
In Marvel as a Skeleton

*SYSTEM ISN'T SENTIENT* What happens when a person from our world wakes up in a sewer as a Skeleton? What happens when he finds out he is in the ever expanding and dangerous world of Marvel? This is what happened to Ethan Blackett. A normal science teacher in his previous life, he is now thrust into the world of danger and intrigue as a monster. Now, armed with the ability to travel to dungeon World's, and a gacha system, Ethan starts his journey of evolving to the peak and becoming the strongest in the universe. ---------- JOIN MY DISCORD: https://discord.com/invite/F4nWPbve96 To discuss ideas, see pictures and generally talk more about the fic. A/N: FL will be Lady Death. The system is a gacha. Also the progression will be a little slower. He won't become instantly overpowered. Ethan uses his wits and not just power, you can see that in the way he deals with goblins in the first few chapters, using his abilities with cunning instead of fighting enemies head on. The Marvel universe will be an AU, a mix of Fantastic Four, MCU, Comics and X-Men. In future, Ethan will only be dependent on system for Gacha, anything else, he will be able to do it on his own, not right now tho.

Berserk_Asura · Anime & Comics
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34 Chs

Ch-18: The Unexpected Connections

A/N: Late chapter due to exam but it's 3500 words, so I guess it compensates.



On his way to the auction, Alfred made a deliberate stop at the Bowery Savings Bank, one of the most reputable financial institutions in Manhattan during 1943.

The grand façade of the bank, with its imposing columns and ornate detailing, exuded an air of stability and trust, qualities Alfred valued as he prepared to establish his financial presence in New York.

Entering the bank, Alfred was greeted by the cool, marble interior and the soft murmur of business being conducted. He approached the reception desk, where a neatly dressed clerk looked up with a professional smile.

"Good afternoon, sir. How may I assist you today?" the clerk asked.

"Good afternoon," Alfred replied, his voice smooth and confident. "I'd like to open a new account."

"Of course, sir. If you would please take a seat, one of our account managers will be with you shortly," the clerk said, gesturing towards a plush seating area.

Alfred nodded and took a seat, observing the bustling activity around him. Within a few minutes, a distinguished-looking gentleman in his fifties approached him.

"Sir, welcome to Bowery Savings Bank. My name is Mr. Thompson, and I'll be assisting you today. If you'll follow me to my office, we can get started."

Alfred followed Mr. Thompson to a spacious, well-appointed office. The walls were lined with dark wood paneling, and the desk was an impressive piece of mahogany. They sat across from each other, and Mr. Thompson began the formalities after asking Alfred's name.

"So, Mr. Pennyworth, what type of account are you looking to open today?" Mr. Thompson asked, adjusting his spectacles as he prepared to take notes.

"I'd like to open a personal account with options for future business transactions," Alfred replied. "Additionally, I'd like to make a substantial initial deposit."

"Very well," Mr. Thompson said, visibly pleased. "We have several options that might suit your needs. I just need to see some identification and the necessary documents."

Alfred handed over a folder containing his newly legitimized documents, which Mr. Thompson examined with care.

"Everything seems to be in order, Mr. Pennyworth. How much were you planning to deposit today?" he inquired.

" Fifty thousand dollars," Alfred stated calmly, watching as Mr. Thompson's eyes widened slightly in surprise.

"That is indeed a substantial amount," Mr. Thompson said, quickly composing himself. "We'll ensure that your funds are securely deposited. If you'll excuse me for a moment, I'll process this immediately."

Mr. Thompson left the room briefly, returning with a cashier who carried the necessary paperwork. The cashier set the documents on the desk, and Mr. Thompson guided Alfred through the signatures and details.

"With this deposit, your account will be fully established, and you'll have access to our full range of services," Mr. Thompson explained. "Is there anything else we can assist you with today?"

"Not at the moment," Alfred replied, "but I do anticipate engaging in significant transactions in the near future. I'll appreciate any assistance your bank can provide in facilitating these."

