
In Marvel with Greatest System

"haaa, nothing new coming" ??? "damm, writer strikes" ??? Max cursed at the news of writer strikes news, cause its delaying his favourite movies from releasing, Suddenly he heard a shout but pay it no heed until... ************************* "hey, Kid watch out!" I helplessly watched a teenage kid moment away from just truck crashing into him, but i still tried reaching out to him but..( Random passerby) #screeeech# #Bam# "Huh, what- cough i-is t-this" Max looks at the clear blue sky, feeling pain all over his body. But soon realisation dawned him "I guess, I won't be able to watch my favs any more....." Max closed his eyes thinking it's over but is it.... ############################## Cover and other images aren't owned my me If the owner wants it to be removed plz tell me

Boring_World · Movies
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140 Chs


As Max and his group reached home, they saw the overwhelming crowd there, " What the fuck with this?" Max mumbled seeing the crowd.

Reaching his lobby, he found, Selene and Pepper sitting there with Tony.

"Sis, what with all those people?" Max asked ignoring the playboy.

"Hello too" Tony sarcastically commented raising his glass.

"Oh,Hello too , Tony, Honestly I though some other drunkard is seating there, but it turned out it's you, forgive me" Max smiled and said.

"Pfft~~" Supreme laughed out loud, and White Angel also followed after him.

Pepper and Selene also chuckled lightly.

"hahaha, very funny" Tony just shrugged, it's normal for them to tease each other.

"No really, what's with that crowd?" Max asked sitting beside Selene.

"It's party of course" Tony raised his glass and said.

"Party for what exactly?" Max asked.

"My birthday, what else?" Tony replied passing a slice of pizza to Max.

"Why my home?" Max asked taking the bite of pizza.

"It's also mine you know, I own 20 % of your company" Tony smiled and cheekily said.

"Company, yes, my home NO" Max said.

"Its in the Company building" Tony tilted his head and said so.

Max : "..."

'Fucking shameless guy, really just get kidnapped already and get your loose screw fixed' Max thought.

"Anyway, I am here for something else" Tony said

"Do you still have that fruit?" Tony asked.

Hearing this Max looked at his sister who turned her head away, Max sighed and replied " You are not worthy".

"So you do still have it" Tony just nodded and return to drinking.

"Max, can you really not give it to him?" Pepper asked.

"I can't my teacher would not allow it" Max replied

"Give me her number, and let me try to talk to her" Tony winked and said.

Max looked at Tony and said " She is alive since 15th century, killed Demon kings, still want to meet her?" 

"...Maybe later, but tell How can I become worthy?" Tony said and then asked.

"I don't know" Max shrugged and replied.

"Then how she became worthy?" Tony asked pointing at Pepper.

"She didn't, I used the fruit I got during my mission" Max replied.

"Your Mission?" Pepper frowned and asked.

"Fighting some rogue demons, nothing dangerous" Max shrugged.

"That is dangerous!!" Pepper yelled.

"Don't worry, I have body guards" Max said and then motioned at Supreme , Bucky and White Angel, who changed to Dog, Werewolf and while White Angel just changed her lower half to Serpent tail.

Pepper sighed slightly but still told Max to not do any dangerous thing.

"A Dog, A Werewolf and lastly ..is that Naagin from Hindu's Mythology?" Tony looked at them and asked.

"I don't know, everyone powers are secret to themselves" Max replied while White Angel just smiled and transformed back to Human Female.

"Not gonna tell" Supreme

"Same here" Bucky

"hmm, But it's truly fascinating" Tony sighed hearing them and mumbled.

"Anyway, can't you just give it to me as birthday gift?" Tony asked looking at Max .

"No , but don't worry, you might get a chance in future" Max said and tried to console Tony, well not his fault, who doesn't want super powers.

"Ahh Man, I wanted to research that fruit" Tony sighed and depressingly muttered.

'I take back my words, he is Science maniac, how can I forget that' Max thought.

"Anyway, do your party, I am going to sleep" Max waved his hand and started leaving the room.

"Umm, Master, whom I need to protect?" Suddenly Daimane asked.

"Oh, yes I forget about you, but Why are sounding like a girl?" Max stops and then asked.

"I am a girl master" Daimane replied.

Max looked at her or specifically at her chest, which is flat as airport.

"You are really a girl?" Max asked.

"I know I am under developed but it's true" Her voice sounded somewhat flustered as she replied.

"Max why are talking to wall" Suddenly Pepper asked.

"I am talking to your new body guard, I captured her from a haunted house" Max said as he motioned Daimane to reveal herself.

Pepper, Tony watched in amazement as a White Knight appeared in front of Max while Selene was seeing her the moment Max entered Lobby, thanks to her magic.

"You got a Ghost Knight as a bodyguard for Pepper" Tony asked coming near Daimane.

" Not a ghost but A Revenant, it's different kind from Ghost" Max replied and then introduced Pepper to Daimane.

"here Her name is Daimane Nightshade, She will now follow you from now on" Max said.

"Hello I am Pepper, Looking forward to work with you" Pepper smiled and said as she passed her hand for a handshake.

Daimane looked at her and then vanished after reaching near her. Leaving Pepper hand hanging in the air.

"Maybe She is Shy, anyways, Good Night" Max shrugged and then left the lobby.

Selene also followed suit, "Do you need something?" Max stopped and asked.

Selene didn't said anything and just went for the kiss, "Humph, You getting more and more girls, Therefore I will eat you before any one else".

She said and then aggressively started kissing Max, as she was kissing she opened a portal to Max bed and then....

Next day

 Max looked at his side and saw Selene sleeping there peacefully " It wasn't a dream but..is it legal?" Max thought.

[Don't Worry, You are no longer Human, your species fully matures at age of 8, So it's Legal]

"It wasn't a question but....well what ever" Max then carefully slipped away from Bed, while trying not to disturb Selene.

As Max went to Bath room, Selene opened her eyes 'Fortunately he didn't found out', She was already awake but Max embrace was warm and comfortable, causing her to not leave that comfort.

Max in washroom, thought of the night and smiled slightly 'huh, I guess, now we are officially dating'. He thought while humming happily.

{A/N : Ahem if you want I can write R18 chapters just vote it , time limit till next chapter}