
In naruto universe as a sarutobi clan member

this a fanfiction story about a guy who reincarnated in naruto as a sarutobi clan member my mc doesn't care much about people in general he won't sacrifice himself for other or any nation -mc will start weak to strong ( im not going to make a very Op mc he won't be invisible) - smart mc / mc who don't give a fk about anyone ▪︎I DON'T OWN NARUTO THIS A FANFICTION. -im not a creative person so if you have an idea to add to the novel write in the comments plz (im just a beginner/noob writer/ and I'm writing this for my enjoyment)

nicewolf007 · Fantasy
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12 Chs

chap 5

after a year of being a Genin ninja in Konoha, and surprisingly after a short meeting with the Hokage I was lucky enough to be accepted in the hospital as an intern for a year and learn several experienced and qualified medical shinobi which was probably because I was a clan member of the Sarutobi clan a clan that holds great political power amongst the others like the Uchiha clan, Hyuga clan and Senju clan and it's also an influential clan from Konohagakure,

or it might even be the Hokage's way to keep away from the spotlight and away from Danzo.

During these several months other than Refining my skills in medical ninjutsu and curing many civilians of some common illnesses and healing a few genin ninjas who unfortunately seems to have suffered an injury during training or during a mission,

since I wasn't in a ninja team (ninja team:1jonin 3genin) I was assigned a jonin instructor to learn the taijutsu style and Bōjutsu

("staff technique", is the martial art of stick fighting using a bō), and we train 3times a week

which to say the least, I was surprised at how much I liked Bōjutsu, therefore my main weapon now is a staff that is almost as long as just a few inches shorter

and within 7months of training with the help of my shadow clones, I mastered Bōjutsu and Kenjutsu ( "staff technique" "swordsmanship"),

of course, I learned several fire and wind ninjutsu which was something easier than I anticipated

for fire 🔥ninjutsu I abandoned the old way of making a fire in the shape of a dragon or a big chicken (phenix) because of how pointless that is, I get that help individual to control chakra more advantageously but to me, that is just stupid and a waste of time, instead I focused on making it hotter, increasing its range mixe it with my Bōjutsu style.

and I tried the same thing with wind 🌬 ninjutsu

all I needed is make it sharper increase the range of attack and increase the attack speed,

I thought about training the Rasengan, Chidori, and Rasen shuriken but I abandoned this thought since why should I even bother since I already have the strength of a chunin and the chakra reserve of jonin plus I have zero interest and intentions to make contact with any of the characters before the death of the 3rd Hokage

" Sarutobi Hiruzen " ...

anyway as I wake up from my bed early in the morning, as usual, I take a shower, eat my breakfast wear a Red Bordeaux hoodie with the Sarutobi clan symbol and black anbu pants and also a mask 😷 that is similar to the one worn by Kakashi because I was already used to wearing one in my past life.

then I slowly head towards the training ground to meet my new ninja team, I would have sent a shadow clone but I figured I go myself to meet them in person

( you know to show respect and be on good terms with the team).

Once I arrive there I spot two kids one girl and the other is a boy and next to them an adult a little bit overweight assuming they are my new ninja team

I walk towards them,

before I say anything the girl says loudly

" you're late we have been waiting for almost an hour "

before I answer I take a good look at her and the rest of the team,

a girl with brown hair and eyes as tall as me with red fang markings of the Inuzuka clan members

a boy, overweight with red hair and a few inches shorter, and last but not least my jonin sensei about 6'2 feet wearing a jonin vest and blue anbu pants.

"ah sorry for being late yesterday was my last day working at the hospital and I ended up working a bit late, BTW my name is Akira Sarutobi " I respond, with a friendly smile on my face

"all right now settle down kids, since we have a new member on the team let's start by introducing ourselves, I will start first my name is Dōtō Akimichi your jonin sensei and team leader

I like eating and cooking I dislike lying and betrayal and I'm taijutsu and a Buki Jutsu expert"

the girl took a step forward and said " my name is Hina Inuzuka 11 years old, I don't like weaklings and dishonesty I like my family and Garu my ninken(she says as she points at a medium-sized bulldog with a wrinkled face and a distinctive pushed-in nose ) my dream is to be the strongest kunoichi and I'm already on my way to master my secret clan techniques"

then the other boy said while eating a snack of some sort " my name is Karu Akimichi 11 years old,

I like eating and don't have much that I dislike and my dream is to be able to every delicious dish there is and I'm very good at taijutsu "

and finally, my turn to introduce myself " my name is Akira Sarutobi ( 10 years old )my dream is to be an elite jonin and a medical-nin and travel and discover as many places as I possibly can I don't have a specific thing that I like, my dislike is ignorant and arrogant people I'm good in Bōjutsu and medical Jutsu "

"alright since we got that out of the way since I already know the level of strength Hina and Karu are in, I'm gonna have to test you by making you compete against one of your new teammates "

as soon as he finished talking Hina Inuzuka says with an energetic tone "I will do it "

which was a bit confusing to me,

<<< boring fight skip >>

after our spar sensei, Doto came closer and said

" good tactics you're quite agile with a great sense for battle you responded with a calmness that was key for your victory, but Hina what you did recklessly you shouldn't have left your emotions and obsessive over winning cloud your vision,

now let's go and eat some Dango as a celebration for our new teammate"

As we are enjoying our dango🍡 I go and get an extra one for Hina since it looks like she's enjoying them and I handed it saying "I just want you to know that despite what sensei says when I fought you previously I felt like I was against a wolf that Despite all the wounds and pains, he continues to fight and fight with all his remaining effort "

she seems a bit surprised but my actions but then a little smile appears on her face but it disappears quickly when she resumes back eating without giving me an answer but I took that as a good sign.

but then I realised that Karu seems a bit left out so I quickly go and get him a Dango 🍡 .

after eating our sensei decided to get us a D rank mission to help us work on our teamwork.

<< 1-year time skip>>

Akira sarutobi is 11 years old.

during this year as a new genin team, we ended up doing more missions than I anticipated mostly

C-rank missions and most of them were to support another team that suffers some kind of trouble like a fatal injury that unable them from coming back and several others since our team is composed of a sensory ninja Hina Inuzuka and me a medical-nin so our position was kind of important and we weren't supposed to be in the front line.

and during one of the missions, I had to kill a human being a ninja from another village and it was disgusting but I had no choice I never wanted to kill I usually find a way to capture an enemy without killing them but that time I simply couldn't and I was surprised of persistent, which was a reminder of the situation that I'm in, a reminder that this war and these people are more than capable and willing to kill there comrade or even their family to complete a mission, even though my team was helpful after realising my discomfort giving encouraging words which I was grateful for.

but that soon ended with Minato becoming the new Hokage and since I don't see any ninja named Obito running after a kunoichi named Rin

but instead a depressed 13-year-old Kakashi

I assumed that Madara took custody of Obito which, to be honest, I was glad that things went the same as in canon because even if I try to prevent it from happening it will just make it even worse imagine if Madara was able to control this Uchiha and gave him the Finnegan with hachirama cells that will be catastrophic.

knowing that Minato will probably die in a year I decided along with my teammates to apply for a promotion to become chunin and that is why I'm standing in front of his office with my team waiting for his permission to enter

<<< several minutes later >>>>>>

Minato Namikaze " come in "