
In Naruto: I'm the Immortal Ancestor

A college student was accidentally reborn in the world of Naruto and became a member of the Uchiha who was destined to be wiped out. In this cruel ninja world, facing endless wars and crowding out the village, what will Uchiha Kiyoshi do? Find how Uchiha Kiyoshi cultivates immortality in the ninja world. MTL

Asura1997 · Anime & Comics
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70 Chs

Chapter 28 Graduation

  In the 32nd year of Konoha, Kiyoshi Uchiha is already ten years old. It can be said that his development is good enough, and he should start to do tasks.

  Although he hasn't encountered a bottleneck yet, Kiyoshi Uchiha now feels that doing missions and actual combat is more beneficial to his own progress, and his strength will improve faster. Of course, even if Kiyoshi Uchiha doesn't want to do the task, it won't work. Now Kiyoshi Uchiha is about to graduate, and it will be a matter of time to follow the teacher who leads the team to do the task.

  Speaking of the team leader, Kiyoshi Uchiha thought of Orochimaru. If he guessed correctly, he should be a student of Orochimaru with Nawaki, but he doesn't know who the other person is. But after thinking for a long time, Uchiha Kiyoshi didn't figure it out, and he didn't know what Hokage would be thinking.

  "Forget it, it doesn't matter who it is. Anyway, with Nakoki and I here, who are you afraid of?"

  Uchiha Kiyoshi, who is confident in his own strength, did not worry about the third person in the end, but prepared for the exam.

  The ninja school lasted for four years. Uchiha Kiyoshi would make some simple mistakes in every theoretical exam, and set himself a careless character, which would be of great use in the future.

  It is also for this reason that Uchiha Kiyoshi is generally only second and third place, and the first place has been dominated by Uchiha Tomo, and Uchiha Kiyoshi and Hinata Teru compete for second place.

  However, Uchiha Kiyoshi has always been the number one in the gymnastics class since the second grade, and no one can beat him.

  Kiyoshi Uchiha wasn't really worried about the final graduation exam. Even if he failed the exam, it is estimated that Orochimaru would be able to win him over, but it's meaningless, and it's just a little more trouble. Maybe the impression of Orochimaru will also decline. .

  Uchiha Kiyoshi is looking forward to Dashemaru, the leading teacher.

  Orochimaru will become a scientist in the future, perfected the reincarnation of the soil, and developed a variety of ninjutsu. Not only the actual combat effect is excellent, but also the escape is also very good.

  Although the later Uncle Snake may be a bit perverted, he is always greedy for others. But the current Orochimaru should not have reached that level, it is just a normal experimental category. Only after going through all kinds of battles, failing to protect the rope tree, being dragged into the pit by Danzo, and being disappointed with the third generation of Hokage, will Orochimaru gradually become like the middle and late stages of the original book, although there are also some reasons for his personality.

  Orochimaru, who is still considered normal now, can be said to be a good candidate for a teacher. Although it may be a bit ruthless, the effect should be very good.

  Orochimaru is the most satisfied disciple of the three generations of Hokage. What are the three generations of Hokage best at? Five Elements Ninjutsu! "Doctor Ninjutsu" is not called for nothing.

  Satisfied the three generations of Hokage the most, another meaning is that Orochimaru's achievements in ninjutsu are the highest among the three ninjas.

  Naturally, it is the best choice for Uchiha Qing to accumulate ninjutsu in the early stage.

  Sannin, Orochimaru relies on technology, Tsunade relies on blood, talent, yin seal, and Zilai also relies on hard work.

  This is Uchiha Kiyoshi's idea. Needless to say, Orochimaru, a scientific ninja. Although Tsunade didn't say how huge Chakra is, but after all, he is from the Senju family, and he is the granddaughter of Senju Hashirama. Can there be less chakra? Also, after such a long delay in the middle, she was still able to keep up. The talent is really top-notch, and based on the recovery ability of Senshou Zhujian, she developed the technique of Baihao based on the Yin seal and the creation and regeneration, which is also her greatest talent. source of strength.

  What about Jiraiya? Civilian ninjas, except for their physical strength and Chakrado, have no other advantages in talent.

  That's right, Zi Lai Ye's talent is really not enough. Orochimaru has a reason for saying that he is stupid every time. But people work hard, dare to fight! That is to say, if you dare to fight, you will use psychic skills indiscriminately!

  What? Don't know the danger? Can you believe that? Who are the three generations of Hokage? Doctor Ninjutsu! Teaching the existence of Sannin, would you ignore such a small detail? Even if it is not specifically emphasized, it will be said. Did you really not hear it?

  No, he just knows his own situation, he also knows that his talent is poor, he can only fight, he can only gamble! Bet yourself to be lucky enough to meet a powerful psychic beast!

  As it turned out, his bet paid off. Later, with the help of Mount Miaomu, he learned the fairy mode, so that he could keep up with the other two.

  In the original book, there are actually very few ninjutsu in Jiraiya, but all of them are proficient. He has not been distracted, and has been practicing ninjutsu and immortal mode that suit him, which is why he has achieved such a great achievement.

