
In NetraLand with my upgraded system

In a clear blue room sitting in a somewhat luxurious wooden chair was a woman thinking about the future problems that her world would soon face. This woman isn't a ordinary woman, first you can tell by her appearance, red hair, green eyes e a greenish white skin, this was the guardian of the world called NetraLand, a High Dryad. To face some small, and big problems in her world she would need a transmigrator, but would she be permited to kidnap people from other worlds ?

Gustavo_Siqueira · Fantasy
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4 Chs

The begining (edited)

One thousand years ago, the Forest of Mercatina was being atacked by the kingdom of Letutian, the reason being because of the curiosity and greed of the current king of Letutian caused by the ' strange behavior ' of the elves that dominated and inhabited the forest. Such a forest was highly guarded by the elves, to the point of being practically closed, rarely would anyone be able to enter the forest and come back alive.

Because of that, king Pacurini Letuntian acquired the mentality that in the forest there was either something very dangerous or something very valuable, if there was something dangerous, that something should be exterminated and if there was something valuable, like a king and someone greedy this something would be his , he already knew of the existence of elves as sometimes some curious children ventured to the edges of the forest playing. Naturally a few meters of the forest a great numbers of spies and soldiers observed such ocurrences, defining such creatures as humanoids with slightly greenish skin color, almost imperceptible, giving an appearance of a sick human, but their main most distinguishing characterist being their pointed ears, blond hair and blue eyes.

The king spent three years improving his army and building his strategy in order to dominate the forest and its inhabitants.

as one of the most prosperous kingdoms. The king easily assembled a squad of one hundred thousand soldiers all trained in the art of combat aura , at this point in time elemental magic had not yet been discovered by humans and they used mana only as a means of fortifying themselves physically.

Elves could use forest magic, but most of them only at an extremely basic level, with the exception of a few elites in charge of protecting each village, there were usually only one of these in each village.

The elves lived peacefully in their villages, and their soldiers only guarded the edges of the forest, as long as they didn't leave the forest they wouldn't face any risk, except for some carnivorous or venomous animals. Their villages were scattered through the forest and in the center of the forest there was a larger community protecting a huge tree, a tree with a bluish white trunk and vivid green leaves with a faint blue luster, at night these leaves illuminated this community. this community was protected by 70 elves, all with a relatively advanced degree in forest magic.the main figure of this community was a beautiful elf lady with pink hair, she was a kind of priestess who took care of and lived in the tree. the elves lived insid trees in which they built their houses using forest magic.

Returning to the forest invasion by the kingdom of Letutian thirty thousand soldiers were at the edge of the forest, waiting to enter and dominate the forest. in the end the elves who had a total population of three thousand were reduced to a population of one hundred and fifty, all taken as slaves, the only one who managed to escape through the sacrifice of many of their kind was the priestess and the tree she tended was used as a war trophy.

the reasons why the elves lost the war were as follows:

1: the strongest elves lived scattered protecting part of the edges of the forest, with forest magic it was not necessary a large number for each area.

2: Advanced Forest Magic requires a lot of concentration, which leaves you very vulnerable in a group combat, either you would defeat them all at once or you would lose in the end.

3: The elves didn't have many options in terms of weapons, they couldn't produce swords and such tools, unlike humans.

4: elves and humans couldn't understand each other in thia point of history.

Returning to the outcome of the war, fifteen thousand human soldiers were killed and only one hundred and fifty elven slaves remained, plus the priestess and an elf child who managed to escape together. The humans dominated the forest and started to study the big tree in the center, learning that their leaves could create a tea capable of healing injuries and whoever trained near the tree could grow stronger rapidly. in the meantime the remaining elves were being treated as exotic pets, they were simply viewed as animals, their situation would only improve with the birth of the first half-elf.At this point in time, in another realm, the Guardian of the world finally saw the situation outside and she became furious, their elven children almost went extinct. and the tree of Beginings was being slowly destroyed, after some time calming down she decided to first solve the problem of the tree of Beginings, because If the tree were completely destroyed there would no longer exist a mana-producing tree and the world would slowly weaken, so she created an island in the midle of the ocean, in this island she placed another tree, but this tree was vastly diferente from the tree of Beginings this tree produced red mana, and she called this tree the tree of Passion because of their red leaves. In two years, because of the influence of this tree, slowly started to emerge what the humans called monsters, more evolved animals with a slight improved intelligence. The Guardian seeing that her solution caused more harm than good decided to create a sistem to help the intelligente races to fight and prosper, but the problem was that the sistem was extremely rudimentary, no one never knew that there was a system, they only were learning things from nowhere, that caused confusion for quite some time.

With the advent of the sistem version 0.5 the humans finally were able to learn and practice elemental magic, bringing great advance in terms of knowledge.