
IN LOVE WITH MR ARROGANT (he is arrogant,she is crazy)

Meet Lucy Vega a 24 years old beautiful lady,her parents died when she was 5 years old,she struggled to send herself to school. Coming out with first degree in business,she applied for a job in the best company in New York City. Richard Santiago the CEO of the best company in New York City (glitter company,a come that produces exotic wine)he is 27years old ,he is every ladies dream guy, he is cruel and arrogant after a very painful heartbreak from his ex. What happen when he meet Lucy? and she discovered that he has a sweet side behind those cruel attitude, she was determined to know the cause of it and to Change his cruel attitude to the sweet guy he used to be. Do you think she can fulfill her mission?

GOLDEN_5050 · Urban
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10 Chs

chapter 9

💥 Richard pov 💥

I hate but to admit,I had a good time with Lucy ,she was so engrossed in the work when I got to the room,I stood there watching her,she so beautiful

I think i have feeling for her,no Richard you can't ,you can't let that happen,she will only break your heart like the others.

When she left for the night I felt empty and strange,no ,no,no ,I am scared of another heartbreak,

after Scarlett left me i promise myself not to love again,but Lucy is Making me loose myself, i don't know what to do.







💎 Lucy pov 💎

The first Saturday i have to wake up early, it's so annoying.

I walked to my bathroom and took my bath ,I got to my wardrobe,oh no I don't know what to wear.

Relax lucy, just then I saw the black gown I used for my graduation,since then I haven't wore it,you will do just fine I said starring at the gown.

I packed my hair in a ponytail style,wore my necklace and earrings.i looked at myself in the mirror,I was pleased with my look ,just a little makeup will make me dazzling ,I applied makeup and looked at myself in the mirror again,now you are good to go I said to myself.

To my surprise Richard sent his driver to get me , good morning Oscar i greeted when I got outside.

Good morning Miss Lucy you look beautiful he said,thank you I said blushing.

I got to Mr Richard house 9am,the compound always looking Clean and beautiful greeted me,I smiled when the cozy breeze greeted me,ahhhh what a place i said to myself .

Good morning his workers greeted me, morning everyone, I rang the doorbell and miss Martha opened the door.

'Hello dear she said'

Good morning Mrs Martha, hope you had a good rest and thanks for the dinner last night,I said.

It was a pleasure,she ushered me inside


Richard went out this morning for something important, Bianca is still sleeping in her room,I will leave you to your work she said.

Thank you Mrs Martha i said,she left smiling.

Okay it time to work,I called the interior designer, ordered the food and other things, finally 4pm everything was organized.

The food,the hall,the wines, every was perfect.i sighed out of relief and was happy,I looked at myself,I was sweating,my makeup was ruined because of sweat although the room was fully air conditioned,I was still sweating.

Hi Lucy ,i heard my name,i turned and saw Bianca at the door.

'Hey Bianca'

Lucy you look so stressed out, please take a break,have you eaten since you came she asked.oh yeah Mrs Martha served me juice and snack.

oh Lucy you need to eat,it already 4pm and you haven't eaten lunch,come eat with me please she said.

Actually i never thought i have been there for a Long period of time , alright let me wash up, come to my room she said.

Her room looks like that of a princess.

Wow!i said

the room was decorated all pink,the big princess bed was painted pink.

Although she was spoilt with money , Bianca was the nicest girl i have ever met ,you can wash up inside there,she showed me the bathroom,I took my bath and came out of the bathroom.she gave me a very nice gown ,Lucy change to this, your dress is already dirty ,oh Bianca thank you very much i said.

wow it suit you perfectly,I love the dress on your body more she said.

she applied makeup on my face,she dressed up my hair in a princess style. with both head down the stairs.we heard the horning of a car, Richard is back,

I became so nervous for no reason, how do i look,will he get angry at me ,I questioned myself as he got down from his car,he stepped inside and froze when he saw me