
In My Arms Again

A princess named Ariadna who had her life obeying orders and responsibilities of a true princess had her fate intertwined from one of the most precious men in her life.

Marshies_qt · Fantasy
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22 Chs

Chapter 10: Douceur Douce

Ariadna POV

I walked through the halls and passed by Marika. She was just finish from her studies.

"Big sister Ari!"

She shouted and ran towards me. I just smiled as she was getting nearer

"Where are you going? Are you done with your studies?"

"Yes I did, I was planning to go to the garden to clear my head"

"Then see you later big sister!"

Marika ran while waving farewell. I don't know what that kid's up to . I continued walking until I reached the garden. Clovers are abundant in the South. I sat where my favorite flower grows. Clovers. I picked one and played with it but then wind gush through my hair leaving the petals of the clover floating around.

I miss Sydonia, I miss my home, I miss everything there. I remembered when I was a child my mother and I would always stroll in the garden and have tea. I lay down and closed my eyes. I smelled scent like mint with a mix of honey like an essential oil.

"Ari, Hi"

I opened my eyes and got up. It was Cabel (Kabel). He was sitting right next to me. If Cabel is here then Uncle Legos must be inside the palace visiting Father and Uncle Vard.

"What are you doing here alone?"

"I was just taking my time to relax and think things out"

Cabel laid down and stretched both of his hands and looked at the sky. I've never been alone with Cabel before this is the first time. He reached his hands to the air while clover petals were dancing in the wind.

"It's too quiet don't you think? Tell me, what is it you are thinking about so deeply that it makes you wanna just lie down here and chill?"

Cabel asked. I guess I need to tell him.

" I just miss my home"

"Sydonia? I heard from Father that it's under rebuilding though"

"What do you mean Cabel?"

I was shocked at what he said. Rebuilding? as in everything has been restored? He faced me while lying down.

"Lay down and I'll tell you"

I want to know what he meant. So I laid down beside him and we looked at each other.

"It was supposed to be a surprise gift for you from my father and Uncle Kazim on your upcoming debut to society. I guess I spoiled it."

" It's okay. Still, I'm happy that in a few days time I can go back to Sydonia"

I can't stop smiling then tears fell from my cheeks. I can't stop it. Cabel quickly got up and lend me a hand. I grabbed his hand and sat. He looked at me and thumbs through my hair.

"Don't cry Ari. Are you sad?"

"No! No.. it's just that I'm so happy. Thank you for telling me even though it was supposed to be a secret."

I chuckled. He wiped my tears and softly pat down my head. I laid my head to his shoulder. He held my hand tight. I closed my eyes and enjoyed that time.

"I am here for you always."

"Thank you"