
In Love with the Darkness

Once, there was a hero named Lucian, whose path intertwined with that of a villain named Ater. Lucian was once picked up by Ater, a villain tormented by the loss of his lover and on a destructive path that threatened to consume him entirely. Years passed, and Lucian found himself facing Ater once again, their reunion fraught with the weight of their shared history. Was it a mere coincidence that their paths crossed again, or was it a deliberate twist of fate, guiding them both towards the precipice of self-destruction? "In Love with Darkness" unravels the intricacies of their connection, exploring whether love can transcend the boundaries of light and darkness, or if it's destined to be consumed by the shadows.

ShinenKagei · Action
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11 Chs


Ater's laughter echoed through the desolate landscape, chilling Lucian.

"What kind is my love? You asked me. HAHAHAHA!"

Ater's voice rang out, dripping with madness.

"My love is a love so fierce, so consuming, that it eclipses all reason and sanity, driving me to the brink of obsession. They consume every thought, every moment spent longing for the ethereal beauty of their presence, their essence a radiant beacon in the shadows of my existence."

" I would not hesitate to set the world ablaze if it meant holding them in my arms once more, for they are the epitome of all that is exquisite and divine."

Lucian, overwhelmed by Ater's words, looked up to the starry sky, tears streaming down his face.

Ater, taken aback by this unexpected display of emotion, asked, "Wait, why are you crying, kiddo?"


Lucian sighed heavily.

"Why can't you love me like that too? "

"Why do you see me as a child? Just why? I want to be loved by you. Am I selfish to wish for that?"

Ater fell into a stunned silence, unable to find the words to respond.

As Lucian's tears continued falling, Ater pondered the twisted fate that had bound them together.

"When did the twisted fate of us start?"

Ater wondering, his heart was heavy with the weight of their tangled destinies.

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