
In naruto universe as a sarutobi clan member

this a fanfiction story about a guy who reincarnated in naruto as a sarutobi clan member my mc doesn't care much about people in general he won't sacrifice himself for other or any nation -mc will start weak to strong ( im not going to make a very Op mc he won't be invisible) - smart mc / mc who don't give a fk about anyone ▪︎I DON'T OWN NARUTO THIS A FANFICTION. -im not a creative person so if you have an idea to add to the novel write in the comments plz (im just a beginner/noob writer/ and I'm writing this for my enjoyment)

nicewolf007 · Fantasy
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12 Chs

chap 4

finally, After a long and tiring wait, I turn 5 years old, Early in the morning I run to the academy to apply and join as a student when I got there I noticed that The Academy is quite large and is comprised of several buildings I remember from the show that Along with being a school it is also the area where the Hokage's office is located, which is where missions are dispatched and the day-to-day running of the village takes place., luckily I wasn't alone applying and about 30 other kids are taking the test join, I was expecting some simple and easy mathematic problems to solve but the test was way too simple which is proof of the need for new shinobi (cannon fodder) and the Requirements were:

•Love and protect the village and hope to help preserve peace.

▪︎Have a mind that will not yield, able to endure hard training and work.

▪︎Be healthy in mind and body.

If the above conditions are met, admission to the Academy will be granted.

after that one of the teachers said " alright all students that unlocked their chakra step forward "

I took a step forward and I noticed that in total including me half the kids took a step forward

and it seems that most of them are from clans with a few civilians.

Academy teacher " good now follow my colleague here to check the amount of chakra you have and how big is your reserve then you will get the Academy card that will enable you to visit the library"

I do what he says and walk quietly not paying attention to my surroundings nor to the rest of the students, and the chunin teacher finishes taking note of me and another two students one from the Uchiha clan and the other is a female from the Hyuga clan gets praised for having a great amount of chakra almost as much as a genin, while Marks of pride appear on their faces I, on the other hand, I show gratitude for the compliment and leave with my academy card towards the library with one goal which is the shadow clone technique well the lower version of it hoping that all the training in chakra control and my photographic memory will not fail me or go to waste. quickly after memorising the shadow clone technique and a couple more ninjutsu I go back home to train and master them as quickly as possible.

________________2 years time skip_______________

during these two years I learn the name of the Uchiha kid on my first day surprisingly it was

'this Uchiha and I didn't interact with him much not because I only avoided him or because of my clone who made fun of him quite often

but because he graduated early and left which is not bad since I didn't like him I know that people praise him for being a strong and talented shinobi but the kid was an idiot trusting a cyclops but I can't blame him for his naivety after all he was a child dragged to a fight between monsters (Danzo hirrezen and patriarch of the Uchiha clan Fugaku), and during the 2nd year after buying a double edge sword I started practising kenjutsu(sword technique) because of how effective that can be.

it can be used in combination with taijutsu, ninjutsu, fūinjutsu, chakra flow and even genjutsu to achieve more devastating techniques.

and of course, I learn and practice medical ninjutsu, and combining both can save a spot in the very back of the army lines since medical medical-instant.

of course, I didn't abandon my ninjutsu after I surprisingly found out that I have two nature affinity which is fire and wind, and eventually after carefully manipulating my body to make it stronger I can confidently say that I have the chakra reserve and physical strength of a chunin.

I wake up unusual early on a Sunday morning I go take shower get dressed in a white shirt with sarutobi clan symbol attached to the sleeve of my right hand and norma black pants and black shoes since I hate wearing sandals and eat my breakfast then I head towards the academy since today I will be tested by the chunin instructor for my early graduation exam. and when I arrived there I was greeted by the giant sign with the kanji for "fire" (火) on it.

After several hours of taking the exam consisting of Taijutsu classes that serve as the Ninja Academy's equivalent of physical education and ninjutsu classes on the use of hand seals, and ultimately how to use techniques such as the Transformation Technique and the Clone Technique.

and genjutsu classes and all I had to do was to determine if I was trapped within a genjutsu, and then how to release myself from it.

and of course, the written exam which consists of mathematics, science, geography, etc tests are framed in a ninja context.

during the exam, I deliberately showed mediocre skills in taijutsu and kenjutsu with excellent ninjutsu skills and amazing control over chakra

which was more than enough to graduate.

chunin instructor " congratulation now you're a genin this is here you headband come back tomorrow to meet your team and your jonin instructor "

I thank him and quickly leave with the ninja headband around my forehead

<<Hokage's Office Hiruzen sarutobi pov>>

while I was in my office surrounded by hundreds of papers ( reports etc) that were delivered to me by my secretary or an Anbu which makes me wonder how my sensei (2nd Hokage) was able to handle such a thing,

I receive another report this time it was from the academy regarding Akira sarutobi ( 8 years old)

yet another genius, he might not be as good as Kakashi in kenjutsu or as good as this in Buki Jutsu but his chakra reserve(chunin) and chakra control of a low jonin,

and it appears to be his dream is to be a medical-nin.

I should take care of this one and keep him away from Danzo,

unlike the Uchiha clan, we don't have many talented individuals plus this one have great potential to be a very good medical-nin.

shortly after finishing some paperwork, I take smoke from my pipe while thinking of the bright future that Konoha surely will experience and go through because of how many talented shinobi Konoha have right now