
IN LOVE WITH MR ARROGANT (he is arrogant,she is crazy)

Meet Lucy Vega a 24 years old beautiful lady,her parents died when she was 5 years old,she struggled to send herself to school. Coming out with first degree in business,she applied for a job in the best company in New York City. Richard Santiago the CEO of the best company in New York City (glitter company,a come that produces exotic wine)he is 27years old ,he is every ladies dream guy, he is cruel and arrogant after a very painful heartbreak from his ex. What happen when he meet Lucy? and she discovered that he has a sweet side behind those cruel attitude, she was determined to know the cause of it and to Change his cruel attitude to the sweet guy he used to be. Do you think she can fulfill her mission?

GOLDEN_5050 · Urban
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10 Chs

chapter 6

💎 Lucy pov💎

Do you think you own this world,why should I always suffer word of insult from you or do you think I love being poor,I am not a slave but a worker here so you have to learn to respect me with these words I stormed out of his office leaving him bewildered ,I don't care anymore about the pay,

but OMG I need the money but i won't seldom to all the insult from him.i finally found peace in my heart, now I don't care if i get sacked or not.i walked up to my office ,my phone rang it was my bestie Dave

Lucy📞:hey Dave

Dave 📞:hi Lucy how are you doing, I'm back from the state and I thought we could hangout like normal old days ,go for ice-cream,see a movie and argue about stuff,and i brought a lot of goodies for you what do you say to that.

Lucy📞:sure we could meet on Saturday i have a whole lot of things to tell you,i miss you alot ,i can't wait to see you ,does Saturday sound nice to you? Because i wont be busy that day.

Dave📞:sure,bye baby doll till Saturday with that he hung up.





I sighed and smiled ,I have Known Dave for all my life,we both went to the same high school 🏘️ and college,he was like a brother I never had,come to think of it ihad a crush on him but never spilled it out for the fear of not losing our friendship.

Thinking of old the days,no stress ,no boss insult,no thinking about rent because i was actually leaving with Dave,just fun all the way ,I just can't wait to see him.i have to continue my work which I don't know if i still gat.







💥 Richard pov 💥

I have never seen her angry like that,she yelled at me i even got scared,I was bewildered before I could say anything she stormed out.

Outrageous,who do she think she is too yell at me ,but was I too insultive to her I asked myself.even so it doesn't give her the right to shout at her boss,what should i do to her,

should I sack her ?.No then my revenge will not be accomplished, still thinking what to do to her,I decided to go out of my office for a while but stopped when i heard someone laughing happily.i looked over and saw Lucy chit-chatting on the phone,I didn't mean to eavesdrop on her conversation but i did when i heard her planning an outing on Saturday .

Well well ,after yelling at me she is planning an outing with a random boy called Dave.

I have a perfect punishment for her i smiled devilishly,I went back to my office satisfied.i am a good schemer i praised myself.i picked up my phone,Lucy see me in my office now .


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