
In Naruto World Collecting Attributes

Transmigrated during Nine Tails Attack, as a heroic dying ANBU. Became sole survivor due to Attribute Collection SYSTEM. Post 2 year of hospitalization, now I am finally free...

ZEN1ST6 · Anime & Comics
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84 Chs

Danzo is the best candidate for Hokage

Girls' feelings are always complicated. However, Kazuya had little interest in Terumi Mei's emotions. Falling in love? No way. He preferred to stay practical. 

Fortunately, with Terumi Mei and Yagura, his trip to Kirigakure proved to be both interesting and rewarding. His tailed beast power had reached Level 5, and he had mastered several Water Style techniques like Water Barrier, Water Dragon Jutsu, Great Waterfall Technique, and Water Shockwave. The increase in his strength was immense. 

Kazuya's Level 5 tailed beast power allowed him to transform into a tailed beast at will. Combined with his chakra, he could potentially hold his own against someone like Nagato. The boost was substantial.

Additionally, during negotiations, Fourth Mizukage Yagura made significant concessions. Besides opening two tax-free treaty ports to Konoha, he released all Konoha prisoners of war held in Kirigakure. These 74 Konoha ninjas, captured during the Third Shinobi World War, were freed thanks to Kazuya's efforts. 

To these Konoha ninjas, Kazuya was nothing short of a saviour. They had resigned themselves to a grim future in Mist Shinobi's prison, only to be unexpectedly liberated.

"Master Kazuya!" 

"Thank you, Kazuya-sama!" 

"You're amazing, Master Kazuya!" 

The freed Konoha ninjas wept tears of joy. Some even knelt and kowtowed in gratitude.

[You picked up 50 points of Chakra]

[You picked up 40 points of Chakra]

[You picked up 20 points of Wind Style talent]

[You picked up 20 points of Earth Style talent]

[You picked up 50 combat experience points]

Golden light continuously flew towards Kazuya. 

"The quality is just barely acceptable," he thought, though his face showed deep emotion. "You are all heroes of Konoha, having sacrificed so much for the village. What I've done is nothing compared to your sacrifices."

Kazuya continued, "The most important purpose of my trip to Kirigakure was to bring everyone home."

The ninjas cheered and cried out in gratitude, praising Kazuya for his actions. 

"Master Kazuya!" 

"We can go home!" 

"The village hasn't forgotten us!"

"Thank you, Master Kazuya, for bringing us victory!"

Even Uchiha Shisui and Uchiha Itachi, standing nearby, were moved to tears. 

Two days later, after finalizing a preliminary cooperation draft, Kazuya and the freed Konoha ninjas set sail for home. They had arrived on one ship but were returning on five. 

"Kazuya-kun, you are truly a righteous ninja!" 

"If he becomes the Fifth Hokage, Mist Shinobi and Konoha will finally have peace," Fourth Mizukage Yagura said, watching the ships disappear over the horizon.

The Mist Shinobi ninjas around him nodded in agreement. 

Terumi Mei, standing in the crowd, had a complicated expression. Her eyes showed relief, but also regret and a sadness she couldn't fully explain.

Meanwhile, the information from Kirigakure had reached Konoha. 

In the Hokage's office, Third Hokage Sarutobi Hiruzen read the report with a surprised expression.


"He's remarkable!" Third Hokage said, smiling. "Sending him to Kirigakure was a wise decision, and he completed the mission perfectly. Moreover, he brought back 74 captured ninjas. This is truly wonderful news!"

Third Hokage was delighted. Prisoners of war were a troublesome issue for the village's leadership. 


"Even better than I expected!" 

Third Hokage exhaled a smoke ring, his old face filled with satisfaction. The time of youth was coming.

At the root organization's base, the atmosphere was tense. In a dimly lit room, Root member Aburame Ryoma kneeled before Shimura Danzo, who was wrapped in bandages.

"Is the information true?" Danzo asked darkly.

"Yes, Master Danzo," Ryoma replied. "Nohara Kazuya went to Kirigakure during the Kaguya clan's rebellion. The details are unclear, but he is now returning with 74 Konoha prisoners of war."

Danzo's expression darkened. "I didn't expect a humble Anbu to grow so powerful... That was my mistake!"

Danzo regretted not having killed Kazuya three years ago. Now, it would be much more difficult.

"We must not let him return to the village safely. If he does, it will be even harder for me to become Hokage..." Danzo gritted his teeth.

"Ryoma, gather the ninjas at the base. We have a mission: kill Nohara Kazuya! We must not let him return to the village safely!"

"Yes, Master Danzo!" Ryoma responded. Root ninjas would even kill Hokage if Danzo ordered it.

Danzo narrowed his eyes. If Sarutobi hesitated, he would make a choice for him. Sooner or later, everyone would realize that Shimura Danzo was the best candidate for Hokage.

Meanwhile, in a corner of the Land of Water, a strange figure emerged from the ground.

"Is that Nohara Kazuya?" 

"Even Jinchūriki can't handle him!" 

"Hohohoho... Should I inform that guy?" 

"Of course, he's crucial to Madara's plan!"

"Then hurry up, hohohoho..." 

With bursts of eerie laughter, the figure disappeared into the air.

Kazuya led the team home, sailing from the Land of Water. Standing at the bow, he gazed at the vast sea. 

Suddenly, two figures appeared behind him.

"Senior Kazuya, we have something to ask you," Uchiha Shisui said solemnly.

Kazuya turned around to find Shisui and Itachi standing behind him with serious expressions.

"What do you want to ask?" Kazuya narrowed his eyes, already guessing what Shisui wanted to discuss.