
In Naruto: I'm the Immortal Ancestor

A college student was accidentally reborn in the world of Naruto and became a member of the Uchiha who was destined to be wiped out. In this cruel ninja world, facing endless wars and crowding out the village, what will Uchiha Kiyoshi do? Find how Uchiha Kiyoshi cultivates immortality in the ninja world. MTL

Asura1997 · Anime & Comics
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70 Chs

Chapter 40 Theoretical conjectures for the blink of an eye

"Tudun · Tuliu Wall Art"

  A two-meter-high earthen wall rises from the ground and stands in front of Uchiha Kiyoshi.

  Looking at this miniature soil flow wall that is two meters high and only one meter wide, Uchiha Kiyoshi feels full of security.

  Although it is not as good as the original version of the Tuliubi, but with my continuous proficiency, I have cultivated this simplified version of the Tuliubi to be very strong. For a ninja of the zhongnin level, the defense is enough.

  "Unfortunately, this ninjutsu still consumes a bit too much Chakra. With my Chakra, I can only release it three times."

  Uchiha Kiyoshi shook his head, retracted the soil flow wall, and everything in front of him returned to the way it was before.

  The hands are sealed again.

  "Earth Dungeon·Earth Shield"

  didn't waste too much time in making seals this time, only three seals, less than a second.

  A shield appeared in front of Uchiha Kiyoshi, made of earth. Following this, earthen shields also appeared on the back, left, and right sides.

  Not only that, after the shield appeared, Uchiha Kiyoshi also tried to manipulate it, and the shield rotated 360 degrees around Uchiha Kiyoshi without dead ends.

  This is the result of Uchiha Kiyoshi's recent practice.

  It has been more than three months since the last time a C... er, B-level mission was carried out.

  Uchiha Kiyoshi originally planned to get some defensive ninjutsu from Orochimaru Na, and consume as little Chakra as possible. It's a pity not, the defensive ninjutsu at Orochimaru is also B-level and A-level, and consumes a lot of chakra.

  No way, Uchiha Kiyoshi can only try to develop a ninjutsu by himself.

  That is, the earth shield technique performed by Uchiha Kiyoshi just now.

  According to the principle of the earth flow wall, many movements of Chakra are omitted, and the function of the small cycle marked by the technique of earth thorns that I have learned, is combined to form a C-level ninjutsu.

  It doesn't even have to be a C-rank ninjutsu. The defense power is actually not that high, and it can barely block the next attack of the weakest C-rank ninjutsu.

  However, even so, it is of great significance to Uchiha Kiyoshi.

  First of all, limited by the amount of chakra, what Kiyoshi Uchiha needs at this stage is not a very strong defensive ninjutsu, but a defensive ninjutsu that can be used frequently.

  It doesn't matter if the defense of the earth shield is weak, I can just stack two. Also, the usage of the very Hao fireball is similar, it doesn't have to be a fight to the death, it can offset part of the damage by tilting at a certain angle, as long as the remaining attacks can't hit Uchiha Kiyoshi's body.

  In addition to this, the most important thing is that this is Uchiha Kiyoshi's own ninjutsu. Although the level is not high, it has also verified the correctness of his theory.

  Now only by relying on the small loops in the two earth escape ninjutsu, Uchiha Kiyoshi has initially developed such a ninjutsu. With the improvement of the records of the small loop functions, Uchiha Kiyoshi will be able to develop his own sooner or later. Advanced ninjutsu.

  Isn't the Uchiha clan famous for their fire escape? Isn't there no fire escape ninjutsu above level A? How about I develop one myself? From now on, this will be my symbol in the ninja world!

  How about the Buddha's Wrath Fire Lotus in a certain sky? Although there is no such strange fire, as long as it is a different fire, it can explode, right?

  "Yes, yes, write it down first, and study it later when you have the ability."

  Uchiha Kiyoshi is quite satisfied with this earth shield technique, at least it doesn't consume much chakra.

  In addition to earth escape ninjutsu, Uchiha Kiyoshi has made considerable progress in other aspects in the past three months.

  Name: Kiyoshi

  Uchiha Carat: 340 cards/340 cards (370 cards)

  Nature changes: Fire escape (burning), earth escape (hard)

  Ninjutsu: Slight

  secret technique: Body cultivation technique, alternate body technique

  Others: Basic seal, seal

  Not to mention Chakra, Uchiha Kiyoshi's biggest improvement is the cultivation of nature change.