"We look forward to serving your needs, Mr. Pennyworth," Mr. Thompson said warmly, shaking Alfred's hand. "Welcome to Bowery Savings Bank. Your account is now active."


Soon, Alfred arrived at the auction house and he was greeted by a mix of familiar and unfamiliar faces. The cream of New York society had gathered to bid on tonight's auction.

He knew that this was his chance to shine, to build connections that would be helpful in the future.

With that thought in mind, he navigated through the crowd, exchanging pleasantries with the ladies and firm handshakes with the gentlemen.

His eyes locked onto a group of influential collectors, and he made a beeline for them. Tonight, he was here to establish himself as a wealthy and philanthropic individual.

"Good evening, ladies and gentlemen," Alfred said, his voice smooth as silk. "I'm Alfred Pennyworth, and I'm delighted to make your acquaintance."

The group turned to him, their faces a mix of curiosity and interest. There stood Vivian Van Der Meer, a renowned art collector; James Parker, a wealthy businessman; and Emily Taylor, a philanthropist and socialite.

Alfred had done his research on New York's most influential figures, ensuring he was well-versed in their backgrounds and interests.

Vivian was the first to speak. "Mr. Pennyworth, it's a pleasure. I hear you've just returned from England?"

The last few days of meticulously visiting pawn shops and pawning jewelry had garnered attention, especially given the substantial amounts involved—enough to purchase multiple estates with ease.

This deliberate maneuver, known only to Master Ethan and himself, had successfully put Alfred on the radar of New York's elite.

"Indeed," Alfred replied with a gracious nod, delivering the carefully crafted backstory he had developed. "I've been abroad for many years, ever since my parents passed away. I've recently returned to manage the family estate and explore new ventures. Parting with some heirlooms has become a necessity to fund these endeavors."

James Parker leaned in, his interest piqued. "And what kind of ventures are you considering, Mr. Pennyworth?"

Alfred smiled, recognizing the opportunity he had been waiting for. "I'm looking to open an investment firm. Given the current economic climate, there are numerous opportunities to support the war effort while ensuring substantial returns."

Emily Taylor's eyes lit up with interest. "That sounds fascinating. And what brings you to tonight's auction?"

"I have listed some jewelry, heirlooms from my family," Alfred replied smoothly. "They've been in my family for generations, and I'm hoping to find them a worthy home." Skills developed from years of working as an actor came into play at these moments as he lied without missing a beat.

As they chatted, Alfred effortlessly steered the conversation towards their shared interests—art, business, and philanthropy. He discussed his various charitable endeavors, his support for the war effort, and his deep appreciation for the arts.

Each word was carefully chosen, each phrase practiced to perfection to win them over and build valuable connections.

"I must say, Mr. Pennyworth, you're quite the cultured gentleman," Vivian said, her voice tinged with admiration.

Alfred chuckled softly, "I try to stay informed, my dear. Knowledge is power, after all."

James nodded thoughtfully, chiming in. "Your approach to balancing business with philanthropy is quite impressive, Mr. Pennyworth."

"Thank you, Mr. Parker," Alfred agreed. "It's about making meaningful contributions while ensuring sustainable growth. Supporting the war effort not only helps our troops but also stimulates our economy. For instance, investing in war bonds provides immediate support and promises future returns, creating a cycle of prosperity."

Emily smiled warmly. "Your perspective is refreshing, Mr. Pennyworth. We could use more like you in our circles." She then looked around, casting a look of disdain at some of the others present at the auction. "At least, you are much better than those who just want to exploit the poor to fatten their pockets."

Alfred followed her gaze and suddenly spotted a familiar figure in the auction. The charismatic young man was mingling with a group of women, making them laugh and snicker as he talked away.

Alfred identified the man as Howard Stark from his acquired memories.

As if sensing his gaze, Howard Stark turned towards their group. He glanced at Alfred briefly before his eyes moved on and fell on Emily.

