
In Naruto with a GOLDEN FINGER.

First time I write something that is not an essay for school. Don't expect a very complex or developed plot. It's a simple wish-fulfillment story with an OP protagonist and a huge harem. English is something that doesn't enter my head, so I'm sorry for the many mistakes. Read the synopsis and tags below. . . . A simple young man died by God's mistake and now he will be able to reincarnate in the world where one of his favorite manga takes place, with some wishes, of course. . . TAGs: Overpowered-MC; Anti-Hero; Multiversal Travel; R18; Harem and Incest.

FeartoFallingApart · Anime & Comics
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59 Chs

Chap 35 - Ryuuji vs Kyuubi.

Ryuuji started walking towards the Kyuubi, flexing his neck.

Kyuubi looked at Mito and all the hatred he had built up since he was sealed exploded from his body.

" Mito Uzumaki! I'll kill you! "

The fox swung its tail hard towards Mito, but Ryuuji stomped on the ground as he molded chakra.

A crystal hand sprouted in front of Mito and grabbed the Kyuubi's tail.

Ryuuji bent his knees slightly and in the next instant, his body appeared beside the fox's head.

" This time, I'm your opponent. "

The Kyuubi didn't even have time to change the direction of his gaze before feeling a strong impact on the side of his jaw.

Ryuuji shaped his chakra and continued using Crystal Release.

The hand that was holding one of the Kyuubi's tails kept growing until it became an entire arm. Said arm moved quickly and began to rotate, while still holding the fox's tail.

" W-What?! "

Surprised, the Kyuubi didn't react when his body started to spin.

Kyuubi tried to move his remaining tails to destroy the Crystal Release arm, but the centrifugal energy that made him spin was too strong and rendered his utterly powerless.

After watching the Kyuubi being spun like a fan blade, Ryuuji controlled the arm made of crystal to fling the giant fox towards him.

After being thrown, Kyuubi tried to use his tails as an anchor to pin him to the ground, but before he could do that, Ryuuji appeared next to his head again.

Kyuubi looked slightly at Ryuuji and growled in anger:

" B-Brat, you dare?! "

Ryuuji, who had an amused smile on his face, spun his body in the air at high speed and kicked the giant fox's head again.

" I really expected more from you, Kyuubi. "

Growling in rage and pain, the Kyuubi didn't notice that Ryuuji stepped into the air and appeared on top of him.

Ryuuji raised his arm and created an Ultra-Big Ball Rasengan, which was as big as the Kyuubi's own body. Not being satisfied, Ryuuji began to infuse chakra from the Wind, Lightning and Fire Releases.

The spiral sphere, which was once golden, changed color and became a glowing red, much like a small red star.

The Kyuubi, sensing the threat of Ryuuji's attack, raised their tails above his head and used them as a shield.

Ryuuji just smiled at the Kyuubi's naive attempt to stop his body attack.

When the little spiral star touched the Kyuubi's body, the high heat began to literally disintegrate his tails.

" Arg! Y-You damn brat! "

After moving his tails to change the direction of Ryuuji's Rasengan, the Kyuubi moved its front paw and slapped Ryuuji's body quickly, pressing him against the beautiful green lawn that covered Mito's Mindscape.

" Even if you're a little stronger, you're still just a brat made of flesh. Die at once. "

" Do you want to kill me, Kyuubi? Haha, you must be kidding, right?. "

Hearing Ryuuji's voice above his head, the Kyuubi's eyes widened.

" Then experience some of the power of this 'brat made of flesh'. "

Ryuuji's eyes began to glow and in the next moment, a beam of light shot out at high speed, covering the Kyuubi's entire body and flinging him away, while causing very painful burns.

When the beam from his eyes ceased, Ryuuji observed the Kyuubi's current state.

The giant fox was completely corroded, with some of his tails missing and a part of the chakra that made up his body bubbling as if it were boiling.

Ryuuji also looked at his arms and let out a sigh at the sight of the golden crystals that were falling from his body.

" Didn't this body made with Crystal Release withstand even one use of Heat Vision? I've only used 10% of the potency and I'm already feeling it fall apart. "

Feeling a great concentration of Chakra in front of him, Ryuuji turned his gaze to the Kyuubi.

The fox had its mouth open as it gathered red and blue chakra in front of its body.

" You made me angry, brat! I'll kill you and then kill that damn old woman who took my freedom. "

Mito, seeing that his grandson's clone was succeeding in fighting the Kyuubi, just walked away from the place and let him have some fun. But now, seeing that the Kyuubi would use his weapon of mass destruction, the red-haired woman became worried again.

Ryuuji, as if sensing his grandmother's concern, just raised his arm.

The red-haired boy closed his eyes and in the next instant, his presence disappeared completely.

Mito blinked her eyes several times.

" H-How is that possible? Am I seeing things? Is Ryuuji still there or not? "

Ryuuji ignored his grandmother's surprise and activated Sage Mode. With his body strengthened and his chakra reserves increased, Ryuuji prepared to finish off the Kyuubi's ultimate weapon.

" Die, you little shit! "

Seeing the gigantic Tailed Beast Bomb flying towards him, Ryuuji just stretched his arms forward.

Ryuuji used his perfect chakra control to fuse Crystal Release chakra, which is Fire+Earth+Yang Release with Wood Release, which is composed Earth+Water+Yang Release.

In front of Ryuuji's hands, a small golden diamond appeared and in the next instant, this diamond grew until it became a wall almost 50 meters high.

Ryuuji confidently stood behind the diamond wall and when the Tailed Beast Bomb touched his diamond shield, he controlled the wall to completely cover the chakra sphere created by the Kyuubi.