  During the ninja school period, Uchiha Kiyoshi had already started to practice the change of the nature of the fire escape, but because the change of the nature of the fire escape he practiced was biased towards the burning of the attack, so he did not focus on it. When he graduated, he was just barely getting started, and he couldn't join the normal attack.

  Now Kiyoshi Uchiha has grasped this change in nature. After all, if he attacks sneakily, he still has to attack for the first time. If the attack power increases, the subsequent battles will be easier.

  Now Uchiha Kiyoshi's fire escape power has also increased greatly, and even Uchiha Kiyoshi had a momentary thought that he could transform back to a normal ninja, and he could do both offense and defense.

  It's a pity that Uchiha Kiyoshi finally had to reluctantly extinguish this fantasy.

  Want to be an attack ninja? Learn to save your life first. This is Zhongren, can't help it? Where's your ninja essence?

  The nature of Tudun changed, and Uchiha Kiyoshi chose the direction of hardening, which greatly hardened the earth flow wall, soil thorns and the like that he produced through Tudun.

  It's just that three months is still a bit short, and this change in nature is only an entry point, and cannot be used in combat.

  "Defensive ninjutsu and ninjutsu training are in line with expectations. Now there is only a life-saving surrogate technique."

  Uchiha Kiyoshi called the ninjutsu he planned to perfect through the surrogate technique the surrogate technique, of course It is only in the theoretical stage at this stage.

  It is also a space ninjutsu, and the technique of replacing the instant body is a kind of spatial exchange with the substitute. The Flying Thunder God also completed space ninjutsu similar to summoning through reverse psychic.

  Fundamentally, the two are different.

  However, space is illusory, and it is still difficult to study it. If Uchiha Kiyoshi wants to perfect his own secret technique, he can only focus on the most basic principle of space exchange in substitute technique and continue to improve it.

  Among them, increasing the interchange distance is one point. On the one hand, Kiyoshi Uchiha enhanced the induction by increasing the chakra left on the replacement for induction. Improvement, a two-pronged approach has improved the efficiency of the substitute technique a lot.

  Another direction is the improvement of substitutes.

  Substitution is a ninjutsu that swaps Chakra with the main body after leaving chakra with a specific function on the replacement. This requires that the replacement be able to accommodate the chakra, at least temporarily.

  And the best replacement is Chakra metal, but unfortunately that thing is too expensive, so I can only choose wooden stakes that have been specially treated and still have a hint of activity.

  However, the wooden stake is still too conspicuous and needs to be reserved, which is too mental a test and does not meet Uchiha Kiyoshi's expectations.

  What Uchiha Kiyoshi wants is the model of the Fourth Hokage Fei Raijin, using ninja tools such as Kunai as substitutes.

  And this is actually achievable.

  Referring to Fei Leishen's use of a lot of knowledge of sealing techniques, and even advanced knowledge of sealing techniques, Kiyoshi Uchiha also intends to use sealing techniques to solve the problem of replacements.

  Chakras will corrode ordinary metals, or they won't be able to attach, so I'll seal these chakras in Kunai, is that okay?

  With an idea in mind, Kiyoshi Uchiha will naturally start to act.

  In the past three months, I got some basic sealing techniques from Orochimaru, similar to the basic enchantment that Uchiha Kiyoshi learned before. It is useless, but it is the most basic application of sealing techniques.

  With these, Uchiha Kiyoshi began to try to seal Chakra into Kunai's research.

  Fortunately, the team of my third class is a bit special, Nakoki, the young master Senju, and Sarutobi Sakuma, Hokage's nephew, plus a Uchiha. He is still a disciple of Orochimaru, and the care he receives is not small.

  There are very few missions, or the missions are all of low risk. As for the C-level mission that became a B-level last time, the overall risk is still small, which is much better than civilian ninjas.

  But even so, Tsunade was still worried about the danger last time, so he directly imposed a ban on Naoshu, and he could not go out of the village to perform tasks, at least for half a year.

  What else can I do? Agree! Both Hokage and Orochimaru also gave Tsunade face, and prevented the third team from taking over the mission of the village. They have been practicing in the village for the past six months.