
IN LOVE WITH MR ARROGANT (he is arrogant,she is crazy)

Meet Lucy Vega a 24 years old beautiful lady,her parents died when she was 5 years old,she struggled to send herself to school. Coming out with first degree in business,she applied for a job in the best company in New York City. Richard Santiago the CEO of the best company in New York City (glitter company,a come that produces exotic wine)he is 27years old ,he is every ladies dream guy, he is cruel and arrogant after a very painful heartbreak from his ex. What happen when he meet Lucy? and she discovered that he has a sweet side behind those cruel attitude, she was determined to know the cause of it and to Change his cruel attitude to the sweet guy he used to be. Do you think she can fulfill her mission?

GOLDEN_5050 · Urban
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10 Chs

Chapter 2

💎 Lucy pov💎

Days turn to nights,I was waiting anxiously for a call from the company about the job I applied for.

After waiting for 3days I gave up ,I sat down in my apartment hopelessly scooping down a cold bowl of cereal.

I heard a beep on my phone ,I wasn't too excited about it ,I was thinking maybe it one of my friends inviting me to a party ,but I heard this strange feeling about the message ,I decided to check it .

Oh my God!!oh my God!!

I screamed at the top of my voice am sure my neighbor's heard me screaming,I got the job,I got the job,I danced happily as I was screaming.

🌅The next day which is Monday.i got dressed and was looking good ,on my way to the subway,a car almost ran me over .the driver came out.

"Are you okay ma"

"Yeah,thank you"

Hey get back to the car,I heard the nicest voice ever ,I raised my head to see the most handsome guy ever.

omg is he an angel

",next time watch where you are going"

,I was jolted out from my thought ,

"I hate seeing trash like you,now get out of my way"he said

What ,just because he is cute that does not give he the right to insult me.

"Am talking to you" he said,

I smirked and moved closer to him,I kicked him in his dick and ran away.gosh I pray we don't meet again.

I took a cab and got to the company ,I took the elevator ,I meet the secretary,she directed me to the manager office.

"Good day sir"

"Good day miss Lucy Vega ,you will be working as a secretary for Mr Santiago the ceo of this company "he said

"thank you sir ".

" Your office is on the 7th floor , what you need are on the desk.the ceo will soon be here,you can go."

"Thank you sir."

💥 Richard pov 💥

On my way to the office ,my driver almost ran a lady over,I came down from my car only to see the most beautiful lady I have ever seen

I must say she is pretty than Scarlett my ex,

"next time watch where you are going,and I hate seeing trash like you,get out of my way

,am talking to you" I said

she smirked and before I knew what was going on,she kicked me on my d***k and ran away.

Ahhhh I screamed,I will make sure she pay .

I got to work,sat down, Chris told me he got a new secretary for me.i called her

"get me coffee".

Five minutes later she came inside,I raised my head ,

OMG she is the same girl who kicked me.i smirked,this would be fun .I will make her regret coming here and for hitting me.