
In Naruto: I'm the Immortal Ancestor

A college student was accidentally reborn in the world of Naruto and became a member of the Uchiha who was destined to be wiped out. In this cruel ninja world, facing endless wars and crowding out the village, what will Uchiha Kiyoshi do? Find how Uchiha Kiyoshi cultivates immortality in the ninja world. MTL

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Chapter 41 Cultivation

  "I basically have the prerequisites for the development of the instant body. Next, I have to try it out."

  There are at least three months of training time, and Uchiha Kiyoshi still has time to do this. Research. Uchiha Qing has studied the foundation of sealing technique for so many years, but it is not for nothing. Uchiha Qingdu has studied the most comprehensive foundation of sealing technique in Uchiha, and he is very serious when studying, and the foundation is very solid. This is also the reason why Uchiha Kiyoshi was able to master the basic application of all sealing techniques in just three months.

  The so-called basic sealing technique is indeed only the foundation, just like one of the binding circles, even ordinary people with stronger strength can break free. But what Uchiha Kiyoshi saw was not the effect, but the combined application of the spells, just like the effect of the small cycle of Chakra operation that Uchiha Kiyoshi was doing before. With these basic combination methods, as long as they are superimposed and combined reasonably, various sealing techniques can be developed.

  However, this is not a simple matter. There are many sealing techniques, and the superposition of different combinations is not a simple superposition, but an organic combination. For example, if the combination of "123" and "425" wants to play a role, it is not Add up the two sequences in order, but it may need to be arranged into a combination such as 142325. In addition, whether the same spell that may appear can be shared, some can, and some can't. In addition, the description of the sealing technique is not only sequential on a line, but also on a plane and in space. Overall, it's quite troublesome.

  The above is also the simplest example for the convenience of understanding. There is no combination of real sealing techniques that is less than ten techniques, and the number of attempts that need to be tried is far beyond imagination. However, Kiyoshi Uchiha has a solid foundation and can directly eliminate a large number of wrong combinations. Coupled with the permutations and combinations in the mathematics of his previous life, he still has a great advantage over other ninjas.

  "Set a small goal first, and develop a sealing technique that can temporarily seal Chakra on Kuwu." With the

  goal set, Uchiha Kiyoshi began another round of his own practice.

  Every morning, Uchiha Kiyoshi will do physical exercise. Now he has developed relatively well and can use weights, so Uchiha Kiyoshi still bought two sets of weights, 10 kg and 20 kg, and changed them when exercising. I usually wear ten kilograms if I weigh 20 kilograms.

  He also has the skill of self-cultivation, Uchiha Kiyoshi is not afraid of losing his body, so he dares to practice with heavy loads, he is not a beast. The effect of weight-bearing training is also good, and Uchiha Kiyoshi's physical fitness has also improved a lot faster.

  Feeling the rapid improvement of the long-lost physical fitness, Uchiha Kiyoshi is also very attentive in exercising.

  "It's a pity that the physical fitness improved by exercise does not have the evolutionary feeling like

  the body cultivation technique." Different from the improvement brought about by the body cultivation technique, exercise does not have the feeling of promoting physical evolution, it is just a simple Strengthening of the body. However, this is enough, Uchiha Kiyoshi has not yet found the use of this feeling of evolution, so naturally he is not in a hurry to improve in this area.

  In the morning, he will practice Taijutsu, and after lunch, he will practice self-cultivation. Then Kiyoshi Uchiha will practice ninjutsu in the afternoon. The practice of new ninjutsu and the proficiency of ninjutsu already mastered will be carried out. Chakra is gone, so stop and think about the theory of sealing. In the evening, after dinner and recovery of Chakra, it is time to develop the sealing technique.

  Orochimaru also noticed Uchiha Kiyoshi's hard work, and the progress met his requirements, so he didn't intervene too much. Orochimaru's energy was also put on Naoki and Sarutobi Sakuma.

  Fortunately, Sarutobi Sakuya was born with good talent and a solid foundation, so he didn't have much difficulty learning various things.

