
In Konoha As Admiral Kizaru: Salary Determines My Fighting Power

False ninja: He went to ninja school at the age of six, entered Anbu at the age of eleven, devoted himself to death at the age of twenty-one, and became the nourishment of the leaves. A real ninja: idle around, catch fish at work, clock in and leave work, do tasks without working hard, proficient in fishing and health preservation. False Hokage: full marks for mouth release, ninja world in heart. The real Hokage: One mouthful from him is scary, and have nothing but salary at heart. ————— This book is also known as "Konoha Yellow Ape: The salary is in place, and the five shadows are useless!" "Hokage 955", "The Admiral Kizaru Who Never Works Overtime", "I Want to Be the Man of Hokage"... . This is a translation Raw: https://www.69shu.com/txt/51220/33440806

Frenzy_Mage · Anime & Comics
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20 Chs

Ch 15

In the secluded courtyard, Kizaru sits by the pond in the middle of the courtyard.

Holding a simple fishing rod made of bamboo in one hand and hot tea in the other, Kizaru sits cross-legged on the bluestone.

This courtyard is the backyard of the Great Elder's residence. In the pond in the center of the yard, there are many ornamental fishes, all of which are the treasures of the Great Elder.

Kizaru is fishing here, not for the purpose of eating fish, but just to keep it clean and pass the time by the way.

As the latest popular figure in the village, as long as Kizaru goes out, he will always attract the attention and discussion of the villagers, and he will not be idle.

Kizaru, who likes to be quiet and doesn't like to be noisy, has no choice but to avoid going out as much as possible, stay at home, and live a boring life.

So he ran to the Great Elder's yard to fish, which became Kizaru's latest entertainment project.

Gently blowing away the rising heat from the cup, Kizaru took a sip of the warm tea and put down the cup with a contented expression.

Putting the teacup away, Kizaru closed his eyes, and a wretched three-dimensional character card appeared in his mind.

The progress bar under the character card has increased from 10% before Kizaru entered school to 17%. The progress is gratifying.

Kizaru clearly remembered that the progress bar had just reached 12% from enrollment to the monthly exam, that is to say, the progress bar had only increased by 2 percentage points in one month.

In the week after the monthly exam, the progress bar reached 17%, a full increase of 5 percentage points.

The rapid growth is all due to the astonishing performance of Kizaru in the monthly exam, as well as the large amount of prestige gained by Danzo's vigorous publicity.

It's really comfortable to pretend to be famous and become stronger!

Thinking of this, Kizaru showed a happy and satisfied smile on his face.

"Brother Kizaru, brother Kizaru, it's not good! Something happened! Yoshihiko and the Uchiha people are fighting!"

Outside the yard, an eager and familiar cry broke the cleanliness of the yard.

Putting down the fishing rod in his hand, Kizaru turned to look at the gate of the yard.

Shimura Shinobu, who came back from outside sprinting all the way, ran into the yard while breathing heavily.

When Shimura Shinobu saw Kizaru, his face showed joy, as if he had found the backbone, and his anxious heart calmed down a lot in an instant.

"Brother Kizaru, Yoshihiko is fighting with Uchiha's people, please come with me!" Panting and talking, Shimura Shinobu ran quickly and came to Kizaru's side.

"Where? How did the fight start?" Kizaru asked directly without talking nonsense.

"On the tea street, when we were shopping on the street, we met two people from the Uchiha clan. They were about the same age as us. They were scolding you at the time. When Yoshihiko heard it, he became very angry and quarreled with them, arguing and arguing, they started fighting." Shimura Shinobu immediately said.

The tea street that Shinobu mentioned is located in the center of the village and is very prosperous. The shops on the street are mainly tea shops and dessert shops. (There really is this street, there are maps and explanations in the book of war, and the flower shop of the Yamanaka family is next door to the tea street.)

"Is Yoshihiko alone now?"

After listening to the narration, Kizaru stood up straight away, held Shinobu's hand while asking questions, and walked out of the yard.

