
IN LOVE WITH MR ARROGANT (he is arrogant,she is crazy)

Meet Lucy Vega a 24 years old beautiful lady,her parents died when she was 5 years old,she struggled to send herself to school. Coming out with first degree in business,she applied for a job in the best company in New York City. Richard Santiago the CEO of the best company in New York City (glitter company,a come that produces exotic wine)he is 27years old ,he is every ladies dream guy, he is cruel and arrogant after a very painful heartbreak from his ex. What happen when he meet Lucy? and she discovered that he has a sweet side behind those cruel attitude, she was determined to know the cause of it and to Change his cruel attitude to the sweet guy he used to be. Do you think she can fulfill her mission?

GOLDEN_5050 · Urban
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10 Chs

chapter 8

💎 Lucy pov💎

!Wow! I exclaimed,how can a house be so magnificent , although I have been here before,I wasn't able to view the house because it was late and i was in a hurry to get home.

I was still starring at the house when i heard my name,

oh i forgot my boss was still standing with me.

I have been in awe for more than 10minute ,I caught him starring at me and smiling.he is cute when smiling


But you can't blame me,I live in a rented small apartment so I was shocked this whole house belongs to just one person.

We got inside,an elderly woman greeted us,i guess she is his house help or nanny.

i can't help but notice he is very kind to her.

"this is Mrs Martha,she will show the hallway" he said as he went up the stairs,how rude I thought.

" Miss Lucy this way" she said,oh okay,I followed her to the hallway,I saw a portrait of a very beautiful woman, must be his mother,

she had a very beautiful smile just like Richard,we got to the hall where the dinner party. Will be taking place,

"I will leave you to your work" Mrs Martha said leaving the hall and if you need me just ring the bell over there she said pointing to the wall,

"thank you very much for your time".

i brought out my notebook from my bag ,I started making notes on what need to be order .

I was sitting on the rugged floor when i heard my name ,I turned and saw him standing at the door,he was just wearing a short trouser and a singlet,oh gawd he his so handsome,much more handsome than Dave,

why didn't i notice this before, maybe because we have never been on good terms since i started working with him.

"Won't you go home it past 9pm" he said ,I checked my time,

gawd I bounced up from where I was sitting ,I was so engrossed in what i was doing that I did not know it was already late .

I arrange my work tools in my bag and followed him to the sitting room.he sat down on the couch,I turned to leave ,

"Lucy before you go have dinner with us "he said.

"Oh no sir i will be fyn "

",no i insist" he said,

ok sir.

The dinner room looks like a palace dinner room,it was arranged with flowers.

"Martha "he called, please serve us dinner and call Bianca down for me ,

"alright Richard",

"thank you "he said.

Wow he can be this gentle i thought.

hey Richard she said as she got down the stairs giving him a kiss on his cheeks,

"hi baby sis , missed your brother "he said smiling ,she giggled like a little girl.i sat smiling at their drama.

Oh this is Lucy my secretary , you meet her once at the restaurant the other day.

Hello Lucy it nice meeting you,am sorry for the other day ,I was so pissed off that I never got the chance to talk to you, you are beautiful she said.

nice meeting you too and thank you.

How do you keep up with my brother at work you Know he is kind of annoying and frustrating she said with a naughty face

.i was about answering when i saw he was getting pissed off already

.martha please be fast am so hungry he said

i know you are not too hungry, you are already piss off,it all over your face .

please don't be angry you know I love you so much she said with a doll face,

she is cute with that face,he was already smiling,

I Know baby sis he replied.

If I was told that Richard could be so gentle and kind,I won't believe it.

Martha served us dinner,I have never been served so many food before,it was a very wonderful meal .

I thanked Martha and Bianca bye

Lucy I hope to see you again she said smiling and waved before going upstairs ,

Martha also left leaving only i and Richard in the sitting room.

Thank you sir for the dinner ,

my driver will take you home,make sure you are not late tommorow he said

I remembered the other Richard which is my boss is always rude.

He should have at least tell me good night or good bye anyone will do,but no,that Richard my boss for you.

Good night i said very loud so it could ache his ear,he only waved and closed the door,his driver took me home what a day.