
In MHA With Madara’s powers

A dude in MHA with Madara Uchiha powers. Don’t take this seriously I’ve literally never in my life written a story before. Again DONT TAKE IT SERIOUSLY. Take it as one of those novels that’s so garbage, but you have absolutely nothing to read so you read it anyways. I’m very bored in quarantine with nothing to do. Also don’t expect so many updates because I’ll only update when I actually feel like it. I’m a very lazy person [Cover title made by this awesome dude named RISE10]

MyStomachHurts · Anime & Comics
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98 Chs

Chapter 45

[author- honestly. Any authors here, y'all ever write on your phone? It truly does suck like a bitch.

Read your comments last chapter, and I'll stop underestimating myself lol. But I did find it quite difficult to get the Stain vibes in this chapter

(2183 words without author note)]


The Hero Killer looked at Madara seriously and said "Either way, whatever you say; I'm still not going to change my ways. I took it upon myself to stain my hands in blood to fix this society.

To cleanse and purge it of all these fake heroes. Even if it's wrong. Even if everyone sees my actions as villainous and evil!"

The man had already recognized that his actions were morally wrong. He knew that what he was doing wasn't considered right and he was labeled as a villain; but did he care? No. He only focused on doing what he always said he would do.

"So why do you think that you yourself should have to do it?" Madara questioned the man as he switched his Gunbai back to his Bo Staff and strapped it to his back.

He didn't get it. What was pushing him to continue on with these ideals of his? What pushed him to become this type of man, killing heroes that he thought were 'bad'.

"If no one will, then I might as well. In order for society to be in the right path, then I have to continue what I'm doing. I've already started long before, your words aren't going to make me stop. For every blood I spill, society takes one steps towards the right path." The Hero Killer responded seriously to the young man in front of him.

He didn't expect for Madara to understand his words, or the reason to why he was doing this; and he also didn't care what the boy really thought of him. There's already tons of people who want him dead or imprisoned, and he still continued on with what he was doing. No matter how much they wish him to be caught, he'll still do what he's doing. No matter how much they wish for his demise, he'll still save them.

'Save them of this flawed and unacceptable society....' Stain thought to himself with resolve.

"And who do you think the ideal Hero is in your eyes?" Madara questioned him. He knew who it was, but he wanted to see if there was anyone else other then the person he was thinking.

"All Might... the type of person who'll save those despite getting nothing in return. Who despite all the fame and glory, still steps up to be societies number one.

His strength doesn't matter in my eyes. What I like most about the man is his selflessness nd conviction. That's a true hero, but unfortunately most of the others who admire him seem to be fake. It's funny isn't it?" Stain said, causing Madara to shake his head in disagreement.

"All Might huh. Once again, I've realized just how unrealistic your expectations seem to be. I've said this before but, do you actually expect every hero to sacrifice themselves, and give it their all without any sort of compensation?

You seem to forget, or maybe you didn't notice this, but being a hero is a profession. No matter if you don't like it, or how it doesn't show the qualities of your definition of a 'true hero'.

What's the problem of being a hero for the need of money? What if the person is struggling with wealth? Isn't being a hero the better way to fix that problem of theirs? In my opinion, I would rather have them become a hero for wealth and fame, than to turn over and become a villain for that same reason.

Let me ask you this. There's this girl in my class. Young student training to become a protector of society. To one day become a pro hero. Her reason for becoming one is mostly because she wants to make money for her parents.

Would you corner her one day in a dark alley and slit her throat in cold blood? Or preach about your ideology and hurt her so bad to the point where they'll never be able to become a hero again?" Madara said, looking at the villain who seemed to have no reaction to his words.

Madara himself believed that Stain was expecting too much of society, and the general out look of what a Pro Hero should be these days. Who in their right mind would sacrifice themselves for the sake of protecting people who they don't even know; with no reward whatsoever. In the end, who cared if they wanted money and fame? Only thing that should matter is if they're doing their job as a pro hero. If they are actually saving people.

What would happen if one day, they started to not pay heroes for the actions they do. It's likely that most of them would quit and find a different 'profession'. Stop being a pro hero and go look for another job. Yes job, because that's all it is in Madara's eyes. It's no different than being a police officer.

'I'm growing tired of this talk...' Madara thought to himself as Stain finally opened his mouth and said

"Say whatever you want kid. It won't have any affect on me. Is your goal trying to make me feel guilt? See my 'wrongs'? It'll never happen. I would've been arrested long ago if I felt guilty for doing what I'm doing.

Maybe when you grow up, you'll realize what I'm talking about. When you see the true world and the real way these heroes operate."

Madara once again disagreed with the words of the Hero Killer. He didn't need to grow up to understand the man's ideology or realize just how right Stain was. Why? Because he wasn't right. At least his actions weren't.

Looking straight into the eyes of Stain, Madara spoke up and said

"In the end, I just think you're insane, but I do think you have a point. We as a people, as humans will always have realistic motives for doing this type of stuff, but we'd also expect something in return. That's just how most people are, but you just can't seem to accept that."

From the look in his eyes, he could tell that his words meant nothing to him. No matter what people say about his actions, he'll still do whatever he can to achieve his goal.