"Yoshihiko asked me to come back and call someone. I just met Yuki and Shintaro, and they have already rushed over." Holding the warm big hand of Kizaru, Shinobu couldn't bear the rush, and the heart that had been holding it all the time fell safely to the ground.

Leading Shinobu for a few steps, Kizaru felt that it was too slow, so he bent down and hugged Shinobu with his right hand, and used the Body Flicker Technique to hurry.

"Hold tight!"


Honestly staying in Kizaru's arms, Shinobu's two small hands tightly grasped the clothes on Kizaru's chest.

Holding Shinobu in his arms, Kizaru went up and down in two steps, and he had already arrived at the gate of the family residence.

Standing right outside the gate of the family's residence, Kizaru holding Shinobu, facing the direction of Tea shop Street, stopped.

"Brother Kizaru?" Shinobu looked up at Kizaru with some doubts.

"They're back." Kizaru explained.

After finishing speaking, Kizaru directly put Shinobu in his arms on the ground.

Hearing Kizaru's explanation, Shinobu stretched out his neck, raised his head, and looked in the direction that Kizaru was facing.

Sure enough, in the distance on the street, Shimura Yuki and Shimura Shintaro were pulling Yoshihiko towards him.

"Yoshihiko! Yuki! Shintaro!" Shinobu yelled, raised his right hand, and waved it bouncingly.

The three little ones also heard Shinobu's call, and saw Kizaru standing next to Shinobu.

With smiles on their faces, the three of them instinctively quickened their pace, trotted, and rushed towards Kizaru.

Rushing to the front of Kizaru, Yoshihiko, who was still very stubborn in front of Yuki and Shintaro just now, his eyes turned red, and he threw himself on Kizaru.

"Brother Kizaru! Woohoo!"

Gently touching Yoshihiko's head, Kizaru noticed the dust on the little guy's clothes and a torn hole.

Frowning slightly, Kizaru asked, "Did you lose?"

Holding Kizaru's thighs with both hands, Yoshihiko raised his head, revealing a pair of panda eyes, and said pitifully, "The Uchiha people are pulling the strings!"

"Pull off the strings?" Kizaru continued to ask.

"Brother Kizaru, when we rushed over, a senior guy named Uchiha Fugaku came first from the Uchiha's side. That guy pretended to persuade the fight and kept holding Yoshihiko with his hands."

"It's that bastard, he hugged me tightly and others kept beating me, I was unable to fight back." Yoshihiko said angrily.

Kizaru nodded, probably imagining the scene at that time.

"Let's go back and help you deal with the injury first." Kizaru directly picked up Yoshihiko and walked towards the gate.

"Those Uchihas are shameless bastards. When I have a chance in the future, I will fight back." Yoshihiko said indignantly while being hugged by Kizaru.

"Yoshihiko, I'm here." Kizaru said calmly.

"Brother Kizaru, are you going to teach them a lesson?" Yoshihiko looked at Kizaru excitedly and asked aloud.

Pushing open the door and walking into the family residence with a few little guys, Kizaru didn't answer immediately.

Thinking back in his mind, what his uncle Danzo told him, in the past few days, some ninjas of the Uchiha clan questioned him, and an idea arose in Kizaru's heart.

"They are too weak; I can't make a move." With an idea in his mind, Kizaru said to Yoshihiko.

"Ah!" Yoshihiko cried out in disappointment.

Not only Shimura Yoshihiko, but also Shimura Yuki, who was following Kizaru, also had a look of disappointment on his face after hearing Kizaru's answer.

Only Shintaro, who understood the reason for Kizaru's answer, looked up at Shimura Yoshihiko, and said aloud, "Yoshihiko, you idiot, with the current prestige of Kizaru, it will only make people laugh at the students in the school."

"You are the idiot!" Yoshihiko knew that what Shintaro said was right, but after being scolded, he immediately fought back.

"Cut!" Shintaro snorted coldly with disdain and did not choose to continue the childish bickering with Shimura Yoshihiko.