get irritated, so he continued calmly.

Fred: We didn't come to request a meeting anyway.

Upon hearing this, Kalifa's annoyance seemed to increase slightly.

Kalifa: Whether you requested it or not doesn't matter. What's important is that Mr. Iceburg is busy!

At this point, Hidan began to emit a faint killing intent, although it was minimal, its weight was so heavy that it felt like the entire building might collapse.

Sensing the weight bearing down on her, Kalifa realized that the man in front of her was someone who should not be targeted. Even for a CP9 agent like her, this unfamiliar power center was quite odd.

Trying to withstand the pressure without collapsing, Kalifa managed not to fall to the ground. Then, the door opened, and Iceburg, almost suffocating under the aura of impending death, appeared.

Iceburg: What's going on? What's the problem? Uhh... cough... cough...

Upon noticing Hidan, Iceburg began to feel the killing intent even more intensely. However, he managed to cut off the killing aura before it could overcome him and cause his death.

Unable to withstand it any longer, Kalifa collapsed to the ground.

Hidan: I want to order a ship.

Iceburg: Of course, please come in...

Iceburg invited Hidan and Fred inside, his forehead still beading with sweat.

As they entered and sat in facing chairs, Iceburg took his seat as well.

Iceburg: Alright, what kind of ship are you looking for?

Hidan: Firstly, it should be made of high-quality wood. It should have a blacksmith's room, a forge section, a large interior hall, a training area, a library and study rooms, a bath, and ten high-quality bedrooms, along with two dormitories. So, it should be a rather large ship but without compromising on speed.

Iceburg looked at Hidan with surprise as he listed these demands one after the other. After all, these requests were quite high-level.

Iceburg: Uhm... well... it's possible... but it will be both time-consuming and expensive.

Hidan: That's not a problem. How long will it take?

Iceburg: It will take about a year, and it will cost around 800 million Belly. You only need to pay a quarter of it for now.

Hidan: Agreed. The money will be delivered to you within the day.

After explaining the ship's details to Iceburg and settling the matter, Hidan and Fred left the company and returned to their old ship. During this time, the others had returned as well, with Valery and Albert engaging in a small training match.

Albert swung his sword towards Valery, but Valery stopped the attack with chakra in her hand and kicked Albert in the stomach. However, instead of being thrown back, Albert transformed into a plank and appeared behind Valery...

Albert: This time, I win!

Valery: You'll see that in your dreams.

With a sudden turn, Valery grabbed Albert's collar and threw him to the side. This time, Albert truly went flying and crashed to the side.

Valery: You'd have to eat forty loaves of bread to defeat me.

Hidan: Albert, never reveal your proximity to the enemy. By talking foolishly and declaring your victory, you gave your opponent an opening.

Albert: You're right, sensei. It won't happen again.

Albert: Next time, I'll knock that arrogance out of this guy.

Valery: What did you say, huh? Do you want to die?

As the two argued, Hidan felt the warmth of the team after a long time. Smiling faintly, he headed towards his cabin.

Fred: Did I see wrong or did the Captain actually smile?

Valery: Maybe it was an illusion?

Albert: No comment!

Anna: Maybe...

Hidan: Shut up and prepare to sail. We're heading to the cliffs on the opposite side.

Crew: Yes, Captain...!!


Kalifa: I'm telling you, his aura alone easily suppressed me.

Kaku: Even if that's true, what's a guy like him doing here?

Lucci: It's not about him, it's about who he is.

After discussing Hidan and his team, the CP9 agents decided to report this to higher authorities. Lucci used his Den Den Mushi to relay the information.


Not far from Water 7, a ship was docked in a crumbling port on the edge of a rocky island.

Hidan: Anna and Fred, you stay here. The other two are coming with me.

As Fred and Anna stayed behind, Hidan, Albert, and Valery followed Crocodile's description and eventually found a traveler seated against a tree.

Approaching the traveler, Hidan handed him the badge Crocodile had given him.

After inspecting the badge for a while, the traveler stood up and walked towards the trees at the back. Under the largest tree on the island, taller than even the rocks, he placed the badge into a hole, and the tree began to open.

Albert: Wow...

Valery: I guess the world is bigger than I thought...

Once the path was open, the traveler disappeared inside, and without much care, Hidan entered.

The interior was like an underground city, filled with gothic-style merchants and shops, and a foul smell of blood hanging in the air...

After entering, Hidan eventually found the person he was looking for using the information on Crocodile's paper.

After walking for a while, he arrived at a structure resembling a municipal building towards the back. Without hesitation, he entered.

Approaching the reception-like area inside, Hidan handed the badge Crocodile had given him to the girl waiting there, and...

Hidan: "Darkness rises like a light in the sky!"

...he said.

Upon hearing this, the girl...

Receptionist Girl: Proceed to the upper floor, sir.

Hidan: You two stay here.

Valery: Umm...

Albert: Understood, sensei.

Using the girl's badge, Hidan went up to the upper floor, and after walking for a while, he reached an office. Upon entering...

Hidan: Teo?

?: That depends on who's asking.

Hidan: "The day when the scent of blood poisoned the whole city..."

?: Alright, I understand.

Suddenly, the lights in the room turned on, revealing an elderly man sitting at a table, well past 70 years old.

Teo: I'm Teo, but that's not my real name. It's better for you to know me this way... for your own sake... anyway, the foundations of this underground city are built on me. Now tell me, what do you want?

Hidan: I'm Hidan, that's my real name. There's no issue with you knowing it, since if death is coming, it will come from me. Don't worry.

Teo: Hahahahah... It's been a long time since I had a guest like you. So, what do you want?

Hidan: To register.

Teo: So, a new team, huh?

Hidan: Sort of.

Teo handed Hidan a paper.

Teo: Take this paper, fill it out, and leave it. Then go to Henry and get a badge made. Walking around with other people's badges is not welcomed here. Don't kill anyone in the city unless there's a death warrant on their head.

Hidan took the paper, filled out the team's name, basic purpose, and other details, then left it behind.

His main reason for coming to this underground city was to use connections. For example, when someone wanted to assign a task, they couldn't always contact Hidan directly. Instead, he needed specific individuals in each city to handle their tasks. This involved having bars in each underground hideout.

Hidan went downstairs, fetched his companions, and then went to see a man named Henry. Henry was located in a shop and was responsible for the badges in the city. Each badge's copy could be made, so Henry used a special Devil Fruit power to mark them uniquely.

Hidan: Are you Henry?

Henry: Yes, and you must be Hidan?

Hidan: News spreads fast.

Henry: We have our ears to the ground in this city.

Hidan: Alright, let's get down to business...

Henry: Sure, is the design of the badge final, or should I make it?

Hidan handed the designs he had drawn for the badges to Henry.

Henry: Three designs?

Hidan: Yes.

From the three designs Hidan provided, the first one was a medallion with the basic SIAC symbol, representing the team. Those with this badge would be eligible for missions. The second badge was for trusted clients who could assign A and S rank missions. The third and final design was for honorary members, a flat plaque where honorary members could engrave their own symbols when the time came.

Henry: Alright, come back tomorrow to pick them up. Also...

Hidan: "Death is but a shadow hidden in the darkness."

Henry: Good.



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