
In My Arms Again

A princess named Ariadna who had her life obeying orders and responsibilities of a true princess had her fate intertwined from one of the most precious men in her life.

Marshies_qt · Fantasy
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22 Chs

Chapter 14: By your Side

Kabel POV

Father's nagging was a pain to my ears. He kept scolding me about what happened with Estann. He keeps reminding me things I already know.

"You are the heir apparent to the throne. You my child should show the traits of a man, you are already 19 and 3 years from now you will be standing on where I am now"


"Well?? Kabel??"

I glared at him and ruffled my hair out of frustration. My father looked at me confused. I looked at him back and sighed.

"I know, I know. You keep telling me these things its already a pain in my head"

"When I was your age, I was already married luckily for your generation we won't implement that kind of mistake "

"You keep telling me I have to be this just and noble and smart and competent ruler. The pressure is driving me crazy. Estann already hits up my nerve that I want to break his neck"

"Kabel, watch your tongue"

I glared at him. I lay down on my bed and closed my eyes. My father sighed. He walked towards me and sat beside me.

"You know son, There are only two things men fight for. It's either power or love"

I turned to the side not paying attention to my father. But, he is half right. We fought because of Ariadna. It pisses me off that his jealousy took over him. However, at the same time I was greedy. I wanted Ari only for myself.

"What if I say it's about love?"

"Tell me, who is it"


I was so nervous to answer. I kept rubbing my face because I don't know what to say. I sat down and took a deep breath.

"What will you do if someone else also likes the girl you like?"

"Then I would contest with him and prove the girl that I am deserving for her. Treat her like a gentleman and supports her on what she loves"

Suddenly I was remembered about my mom. I never met her, they said she died when giving birth.

"Father, how was it like? to love a person like mom?"

His eyes widened but then he smiled and patted my head. He started stroking my head.

"Loving her was the most beautiful thing I have ever done and I don't regret it. Like, actually risking everything to love her"

"Then why won't you marry another?"

"We can't find the same jewels with the same worth aren't we?"

He chuckled and patted my shoulder. After having a long conversation with father. I immediately went to find Ariadna. I suddenly met Estann with his attendant in the hallways. We glared at each other.

He slowly walked towards me passing beside my ear whispering something.

"We aint done yet"

He then continued walking. I continue to search for Ari and found her preparing to send the invitations.

"Kabel, you're here. Just in time, I was about to give you this"

"Thank you"

"Kabel, I wanna go out. Can you come with me?"

I nodded in reply. We were going horseback riding around Kazimel. We went to places together. Swimming at the river, eating, laughing together. We were sitting at the grass looking at the scenery. I looked at her and saw her smiling.

"You're pretty"



She looked confused but never minded it afterwards. I just stared at her as if she's the most beautiful scenery. Her hair golden as the sun and green eyes like the jewels. She looked at me and giggled.

"It has been years, since we first met"

"I didn't knew we would be this close"

"I don't have anyone so close except father and you. If ever comes a time that all of us rule each of our own kingdom, will you still be there to support me?"

"Of course, Ari. I'll be by your side when you need me"

I looked at her and smile she also smiled back. The sun was starting to set and every moment was precious.