In the next instant, the Tailed Beast Ball exploded with full force, creating a loud bang and causing Mito's Mindscape to shake violently.

Even so, after the light from the explosion died down, the diamond dome remained intact, being able to withstand a Tailed Beast Bomb at full strength from the Kyuubi.

Ryuuji, who could already feel his Crystal Release body crumbling, wasted no time.

The red-haired boy appeared in front of the Kyuubi, who was still in a trance state when he saw his Tailed Beast Ball reduced to nothing. Ryuuji punched the Kyuubi's head, sending the fox's still-reconstructing body to the ground.

With one last burst of chakra, Ryuuji created nine Truth-Seeking Orbs and shaped them to create a perfect prison for the Kyuubi.

With a single thought, the prison made by the Truth-Seeking Orbs moved and imprisoned the Kyuubi.

" Hey, Kyuubi. Are you interested in seeing the outside again? "

The Kyuubi, who was still processing what had just happened, looked at Ryuuji with shock in his eyes.

" W-Who are you? How can you use this skill? "

" Does it really matter? For someone who's been trapped inside a seal for decades, you don't seem too eager to get out. "

The Kyuubi snorted and started to organize his thoughts after the beating he took from Ryuuji.

" And does it make a difference? From what I can see now that I'm calm, you are Mito Uzumaki's grandson. Even if I ever want to trust a damn human again, why would you trade my freedom for your grandmother's life? "

" Oh, please. I just beat you up without even using my original body. Do you really think I need to lie or give you false hope? "

The Kyuubi growled and tried to hit the cage with one of his claws, only to see it literally fall apart.

" Hmm! I don't need a brat's help. "

Mito approached Ryuuji and tried to feel the connection between the Seal that made her a Jinchuuriki and the black cage that held the Kyuubi.

" Incredible. His chakra is totally restricted. That way I won't need to use my own chakra to suppress you, Kyuubi. Well, not that it was too hard to do now that my chakra had grown so much. "

" Mito Uzumaki! You dare make fun of me?! You dare do that when it was this brat who defeated me?! "

Before Mito could continue the argument between the two, Ryuuji interrupted.

" Can you two stop arguing like children? Heavens, you really are a tsundere fox, Kyuubi. "

" I already told you I don't need anything from you, you monstrous brat. I don't know how you can use the same abilities as that old man, but that doesn't change anything. "

"That's right…so it seems to me that you don't want to regain your freedom. Let's get out of here, grandma. "

Ryuuji didn't let the Kyuubi regret his decision and controlled his spirit to leave the Eight Trigrams Seal in Mito's body, returning to his original body.

When Ryuuji opened his eyes, the first thing he saw was his grandmother's rejuvenated face, looking up at him with a little confusion in her eyes.

" Ryuuji-kun, do you want to kill your grandmother? First you asked me to release the Kyuubi seal just for fun and now you say you can give that stinking fox freedom? Do you want revenge for me trying to trap you in Konoha? "

Ryuuji couldn't help but laugh.

" Haha, n-no, grandma! How could I hold a grudge against you when I know that nothing in this world can even scratch me? I just wanted to do a good deed for the Kyuubi!

I can't imagine how bad it must be to be stuck with no hope of seeing the sunlight. Also, I think you should try to befriend him, after all, you are doomed to always be together. "

Mito slightly closed her eyes before letting out a sigh.

" You really…I can't tell if you're too arrogant or too confident. Anyway, how do you intend to release the Kyuubi without killing me in the process? "

Ryuuji used a small Genjutsu on Mito, showing a hologram in front of the two.

" If we alter some of the formulas of the Eight Trigrams Seal that holds the Kyuubi in your body, we may be able to allow you to summon the fox as a Summoning Beast. "

Mito watched the hologram in front of her and couldn't stop the surprise from creeping into her mind.

" Ryuuji-kun…you really are a Fuuinjutsu genius! I mean, it's such simple changes, but none of us in the Uzumaki Clan ever thought of it from that perspective! "

Scratching his neck, Ryuuji replied with a little shyness:

" It's no big deal, grandma. I just discovered this by accident while trying to produce a Seal that would allow you to turn Mindscape into a physical dimension, thus allowing you to build a pocket dimension with life support and virtually infinite storage capacity. "

Mito's right eye twitched slightly as she listened to the nonsense Ryuuji was saying.

" Ne, Ryuuji-kun…is this Seal already in the testing phase? "

" Not yet…I still need a few more months to get to that level with this project. But if you want, we can upgrade the Seal that holds the Kyuubi in your body. "

" Well…with you around, I think it might not be impossible to take the Kyuubi for a walk. "

Hearing Mito's answer, Ryuuji smiled.

" Grandma, you're so cruel…treating the strongest Bijuu like a pet! "

Guys, I'm sorry if this chapter has a lot of grammatical errors. My time is very short today and I couldn't do the proper review.

Today my sister came home after failing as an adult and this is making me slightly stressed.

I've been helping my mom with the household bills since I was 16 years old and now that my sister has returned home, the bills are going to increase even more.

(Before anyone responds like this: No, I can't let my mother handle this alone, because while I'm not obligated to support my sister, I can't just turn my back on the woman who raised and supported me alone while my disgraced father went to buy cigarettes. )

Looks like my life full of overtime isn't going to end anytime soon. Meanwhile, I'm wrecking my brain for not getting even six hours of sleep a night.

Honestly, writing this fanfic is one of the few pleasures that exist in my daily life.

Anyway, leaving all this complicated subject aside, I would like to thank everyone who reads and votes on this story. You boys and girls are wonderful!

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