
In Naruto with a GOLDEN FINGER.

First time I write something that is not an essay for school. Don't expect a very complex or developed plot. It's a simple wish-fulfillment story with an OP protagonist and a huge harem. English is something that doesn't enter my head, so I'm sorry for the many mistakes. Read the synopsis and tags below. . . . A simple young man died by God's mistake and now he will be able to reincarnate in the world where one of his favorite manga takes place, with some wishes, of course. . . TAGs: Overpowered-MC; Anti-Hero; Multiversal Travel; R18; Harem and Incest.

FeartoFallingApart · Anime & Comics
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59 Chs

Chap 36 - Hikari-chan Comes To The World!

The days passed and Ryuuji spent his time as productively as possible.

The Ninja World remained agitated in the three months that passed after Ryuuji began training Tsunade.

Konoha is using almost all of it's military power to maintain it's borders, escalating conflicts to the countries that circle the Land of Fire's territory.

Iwagakure and Sunagakure made a temporary alliance with 'Hanzo of the Salamander' to try to take the outposts in the Land of Rain, which forced Konoha to use almost 50% of its military might to contain the advance of these two countries.

In the Land of Rain, Tsunade was doing her best to keep her name on the lips of all the Konoha's Shinobis.

The Senju Clan woman showed all her talent in Medical Ninjutsu to break the poison used by the shinobi of Sunagakure.

Furthermore, with the help of Ryuuji, who easily gave her a sample of both Chiyo's and Hanzo's salamander's personal poisons, Tsunade was able to create a very complete arsenal of prepared antidotes, just waiting for the right moment to use them for the better increase her value to Konoha.

Tsunade also has a secret weapon in her arsenal, but Ryuuji told her to only use it in a really desperate situation, because while it's a great thing, it's sure to draw the attention of high-level Konoha, who will try their best to control her rise.

Currently, as Konoha was fully focused on winning the war, Tsunade had a free pass to increase her influence and bring important people to her side, with the only Konoha Shinobi capable of matching her in terms of 'fame' being Sakumo Hatake, the famous White-Fang of the Leaf.

Kumogakure was also not left out of the war and decided to move some of it's military power to the Land of Frost border, forcing Konoha to move another part of it's army there, however, to Ryuuji's surprise, Hiruzen himself decided to command his own army against Kumo, which turned out to be a bad thing for Tsunade.

Not that Ryuuji minded, as the redhead made it clear to Tsunade and Mito that the fight to become Hokage was Tsunade's and he was only a backup in extreme cases.

Luckily for Konoha, Kirigakure decided to stay out of the war against Konoha, largely because of the high price it's paid to Uzushio after the failed attack on the Land of Whirlpools.

Even as the Ninja World suffered from the chaos of the War, life in Uzushio continued to be full and smooth. Of course, Ryuuji still had all the shinobi in the village do his daily hellish training with his clones.

The redhead never hid from his people that war would come to them again, but this time the people of Uzushio were excited and prepared for war.

Just as Ryuuji didn't want his Country to depend entirely on him, the shinobi of the Village also don't want to be protected by their leader forever.

Nobody likes not having the power to defend their own home and Uzushio's shinobis were no different.

At that exact moment, Ryuuji, pale and full of worry, was next to a sweaty and red-skinned Benihime.

" F-Fuck! What is this child made of?! "

Ryuuji, feeling his mother's tight grip on his hand, just continued bathing her body with his special medicinal chakra hoping to alleviate Benihime's situation.

The red-haired boy hated the helplessness caused by this situation, but nothing could be done.

It was impossible to make childbirth not hurt, especially when the child being born was not 100% human.

Mito Uzumaki, who like her granddaughter is an exceptional doctor, was doing midwifery work.

" Come on, Benihime. Don't be a weak woman and keep pushing! I can already see your little girl's head! "

Hearing her aunt's speech, Benihime let out a guttural scream and began to push harder.

" I'm doing my best! Does this child not want to be born?! "

" Calm down, Mom! Calm! Hikari-chan is about to born! Just a little longer and the pain will pass! "

Benihime squeezed Ryuuji's hand even tighter. Mito let out another scream when she saw that Hikari was almost born.

" She's almost out! Push harder, Benihime! "

With a final cry, Benihime pushed her baby out.

Hearing Hikari's thunderous cry, Ryuuji froze.

Even in his past life, he never dreamed of having a daughter. His life was always full of work and responsibility and being a father was never in his plans.

But seeing the little bundle of happiness being wrapped up by his Great-Aunt Mito, Ryuuji could only feel love.

" L-Let me see my princess! "

Mito smiled and walked slowly towards Benihime.

" Don't be anxious, Benihime. Here, hold her. "

Ryuuji just watched as his grandmother handed his daughter over to Benihime, who looked at the little baby with watery eyes.

Hikari looked with her big eyes at Benihime. The two continued to look at each other for a while before Mito touched Ryuuji's shoulder.

" Go to them, Ryuuji. You are now man of the house and the father of this family, be responsible! "

Ryuuji stumbled over his words and approached Benihime.

" Y-Yes, grandma! You doesn't have to be so hard! "

Benihime, seeing that Ryuuji was beside her, smiled and turned Hikari to Ryuuji.

"Look, Hikari-chan…daddy is here to see you. "

Ryuuji took Hikari in his arm and for the first time since he came to this world, he shed some tears.

" Hikari-chan, m-my blood…I give you my blessing. You'll be blessed with incomparable glory, and the sunlight will be at your side forever! "

(AN: Only those who have read WotMW will recognize that phrase.)

Hikari opened her eyes again and looked at her father. Ryuuji felt a very strong grip in his heart as he continued to shed tears of happiness, feeling the strong bond that existed between his daughter and him.