Immediately, he was all smiles and started moving towards their group. As he approached, he picked up a glass of champagne from a passing waiter.

"Good evening, everyone," Howard said smoothly as he neared, his focus entirely on Emily. "I'm Howard Stark. May I offer you this champagne, Miss...?"

"Taylor," Emily replied with a polite smile, accepting the glass. "Emily Taylor."

Howard grinned, his charm in full effect. "A pleasure to meet you, Miss Taylor. I've heard much about your philanthropic work. It's rare to find someone so young making such a significant impact."

Emily blushed slightly, flattered by his attention. "Thank you, Mr. Stark. I believe it's important to give back, especially in times like these."

Howard's eyes sparkled with interest. "Absolutely. The world needs more people like you. Philanthropy has always been close to my heart as well. Stark Industries supports numerous charitable initiatives, especially those benefiting war veterans and medical research."

James and Vivian watched the interaction with interest, clearly impressed by Howard's effortless charisma. James chimed in, "Your work with prosthetics for injured soldiers is particularly admirable, Mr. Stark."

Howard nodded, his expression earnest. "Thank you, Mr. Parker. It's a cause I'm deeply passionate about. These men have given so much for their country; it's only right we do everything we can to help them rebuild their lives."

Vivian added, "It's inspiring to see someone in your position using their influence for such good."

Howard's smile broadened. "Well, I believe in using my resources to make a difference. Speaking of which, Miss Taylor, I'd love to hear more about your latest projects. Perhaps we could discuss it over dinner sometime?"

Emily seemed momentarily taken aback by his directness but quickly recovered, smiling graciously. "That's very kind of you, Mr. Stark. I'd be delighted to share more about my work."

As the conversation continued, Alfred watched with a measured gaze, noting Howard's effortless charisma and the way he skillfully navigated the social landscape. When a lull in the conversation presented itself, Alfred saw his chance to intervene.

"Mr. Stark," Alfred said, stepping forward slightly, his voice calm and clear. "A pleasure to finally meet you in person. I've admired your work from afar for some time."

Howard's expression turned slightly guarded, a flicker of annoyance crossing his features as he turned to face Alfred. "And you are?"

"Alfred Pennyworth," Alfred replied, extending his hand. "I've recently returned from England and am exploring new ventures here in New York."

Howard shook his hand, albeit briefly, his grip firm but dismissive. "Ah, another aspiring investor. Well, New York is the place for it, that's for sure."

Alfred maintained his composure, his smile unwavering. "Indeed. I was actually hoping to discuss potential investments in Stark Industries," he said, his tone courteous but firm. "I believe there's a great deal of potential for collaboration, especially given the current economic climate and the opportunities to support the war effort."

Howard raised an eyebrow, his interest piqued despite himself. "Stark Industries is currently under contract with the Strategic Scientific Reserve. We're focused on projects directly supporting the war effort."

"Of course," Alfred acknowledged, inclining his head slightly. "And I wouldn't dream of interfering with such important work. However, I think there are opportunities for private investment that could further bolster your efforts. A small portion of shares, perhaps, to start. It would be an honor to support your groundbreaking work."

Howard looked thoughtful for a moment, his eyes narrowing slightly as he considered Alfred's words.

Howard glanced at his watch, a finely crafted piece that gleamed under the soft lights of the auction hall. "If you'll excuse me, I have some matters to attend to. But it was a pleasure meeting you, Mr. Pennyworth."

"Likewise, Mr. Stark," Alfred replied smoothly.

Howard turned back to Emily, a playful glint in his eyes. "Miss Taylor, it would be a shame if we didn't continue our conversation. Perhaps I could get your contact information? I'd love to hear more about your projects."

Emily smiled, a hint of color rising to her cheeks. "Of course, Mr. Stark." She took a small card from her purse and handed it to him. "I look forward to our future discussions."

Howard accepted the card with a charming grin. "Please, call me Howard. And I promise I won't keep you waiting too long." He winked, his expression making Emily blush slightly.