  In fact, Jiraiya's talent can be seen from one thing. That is to learn spiral pills. Although that was the way he taught Naruto, why not the way he learned it? If you can learn it easily, who would have nothing to think about it? Behind unlocking various new methods, is it not the helplessness of lack of talent?

  However, Zilai also persevered. It can only be said that in the original book, many people's evaluations are correct, he is really a great ninja.

  Ahem...that's too much talking, let's get back to the topic.

  Kiyoshi Uchiha adjusted his condition and started the exam.

  The theory test was very easy for him. He finished the answer half an hour early. After handing in the paper ahead of time, he left the classroom and went to the assessment site of the Three Body Art.

  Class placement is more based on the usual exams and performance. The level of the theoretical exam is not very important. Many students also take it lightly, do what they know, and hand in the paper directly, as long as they can pass.

  So Uchiha Kiyoshi was not the first to come to participate in the three-body art assessment, so he had to wait patiently in line.

  After a while, the guy Nasoki also came over, and ran directly to Uchiha Kiyoshi.

  "You finished it so quickly?"

  Uchiha Kiyoshi was still surprised.

  "Hey, that's not right, don't look at who I am, I'm going to be the man of Hokage, hahahaha!"

  Naoki said triumphantly, and shouted to repeat his dream again.

  Uchiha Kiyoshi looked at the various eyes of the students around him, some with disdain, some with admiration... Uh, what the hell is adoration?

  Kiyoshi Uchiha is also helpless for Natoki, this guy is hopeless, he has been clamoring all day to become Hokage, it is estimated that he is already on Danzo's small notebook.

  But at least there is no need to worry now, the Senshou Clan has not completely retired, and with the Senshou Clan as their backing, Naoki does not need to worry about what Danzo did too much. But it is precisely this point that the threat of Nakoki in Danzo is great. One dreams of becoming Hokage, and there are people behind him who support him. He is even the best ninja from birth. The chance of becoming Hokage when he grows up is too high. Danzo is also unacceptable.

  "I can only pay attention. I hope that Danzo will not do anything. However, from the fact that the original rope tree can survive until World War II, it seems that there is no way for Danzo to do anything in the early stage, but he can survive for a while. And as long as the rope tree Immortal, if the Senju Clan has hope, they will not be led by the nose by Danzo, most of the high-level clan members sacrificed on the battlefield, and then retired."

  Uchiha Kiyoshi looked at the rope tree, and kept thinking in his heart.

  Nawaki who was being stared at was also hairy all over, he hugged himself tightly and looked at Uchiha Kiyoshi vigilantly.

  Ignoring Naoki's trickery, Kiyoshi Uchiha walked into the assessment room, and the previous classmate came out and notified him to go in.

  In the room, behind a long table, sat the teachers of four classes one by one, with a ninja wearing a dog-head mask in the middle, who should be the Anbu ninja sent by Naruto to invigilate the exam.

  All the class teachers are here, and the theory test on the other side is invigilated by the gym teacher.

  Naoki Uemura also opened his mouth when he saw Uchiha Kiyoshi coming in.

  "Uchiha Kiyoshi, don't be nervous, all you have to do is perform here and perform the three-body jutsu in turn."

  Unlike thirty years later, Konoha's final assessment now is to show all the three-body jutsu once.

  Uchiha Kiyoshi was also unambiguous, took a step forward, took a deep breath, and began to seal his hands.

  Experts will know if there is one as soon as they make a move.

  Just seeing Uchiha Kiyoshi's move, several judges began to nod their heads, and they were also surprised to see Uchiha Kiyoshi's seal speed.

  In just one second, Uchiha Kiyoshi completed the three seals of the clone technique.


  A ninja who is no different from Uchiha Kiyoshi appeared next to Uchiha Kiyoshi, with the same appearance and the same demeanor as a real person. There was no smoke in the whole process, but it was also this that made the teachers present, including the invigilator Anbu Ninja, nod repeatedly.

  The Anbu ninja was even more admirable, "As expected, he is a genius who has mastered medical ninjutsu. Such chakra control ability is very good, and there is no waste at all." The

  four teachers also looked at Anbu in surprise. It is known that Uchiha Kiyoshi can do it without any smoke, but they don't know where it is, anyway, they can't do it themselves. I didn't expect this person to give such a high evaluation, and according to this person's meaning, such a method should be very clever.

  Uchiha Kiyoshi didn't stop, lifted the clone technique, and then got a seal, and directly turned into an Anbu ninja, and there was no difference at all.

  It even made several teachers admire that they were able to simulate so perfectly just after meeting, and Uchiha Kiyoshi's transformation technique is also very accomplished.

  In the last stand-in technique, apart from the lack of smoke, it didn't show much more, and it seemed the most mediocre.

  However, only Uchiha Kiyoshi knows what level his substitute technique is.

  Performing the Sanshenjutsu in turn, Kiyoshi Uchiha got a perfect score and walked out in a calm manner.