Ryuuji let out a very happy laugh, which ended up infecting the little newborn. Ryuuji couldn't take it anymore and started kissing Hikari all over her face, expressing all his love for the little princess.

Ryuuji returned to Benihime's side and lay on the bed with her.

The tired woman leaned her body against Ryuuji and looked at Hikari, who was looking at her parents curiously.

" Ryuu-kun…she's so beautiful. I c-can't explain how happy I feel to see her in your arms. "

Ryuuji kissed Benihime's forehead and smiled:

" This is just the beginning of our life together, my love. I promise you that we'll have a big and happy family. "

Benihime closed her eyes with a smile on her face, giving in to weariness.

Ryuuji looked at his grandmother and put a finger to her lips, asking for silence.

Mito easily understood what Ryuuji meant by his gesture and left the room, preparing to stop the other girls from invading the place to meet the baby.

Ryuuji put Hikari to sleep and also closed his eyes, entering a meditative state that simulated the effects of sleep.

The day after Hikari's birth, Ryuuji was meditating at the highest point in the Land of Whirlpools, while Mikoto, Morgiana and Kushina were with Benihime and Mito.

Ryuuji let the women in his life pamper his princess while focusing on running his country.

Interrupting his happy thoughts about his little princess, Ryuuji opened his eyes.

Ryuuji's slit-shaped pupils locked on the northwest border of his country, where Nagi Island was located.

" You finally decided to show up… "

In the next instant, Ryuuji disappeared from his spot and appeared where the intruder was.

Ryuuji snapped his fingers and used Dust Release, creating a square dome of a translucent golden color, which instantly trapped nearly 20 m² of soil, trees, rocks, and anything else within reach.

With a burst of his chakra, in an extremely controlled manner, Ryuuji disintegrated all matter trapped inside the dome, with the exception of the creature he captured.

After feeling death so close to him, Zetsu finally felt the movements around him and locked his wide eyes on Ryuuji.

" H-How? "

Ryuuji ignored Kaguya's third child's surprise and smiled.

" I've waited so long for your arrival, Zetsu… you have no idea how your body made purely of Yin and Yang Energy will be very useful to me. "

As soon as he finished speaking, Ryuuji snapped his fingers again, decreasing the size of the dome as he created dozens of golden chains and used them to stop Zetsu from making any move.

Zetsu felt something he had never felt in nearly a thousand years of existence: Fear.

" W-Wait! "

Ryuuji, who was about to fly back to his workshop, stopped his movements.

" Come on…I'll give you a chance, Zetsu. Give me reasons not to go ahead with what I intend to do. "

Zetsu swallowed hard and tried to argue:

"I a-am the will of a very strong man! If you do anything to me, nothing but disaster awaits you! "

Ryuuji let out a huff.

" Stop that shit. I know what you are. I don't care about Madara or your 'mother'. Something more? "

Zetsu couldn't take the surprises Ryuuji was giving him any longer and simply went into a trance state.

"W-Who are you?! H-How do you know about my mother?! "

Ryuuji got tired of waiting for Zetsu's excuses and teleported to his workshop.

He had a lot of work to do now that such valuable research material had decided to deliver itself on his doorstep.

Time continued to pass quickly and another three months passed.

Today, the day Ryuuji turned eleven years old, was also the day he finally received the information regarding Konoha's moves against Uzushio.

When Ryuuji left the office, a black mass sprouted from the floor, drawing his attention.

" Zetsu…what brings you to my office. "

" Ryuuji-sama…I finally found the traces about the man who came to this planet with my mother. "

" Oh…I really didn't expect this. Does he seem to have a plan that might get in the way of my plans? "

" No. That fellow seems to me to be pretty weakened and wants nothing more than to stay in his den. However, he has started to recruit some interesting people and seems to be starting to create an organization. "

" Very well, Zetsu. Keep watching the rest of the Elemental Nations and tricking Madara into continuing the plan to resurrect the Ten-Tails. At the same time, start looking for a man named Amado Sanzu. He will be useful to my country. "

" Your wish is an order, Ryuuji-sama. "

After leaving his last words, Zetsu withdrew from the place.

It didn't take Ryuuji long to overcome Kaguya's will within Zetsu. Even though she was an Otsutsuki who ate a Chakra Fruit, her Chakra Control couldn't be compared to Ryuuji.

All Ryuuji needed to do was force his Yin-Yang energies against Zetsu's own being, thus turning the creature into his loyal servant.

Of course, Zetsu still retains his memories and still wishes to resurrect Kaguya, but those were also Ryuuji's plans.

With this, Ryuuji gained an intelligence network large enough to cover all of the Elemental Nations, without him needing to use his Sage Mode to do so.

Moving away from his office while greeting everyone who passed him, Ryuuji walked to a secluded corner.

With a thought, Ryuuji's body disappeared from the spot.

Appearing in her Mindscape, Ryuuji approached Konan, who was watching Mito, Benihime, Kushina, Morgiana, and Mikoto fighting Kurama, who after several escape attempts, accepted to be summoned by Mito.

Ryuuji really 'tamed' the giant fox.


I almost can't write this chapter because my mind can't focus.

My boss offered me a promotion at work, but for that, I need to make a small vocational course and pass a certification exam, which in itself wouldn't be a problem if it weren't for the lack of time I currently suffer, thanks to College and Work.

Maybe I won't be able to post one more chapter a day, so in case you realize that I didn't post a chapter for a day or two, don't worry because I WON'T DROP THIS FIC.

At least not until I finish the Naruto-Verse Arc.

Sorry about that, guys. But my professional future is certainly more important than a Fanfic. Especially now that the house bills have increased a lot.

But again, no matter how long it takes, I'm not going to drop this story. This I promise you all.

Now, give me Power Stones to celebrate my upcoming job promotion!

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