With that, Howard excused himself, weaving his way through the crowd with the same ease he had approached them, the group watched him go. His departure left a slight void, a reminder of the charisma he exuded.

"Quite the character, isn't he?" James remarked, breaking the brief silence.

"Indeed," Alfred agreed, his tone thoughtful. "He certainly knows how to make an impression."

Emily nodded, her eyes still following Howard as he moved through the throng of guests. "He's brilliant, really. A bit arrogant, perhaps, but undeniably brilliant."

"That's Howard Stark for you," Vivian said with a wry smile. "Always the center of attention, always on the move."

As the group resumed their conversation, Alfred couldn't help but feel a sense of slight accomplishment. The interaction with Howard had gone well.

It was a small victory, but in the world of high society and business, even the smallest advantages could lead to significant opportunities.

The group soon turned their attention back to the auction and made their way to the auction room, where rows of chairs faced a raised platform, the items for bid displayed prominently.

Their earlier conversation had flowed seamlessly into the auction's proceedings, and now they shared occasional comments and observations as the event unfolded.

The soft hum of conversation and the occasional clink of champagne glasses created a backdrop of refined anticipation and crystal chandeliers cast a warm glow over the richly adorned space, illuminating the eager faces of New York's elite.

On the raised platform at the front of the room, the auctioneer, a distinguished man in a tailored tuxedo, began the evening's proceedings.

He rapped his gavel for attention and then spoke with a voice that carried authority and excitement.

"Welcome, ladies and gentlemen, to tonight's auction. We have a splendid array of items for your consideration. And without further ado, let us begin with Lot Number One: a rare Ming Dynasty vase, estimated to be worth over $100,000."

Alfred watched as the vase was carefully brought out and placed on display. The delicate blue and white porcelain gleamed under the spotlights.

"Shall we start the bidding at $50,000?" the auctioneer called out.

"Fifty thousand!" came a quick response from a man seated near the front, his voice confident and clear.

"Sixty thousand," countered Vivian Van Der Meer, lifting her paddle with a graceful flick of her wrist.

"Seventy-five thousand," added a portly gentleman in a pinstripe suit, his gaze fixed intently on the vase.

The bids continued to climb, each new offer punctuated by the auctioneer's rhythmic chant. Alfred observed the scene with mild interest, appreciating the artistry but feeling no compulsion to participate. His mind was focused on other matters.

As the evening wore on, various items were brought forth: a diamond necklace that sparkled like captured starlight, a set of antique silverware with intricate engravings, and a painting by an obscure yet talented artist. Each piece was introduced with flourish by the auctioneer, his enthusiasm undimmed.

"Next, we have Lot Number Fifteen: a stunning diamond necklace from the Belle Époque period. This exquisite piece features over fifty carats of flawless diamonds. Shall we start the bidding at $200,000?"

"Two hundred thousand," a voice rang out, and the competition began anew.

"Two hundred fifty thousand," James Parker joined in, his eyes glinting with determination.

"Three hundred thousand," declared an elegant woman with a jeweled hairpin, her expression calm but resolute.

The auctioneer's cadence quickened, "Three hundred thousand, do I hear three fifty? Three fifty, anyone?"

Emily Taylor leaned over to Alfred, her eyes twinkling with curiosity. "Are you not interested in these items, Mr. Pennyworth?" she asked in a low voice.

Alfred smiled, shaking his head slightly. "Nothing has quite caught my eye yet," he replied, his tone light and unbothered.

Vivian, overhearing their exchange, laughed softly. "We'll have to see what does catch your eye then, Mr. Pennyworth. I'm sure it will be something remarkable."

Despite the beauty and rarity of the items, Alfred found nothing that captured his interest. He leaned back in his chair, allowing his mind to wander slightly. His purpose tonight was not to acquire objects but to solidify connections.

"Next, we present Lot Number Twenty: an original painting by Henri Rousseau, a captivating jungle scene estimated at $500,000. Shall we begin at $400,000?"

