
in Love with the bad boy

Zainab_Fofanah · Realistic
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4 Chs

in Love with the bad boy CHAPTER 2

P.O.V cara

I shouted uncontrollable and everyone stared at me confused and wondering why I shouted, Macus is ruining my first day at college just like the last time "Is everything ok miss silvester?" Mr henry asked "I...I.. am really sorry sir, everything is good" I said stammering he nodded as he continued his class Macus smiled playfully at me and turned his gaze to Mr henry, he seem interested in the teaching. I placed my book and pen out and started talking notes and listening to lectures "we will be having a competition next week therefore y'all will be paired into two and you will be sharing a room with your teammates" Mr henry said before ending the class he packs his books which was all scattered on the table into his bag and tidy up his desk " So there will be selections for your pairing, and lastly y'all will be paired with your opposite sex" he said as he existed the class, opposite sex? so those this mean I will be paired with a guy, oh no this is bad I don't wanna be in a room with a guy for a two months. " Hey kiddo what you thinking about" I knew that annoying voice it was Macus I turned around angrily "Can't you just stop puking your nose into my business, who is the really stalker her by the way" I said irritated, he narrowed his eyes as he walked closer to me " You should be lucking am even talking to you, I mean just look around" he said smiling I looked around to know what he meant, when I saw some of the girls sitting at the front staring at him giggling and blushing by the sight of him while other girls watched me with a threatening look I felt disgust and furious what does he think of him self he thinks every girl drawl over him and now he is trying to hit on me too, I am sure he is "All this girls will hate you now because the cutie is talking to the newbie now they will bully you" he said smiling jokingly at me, now I had enough of him suddenly I slapped him on the face uncontrollably in front of everyone, at that moment I saw anger in his eyes an anger I have never seen in his eyes before.

P.O.V Macus

she slapped me right infront of everyone I was terrified I wanted to be her worst nightmare I want to see her suffer for what she has done today no one has ever even dared to touch me but she has the guts to slap me I wanted to hit her back so badly but something inside me stopped me which was quit confusing, "I won't allow you to make ruining my year again" she said anger flaming in her eyes which hurts me a bit, Again? what did she mean by that, "how dare you" I wanted to say but she strode right pass me before I could utter a word, this girl really has guts and I need to crash it really soon I mumble to my self "Dude I have never seen you so miserable" Victor said mockingly, victor has been my friend since childhood and he the only one who understands me, he can be an asshole sometime but he is my best friend a great person, "Fuck you man" I said harshly but he never mind the way I speak because he knows that deep Inside I love him and am just been silly.


he also trying ruining my mood I didn't really meant to slap him that hard but he was been an asshole, I mumble to myself annoyed as I walk through the hallways, I was heading to the canteen me and my best friends planned on meeting there as I was walking someone pushed me from behind which lead me fall on the ground "ouch" I screamed in pain as I hit my head on. the floor "hey newbie you better watch your place in this college how dare you slapped willy, one of the girls that pushed me spoke, I hold my head as I glance at the girl who was talking, I recognized her face, she was one of the front seater who were drawling over Macus, before I could speak the other girl from behind grab my hair tightly as she raised me off my feet "This is for slapping my future boyfriend she said graving my hair even tighter, I was filled with pain this girls are crazy " Let go of me" I said in pain " or else what, are you going slap us like you did to Macus" another girl spoke in a harsh tone "hey leave her alone" someone spoke from the back I know this voice it... "Melvin?"