"I'll only say this once kid. I saw the qualities in you. Your actions earlier...I truly believe that you deserve to be called a true hero. Because of this, I won't kill you. So just leave right now while you can." Stain said, but narrowed his eyes when Madara started to chuckle out loud.

"You really are mistaken." Madara said, finding Stain's words to be quite funny. Qualities of a true hero? Yes, this man was truly insane if he thought this about him.

"What about it?" Stain questioned to the Uchiha.

"My actions earlier? Let me explain it for you. I didn't save Native because I was worried about his health, and I didn't tell those three students to leave because I want to sacrifice myself for them. I only did it because they were weak. They'll only be an annoyance when I'm fighting you.

With your definition of a true hero, then I'm most certainly not one. Granted I could care less about fame or money, I still would never sacrifice myself for strangers." Madara said to the man as he crossed his arms.

'In my past life, I didn't even live old enough to drink. Or old enough to fall completely in love and get married. Or even have my own kids...So with my new one, why would I risk my life for people I don't even know? I want to be able to actually live out my new one and experience new things. Only time I would ever risk my life is to save the people close to me.

This is what I don't get with those overly nice main characters in some of those fanfictions. They get another chance to live, but they go out of their way to risk their lives for people they don't even know. It's like they want to die again.' Madara thought to himself with a sigh. Luckily for him, he was reborn with these powers so he didn't have to worry much about risking his life when fighting villains.

Looking at the man across form him, Madara took out two Kunai when he realized Stain was aiming his sword at him.

"So that's your true nature...I gave you a chance to leave this place. To put these walls down and run away, but this is the path you chose. It's good that you're honest. It really is, but your honesty is what's going to lead you to your death." Hero Killer Stain said with obvious intention of killing the young man in front of him.

"Very well then. You better make this interesting..." Madara said with a grin as he activated his Sharingan. Now that he's thought of it; this will be his first fight of him actually using kunai.

Rushing towards Madara with his sword out, Stain intended to end the fight quickly by taking the boys blood to paralyze him.

Bloodcurdle. Allows Stain to paralyze his target by tasting a sample of their blood. The amount mostly depends on the targets blood type. From shortest to longest, it would be O, A, AB, B. This has allowed Stain to easily overpower and kill the amount of heroes he has with no sort of difficulty.

Going against him without any knowledge of his quirk would definitely be unfortunate for anyone.

As he began attacking, Stain noticed something. The young boy was incredibly skilled with those Kunai of his. Not a lot of people actually use this sort of weapon. In a world with destructive quirks, Kunai would be useless in most cases.

"You seem pretty skilled with close combat fighting. You were observing the fight I had with those three kids earlier right? So you know what my quirk is..." Stain said as he dodge a slash that nearly sliced his ear off.

Jumping backwards, the Hero Killer avoided another Kunai that was thrown his way. Looking back, he saw it go right through the stone wall, surprising him a bit at the destructive power that shouldn't be possible with such a weapon.

"I suggest you stop talking in the middle of the fight. One wrong move and you'll see yourself on the ground." Madara said as he noticed the man still moving fine even when his shoulder was still burnt from the earlier fire attack.

'He has great endurance. Hitting him pretty hard should be enough to put him down. I can't prolong this fight any longer. Judging by the clones I sent earlier, Todorki and Izuku should be heading back here pretty soon with Endeavor and Gran Torino.

They'll definitely try and get me to stop fighting Stain, and I don't like when people interrupt my fights.' Madara thought to himself as he began planning for his next action.

Seeing Stain throw two knives at him and jump on the walls, Madara thought to himself once again

'If this doesn't work, then I'm honestly an idiot. Even if it doesn't, I have my own ways to get out of the situation.'

As the knife passed by Madara's cheek, leaving a cut it in the process; Stain caught it from behind and grinned at the boy.

Getting kicked from behind, Madara flipped in the air and landed perfectly, but he couldn't move afterwards.

"So in the end, you were just overestimating yourself. What did I say earlier? I gave you the chance to leave, but you chose the wrong decision." Stain said as stood in front of the young boy.

'Eh, so this is how it feels to be caught up in Stain's quirk.

It's honestly nothing special. Not with the type of power I have...' Madara said in his mind.

"Madara Uchiha. An interesting individual with a bright future ahead of you with that strong quirk of yours. Unfortunately, you turned out to be a fak-" Stain was saying, but was blasted back when a sudden burst of power erupted from Madara; forming cracks all over the walls and ground.

No, Madara didn't receive any sort of random power up. All he did was bring out his chakra to overpower the hold on him. Of course he could've done something else like create a seal-less wood clone, but this was obviously a better way.

Getting off from the ground, Stain looked forward to see Madara surrounded in a sort of blue aura while looking at his fist; clenching and unclenching it.

"I have to admit, it was truly an uncomfortable feeling to be paralyzed like this, but in the end, I was able to easily move once again.

Overestimate myself? You're wrong. Earlier you thought that I trapped myself in here with you, but it was the other way around..." Grinning once again, Madara took a stance and looked right at the shocked man in front of him.

"Brace yourself Hero Killer."