  Naoki is different, although Kiyoshi Uchiha answered his why every day in the ninja school and gave him a lot of knowledge, but it was only enough for his graduation assessment. The real theoretical knowledge, the rope tree can be said to be very weak. And is Orochimaru the kind of person who can't control him? Obviously not, under the persecution of Orochimaru, Shengshu has to learn a lot of basics every day, and also accepts the inspection from the teacher. For a scumbag, this is simply the worst training ever.

  In addition to studying, Orochimaru also brought up the training of Naoshu's chakra control. With so much chakra, how can you not use it? Learning more ninjutsu is the best way to use it. Unfortunately, it is still very slow to learn ninjutsu in the case of Zhishu. You can only exercise your chakra control ability first. Sharpening the knife is not a mistake in chopping wood, and the chakra is well controlled, and there are bonuses in other aspects, not just good for the practice of medical ninjutsu. Even the practice of many ninjutsu requires strong chakra control to complete.

  Uchiha Kiyoshi is powerless to help the miserable life of the rope tree.

  This is retribution, hey, if you don't work hard when you are young, you will be sad when you grow old, that's what I'm talking about. Although the rope tree is not old, but the meaning is like this, if you didn't study hard before, you will be forced to work hard now.

  "Put this spell here, and the whole spell will run smoothly. The combination of enchantment, restraint, and strengthening should be able to seal Chakra, right?"

  Kiyoshi Uchiha carefully Ku Wushang portrayed the combination of spells he had just deduced, seeing that there was no conflict in the spells this time, he finally breathed a sigh of relief.

  In the past three months, Kiyoshi Uchiha combined the basic enchantment, the binding circle, and a sealing technique with a strengthening effect. After continuous deduction, he finally succeeded in stabilizing the entire sealing technique. If it's good, it can be used to improve the alternate body.

  For three months, five or six kunai were scrapped every day. Although it was standard, it was enough for Uchiha Kiyoshi to feel distressed. In order to subsidize the expenditure in this area, Uchiha Kiyoshi has to take on one or two D-level missions every day for the past three months.

  Finally stabilized the technique, Kunai was not scrapped, Uchiha Kiyoshi was also relieved. If it goes on like this, I really can't hold it. After all, the D-level missions in the village are limited. He, a ninja who can accept C-level missions, can accept D-level missions. This is also to prevent high-level ninjas from Brush tasks, resulting in poor quality of task completion.

  Uchiha Kiyoshi put his right hand on Kunai and slowly injected chakra.

  "Phew~ It's stable. It seems that the results of these three months are still there, as long as you can seal Chakra. Go ahead and see what the limit is."

  Uchiha Kiyoshi continued to inject Chakra into Kunai's seal.


  Finally, the seal of Ku Wu Shang couldn't bear it, and it was scrapped.

  "So, the limit that the seal can withstand is about ten chakras? No, it's best to control it at eight chakras under normal conditions, so as to ensure the normal operation of the entire technique."

  Uchiha Kiyoshi looked at the scrapped Kunai, from just now In the experiment, the effect of the sealing technique was summarized.

  To be honest, Kiyoshi Uchiha was a little dissatisfied with this effect. Half of the Chakra consumed by the substitute technique is in the setting of the substitute, that is to say, the sealed Chakra is basically half of the Chakra used to activate the ninjutsu.

  Only eight cards of chakra can be sealed, and the scope of the substitute technique is naturally limited.

  With Uchiha Kiyoshi's current level, the range that can be replaced by a chakra of fifteen sixty-seven calories is about five meters.

  Uchiha Kiyoshi's stand-in skill level is one card below three meters, five cards for four meters, more than ten cards for five meters, about thirty cards for six meters, and 120 cards for ten meters.

  With every additional meter of replacement, the increased Chakra consumption is increasing, and it is getting faster and faster. This is also the best result after Uchiha Kiyoshi's improvement. Therefore, this is also the main reason why the space ninjutsu of Substitution is tasteless. reason.

  "Heh, I'm a bit too demanding. Five meters already has actual combat effects, barely enough, and there's still a lot of time, so it's good to improve slowly. How about adding a few more strengthening steps? Well, you can try. "