
In one piece with a system

this is the story of a protagonist who just wanted a normal life and was sent to one piece world during his adventure even though he simply wants to live a normal life to him it feels impossible as the system he has unintendedly makes it impossible to live such a life

Anshu_Lama · Anime & Comics
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7 Chs

Chapter 1: a new world

You're right. Let me break this down into shorter paragraphs to make it more suitable for a webnovel format:

"What in the world?" I exploded, louder than I intended. It was as if one moment I was on the express train to the afterlife, and the next, I was unceremoniously dumped back on Earth—like the universe itself had hit the nh uh button on my demise. "HOW?!" I demanded, more from the universe than anyone in particular, my voice bouncing off an unseen cosmic customer service rep.

I glanced upwards, half-expecting to see a giant "Return to Sender" stamped across the sky. But no, it was the same old Earth sky, blue and lazily drifting clouds, mocking me with its normalcy. That's when I spotted it—a speck in the heavens that grew increasingly bizarre by the second. A seagull? No, that couldn't be right. It was...a seagull with a hip bag? Because, of course, what else would a seagull wear to a mid-air heist?

Before I could delve deeper into the unexpected sight of a seagull accessorized with a hip bag, an unexpected challenger tore across the sky. This new bird was sheer precision and speed, akin to a fighter jet in full combat mode, zeroing in on the bag-carrying seagull. The ensuing encounter was brief and brutal. In a high-speed clash that seemed to defy the laws of bird engagement, the two birds collided.

The impact was decisive. The seagull, overwhelmed by the sheer force of the attack, didn't stand a chance. In an instant, the scenario shifted from a bizarre aerial heist to a stark demonstration of nature's ruthlessness. The seagull was hit with such force that it was clear it wouldn't be flying away from this encounter. Its mission to deliver the bag, whatever the contents or destination, was abruptly cancelled.

As the victor sped away, presumably to enjoy its conquest in peace, the bag the seagull had been carrying was now free-falling, its descent accelerating towards Earth — and alarmingly, towards me.

That bewildering moment, I couldn't help but question the universe's aim. "Is that thing targeting me?" The words barely left my lips when the object in question plummeted to the earth, landing with a thud just inches from where I stood. "My survival instincts are as sharp as a bowling ball," I muttered to myself, irony tingeing my voice. 

Just as I reached out, driven by a mix of curiosity and a faint hope that this mysterious bag might contain something of use, the air before me shimmered, and a hologram flickered to life.

[System Notice: Will user like to accept the system? Y/N]

A note flashed below, urgency embedded in its fleeting countdown. [Note: User has 5 seconds to reject or accept.]

"Wait, what?" Confusion tangled with surprise, my mind racing. "[4, 3] Accept—wait, no!" The words tumbled out in a rush, a reflexive response more than a conscious decision. "[User accepted the system. The first quest will auto-start.]"

"No, wait, stop, it was just a reflex, I didn't—" My protest was cut short, the world around me suddenly giving way. I found myself plummeting, the firm ground replaced by an abyss as I fell into utter darkness. The sudden shift from daylight to an enveloping shadow was disorienting, a stark reminder of the unpredictable journey I had inadvertently signed up for.

As I fell into the hole, the darkness was so overwhelming that it seemed to swallow everything around me, leaving me unable to see anything beyond my own body. Panic rooted me in place, the kind of fear that freezes you from the inside out. "How do isekai protagonists deal with being thrown into darkness like this? They always seem to come out okay, but this is actually scary as hell," I thought to myself, trying to make sense of the bizarre situation.

Just then, the hologram reappeared, but this time it felt different, more... personal?

"{Hello user, this is the system you accepted. Thank you for giving your life in such a volunteering way,}" it announced in a tone that was almost too cheerful given the circumstances.

"What do you mean, 'giving it voluntarily'? I didn't even have time to think," I retorted, the words spilling out of me in a mixture of confusion and disbelief.

"{But that was the only way. We have tried with so many users, and all of them rejected us, telling it's the devil's scheme to take their soul,}" the system explained. Hearing this, I couldn't help but agree with everyone who had rejected it. Honestly, unless someone was a complete fool, influenced by too much anime or fanfic, thinking this kind of thing happens all the time and they'd be fine, only they would accept something like this.

"{I can see your point, user, but we needed people to accept,}" the system continued, as if it understood my skepticism.

"Wait, you can read my mind?" I asked, taken aback.

"{We are one being now,}" it said simply, as if that explained everything.

I paused for a moment, digesting this new piece of information. "Can I ask you something then?"

"{Go ahead, user. Also, only you can see and hear me,}" it added, which was a small comfort, at least.

"That's cool to know. But why didn't you go for those fanfic people who actually want this?" I questioned, curious about their selection process.

"{The answer is simple. We hoped to at least get a bare functioning member of society,}" it replied, which didn't exactly feel like a compliment.

"Where do I fall in that category?" I asked, half-joking, half-serious.

"{Anyway, user, let's move on to the quest discussion now,}" it said, swiftly changing the subject.

"Wait, no, I want to know. Don't change the topic," I insisted, but the system continued as if it hadn't heard my protest.

"{You see, the quest is like this: You will be sent to another world, and in that world, you will complete some quests and will be sent back. You get to keep everything you own and knowledge too. You won't age, and even if you do, you will be returned to your original age. 

As for what happens after the quest is done, first, all the beings you had close bonds with will also come back to your world with you, but they will be sent to a random point in the world. They will start at the basic human physique and can get stronger by completing quests or just training. When they do complete the quest, you also get rewards, so it benefits you the more they are,}" it explained, laying out the rules of this new reality.

"I see. It's a good system with a risk and reward balance, or no?" I mused aloud, trying to wrap my head around the implications.

"{Good luck,}" it concluded, leaving me with more questions than answers.

"Wait, that means I won't get rewards equal to the risks I take?" I asked, reaching out to grab the hologram and shake it, as if that would make a difference.

"{Stop, user, I am getting dizzy... sorry, I am just a voice. Complain to the admin, whoever they might be,}" it protested, its voice warbling as if affected by my virtual shaking.

"So, you don't even know who's in control?" I said, now shaking it harder, my frustration growing with every non-answer.

After Story:

Junior: "Man, I can feel you, my guy. Just like you, I have also been sent here all of a sudden. I can't even get up from the couch and have to watch your adventure. So, can you explain what's going on?"

[I say as I am looking at the shadowy figure.]

Forgotten: "....."

Man I am never getting a system if there is a requirement like that (╥﹏╥)

My dreams (;´□`)/

Have some idea about my story? Comment it and let me know.

Anshu_Lamacreators' thoughts