
in Love with the bad boy

Zainab_Fofanah · Realistic
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4 Chs

in Love with the bad boy CHAPTER 3

"Melvin".... I said smiling brightly at him melvin was a tall chocolate skin guy, he is the goody type and also my childhood best friend he is smart, classy gentle and romantic a typical good boyfriend "I said let go of her"melvin said in a threatening tone as he moves closer to us the girls were nervous and scared so they let me go and ran away, I fell on the floor still in pain melvin ran towards me and gave me the concern look as I grunt in pain "Are you ok Mona" he asked worried, melvin has always been calling me Mona since childhood he cares about me like a sister and I care about him like a brother " I am fina bubba" I said smiling at him, bubba melvin hated me calling him bubba since childhood but I still insisted now he is used to it and loves the cute and funny name, melvin was still not convinced that I am ok he still looked at me worriedly "Are you sure" he asked grabbing my hands careful as he helped me to stand, I nodded as I fix my dress and my hair "Let go phoebe must be waiting" he nodded still grabbing my hands we walk through the hallways to the canteen.

we reached at the canteen looking for phoebe "Hey guys" a sharp charming and calm voice waved at us from the crowd she was a smiley darked skin pretty and sexy girl she wore a short pink dress showing her perfect body " Hey phoebe" I waved at her anxious as I walked with Macus towards her we sat at the table our foods have already been order by Phoebe " Hey Melvin" Phoebe said shyly I have been noticing that Phoebe has started growing feelings for Melvin, if that is so it will be really awkward Macus smiled at her and we chatted happily as we ate our lunch " how was your first day Mona" melvin asked "It was good even tho a guy wanted to ruin it" I said narrowing my eyes, " was he the reason why those girls were bullying you" melvin said I nodded my head as I drank my drink.

P.O.V Macus

"hey, hey man" Victor said calling out my name but i was deep in thought to hear him " Yo Dude" he shouted breaking my train on thought "What wrong with you man, you have not been in your senses the whole day today" victor said, I also didn't know what was wrong with me I kept thinking about that girl and her courage her voice her slap, "It...It nothing" I said ignoring my thoughts, I was just overthinking it she is not my type I mumble to myself "C'mon dude I know you, it about that girl right"victor said smiling "No.. no she is not my type we are far different from each other " I said quickly before victor could say something else " haha.. dude I am not saying she is your type she is totally not your type as you said but she really affects you" he said laughing joking at me "No she doesn't in fact I was just thinking about ways to crash her I want to befriend her, make her fall for me then break her" I said smirking as I flip the ball in my head " But dude.."victor said but I stoped him in his tracks before he could finish his sentence " enough chit chat we have to practice shall we" I said trying to ignore and thing he would want to say next thankfully he just nodded and smiled as we walked to the basketball field.


I was already done with all my classes today and it was already time to go home "Hey Mona shall we go" melvin asked, melvin was not only my best friend he was also my neighbor and our parents are also good friends so our bond is really strong " Yes let go" I said as we grab hands and walked towards my car, Melvin did not have a car so he always uses my car, my car was also his anyways he opened the door of the car as he gentle asked me to go in I smiled and did as he said I sat in the car and melvin drove the car, we chatted and remember past memories " we are finally here Mona" Melvin said as he was driving I understood what he meant Melvin and I have always dreamt of coming to stanford university and now both of us are acceptable " Yes bubba you are right now our dreams of traveling the world after we graduate will are slowly coming true " I said smiling at him, he smiled back as he was still driving."oh gush" Melvin said " What?" I said worriedly " we chatted too much that we almost past our house" Melvin said laughing I laughed back as he drove backward a bit, after a long ride we finally arrived, I came out of the car and stand waiting for melvin to come out "so good night" Melvin said hugging me, I hugged him back and said my good night to him, I walked towards my door Melvin also went to his own house we waved at each other he was from the other side of the basement but I could see him because of the little holes, I walked Into the house no one was home as usual mom and dad both of them are really busy it has always been like this they come home late by twelve pm at midnight and we have dinner talk few things and went to our rooms, I went to the kitchen and grab some snacks as I head to my room.

Today has really been a toxic day, and that Macus guy made it worst I hope his not the first person I get to see tomorrow at the packing lot. After thinking about my toxic day at college for a bit I did some works to keep my self busy and read my novel. " Hunny we are home" I heard my mom's voice from down stairs I got up from bed lazily to greet them " Good evening mom and dad" I said robbing the back of my hands on my eyes " Good day darling, come down let eat dinner"dad said smiling at me, "No dad I am really tired and sleepy, but we can eat breakfast tomorrow morning and I know you want to hear about my first day so tomorrow ok good night" I said waving at them, they just smiled as they sat down having there dinner. I walked back to my room as lazily laid down on the bed, and before I knew it I was sound asleep.

P.O.V Macus

" See tomorrow man" victor said as I walked towards my house door we practice s lots and always come home late we are neighbors so we come home together "ok dude bye" I said waving at him as I walked inside "Mom I am home" I said shouting " You don't having to be noisy, I know you are home, how is my precious son" a sweet elegant and Charming voice spoke, when ever I hear her voice I always feel at ease and all my worries fade away, " How is my beautiful mom" I said hugging her tightly " I am fine, come have dinner with me" she said but I refused, i was too tired to eat beside I was not hungry "Am sorry mom but you can go ahead" u said as I gave a kiss on her forehead "Good night", I said walking towards my room, I closed the door behind me as I laid on my bed tired, after a while I took a quick bath and returned to bed I tried to sleep but I was unable to, I couldn't stop thinking about the girl from earlier "Now it my spot" gosh what has she done to me why do I keep remembering her and her words maybe because I dispies her too much let see if she has an insta account I said to my self anxiously wanting to see her pic

" Bingo" I shouted after finally seen her account, she doesn't post too much but she looks really cute in some of her picture Macus said staring at her picture for a while and zooming it, beof e he knew he was fast asleep.