The bids started high and escalated quickly. Alfred listened to the auctioneer's energetic patter and the rapid-fire responses from the bidders, noting the fierce determination in their eyes.

"Four fifty," shouted a distinguished gentleman, his voice rising above the murmurs.

"Five hundred," countered James Parker again, his gaze unwavering.

As the auction progressed, Alfred maintained his composure, engaging in polite conversation with those seated near him and offering occasional nods of approval at particularly spirited bidding wars.

"Lot Number Thirty: an antique silver tea set from the Georgian era, exquisitely crafted and in pristine condition. Bidding starts at $30,000."

The bids for the tea set were brisk, with several participants eager to claim the elegant pieces. Alfred noted the competitive glances exchanged across the room, the subtle gestures that conveyed a world of unspoken rivalry.

"Forty thousand," Vivian called out, her voice steady.

"Forty-five," came another bid from a different corner of the room.

The auctioneer's voice rang out once more, "Fifty thousand, do I hear fifty-five?"

Emily Taylor leaned in again, her smile warm. "Still nothing that piques your interest, Mr. Pennyworth?"

Alfred chuckled softly. "I'm afraid not, Ms. Taylor. Perhaps I'm waiting for something truly exceptional."

James Parker, catching the exchange, grinned. "Then we'll all be waiting to see what catches Alfred's eye. It will certainly be worth the wait."

As the auction neared its conclusion, the items grew more varied and unique, each with its own tale and history. Alfred's interest remained largely academic until the final lot of the evening was announced.

"Lot Number Fifty: an ancient relic of uncertain origin, believed to be an artifact from an early civilization. This intricately carved stone tablet has been the subject of much speculation among historians and collectors alike. Bidding starts at $10,000."

The auctioneer's voice resonated through the hall, drawing murmurs of curiosity from the attendees. The artifact, placed on a velvet cushion, was a small, weathered tablet inscribed with cryptic symbols.

It appeared unassuming to the untrained eye, but Alfred recognized its potential significance.

He had spent countless hours with Ethan, who had imparted knowledge about various rare and obscure artifacts, including those connected to ancient civilizations like Asgard and Atlantis. 

This tablet, Alfred knew, might not be merely an antiquity but a key to understanding more about these lost cultures and their secrets. It could potentially help Master Ethan in ways yet unforeseen.

"Ten thousand," came the first bid, uncertain yet hopeful.

"Fifteen," Alfred called out, his voice steady and assured, causing heads to turn in surprise.

Vivian, James, and Emily exchanged puzzled glances. Vivian leaned in, her curiosity piqued. "What is it about this piece that interests you, Alfred?"

"Just something that caught my eye," Alfred replied with a serene smile. "And, I didn't want to leave empty-handed."

"Twenty thousand," another bidder interjected, trying to match Alfred's confidence.

"Twenty-five," Alfred countered without hesitation.

The bidding war was brief but intense, with Alfred emerging victorious. As the gavel came down, the auctioneer's voice rang out, "Sold to Mr. Alfred Pennyworth for twenty-five thousand dollars."

James Parker chuckled, clearly intrigued. "You must see something in that tablet the rest of us don't, Alfred."

Emily nodded in agreement. "Indeed. What's so special about it?"

Alfred maintained his composed demeanor. "Sometimes, an object speaks to you in ways others might not understand. It felt like something I should have."

As the auction concluded and the crowd began to disperse, Alfred secured the tablet and exchanged final pleasantries with his newfound acquaintances. He could sense their curiosity but knew it was best to keep the true nature of his acquisition a well-guarded secret.

Stepping out into the crisp night air, Alfred felt a surge of satisfaction. The tablet, while seemingly obscure, could be something potentially helpful.

For Alfred, the evening had been a resounding success. He had cemented valuable connections, secured a deal with Howard , and acquired an artifact of perhaps an ancient civilization. The night had proven fruitful.