
in douluo dalu 2 ?

a man with an unknown past gets a second chance in Douluo Dalu. but what next?

jacke_m1 · Anime & Comics
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40 Chs

sea god pavilon decision, and Hiden problems

-------3rd Pov-----------

elder Xuan look at the mist around and said "weak but I was right, it's the ultimate light, and if I get this right the other box has the ultimate fire element" all the elders look surprised, a kid not even 12 years old has two ultimate elements, something even Shrek doesn't have half of it, and he has high if not impossible control over it.

while they thinking of how to act, the pavilion started to glow, then the sea god tree starts to absorb the mist in visible passe, releasing more pure haven and earth energy than before. the whole place was silent.

this was the first time they saw the sea god tree react like that and to what? a little soul power trapped in the box. 'if that was the effect of something he made, what effect he will have if he come here.' all the personnel of Shrek's inner court feel the increase in energy some even had broken through in their cultivation.

after the effect finally end elder Mu asks "elder song, since you are the one who brought this issue, I will have you keep in contact with him, and if he agrees, bring him to meet me"

the elder Song was surprised "I will, but are you sure it's okay to bring him here?"

elder mu smile saying "don't worry, with this level of element purity, being an evil master is impossible, and the sun moon empire is not stupid enough to send a kid with an ultimate element as a spy"

elder song nodded, then elder Mu dismiss the meeting "good, so the meeting ends here, if anyone wants to make a contact with him feel free as this is probably what his teacher wants with sending him here"

all the elders take off after that leaving elder Mu and Xuan alone "Xuan did you notice"

he nodded in response "the same mist from that time, right?" elder Mu nodded "i guess we can be at ease for now since is not a soul beast"

Xuan looked at him for a moment before starting to head out "For now at least"


At the coffee shop, after elder Song toke here leaves, Ray stands in his place thinking 'i was intending to take a little look and head back, but I end up buying a house *sigh* "what happen just happened let go with the flow"

he took the tree necklace and start to tweak the design, Sophia got outside, and took a very little form, that can fit on top of his lap " are you going to use that artifact? won't that bring problems?"

Ray smiled "no it won't, as the only ones who could sense anything I do now is from Shrek and by telling the elder before that I have a master, it will lead them to think that I got this from him, so they won't take action as they don't know his power level add with the hint I give about him being alchemist, a very rare proficient, that they really need right now as their Pavilion master is poisoned, so they definitely will not try to get on my or my master bad side, at least until they confirmed the truth."

Sophia looks at him "your quite the strategist your self and you say your easy-going?"

Ray chuckled" easy-going won't protect me from evil intent" saying he continue to make his new house design adding a basement as a workshop, and building a training center in the land behind him, also making the ground floor a dining space with tables and a bare counter.

Sophia asked," are you going to keep the coffee shop?" Ray shook his head "no I will serve drinks and snacks only, alcoholic at night, and normal drinks in the morning" add more confusion to Sophia, as in her presumption he just wasting time, but he explained

"you said before that connection will be useful in the future, so I will take a page from the elder Song book. but I won't be serving the normal drink in here" he stopped with a grin, activating the tree necklace and causing the House to start to morph and change its shape for while then stopped.

in the end, Ray is still in the office room but he changes its shape and inside design to his liking, and then he picks Sophia and sat in the armchair close to a chimney "since I have a fast rise in cultivation and it's not stable at the moment and I have a lot of energy remain unabsorbed or refined in my body I won't be focusing on that, so I will try to expand my connection and train some alchemy and crafting."

Sophia nodded "so this shop will be the link to outside, but what will you do about all the questions they will have?" Ray just raised his hands "what can I say, I have a great master" causing Sophia to burst into laughter "Hahaha ULTIMATE Excuse" Causing Ray to Laugh too.

after discussing how to maintain the shop and the type of consumables that will be served, they jump to Plana playing a little with Sai for while, Ray got back to the house, took some material in the storage, and got back to the workshop.

he's intending to mack some RipOff Coffee and drink machines, although they have coffee and other types of drinks here, the preparation is still backward a little, and he also wants to make some special cops to be used as a symbol for his shop.

after he finishes making what he needed, the sky starts to brighten, so he cleaned up and sat in meditation for a couple of hours solidifying his cultivation and strength by absorbing the remaining energy in his body, but he found that the quantity has increased.

after some inspection, he found out that the course was him intensely surpassing his purification causing the rest of the energy purified to enter his bloodstream causing him to freak out 'DAMN! That was close'.

the course was simple, yet again he almost course his own death because of a stupid reason, after all, strong or not there is a limit to the body, luckily he figured it out faster, or else his fate will be *BOOM* 'Ray what happened, I feel your kind pissed off?' hearing Sophia he calmed down and start to recount what happened.

Sophia sighed "I really should have found a Solution to your reckless tendency." Ray was surprised "EXCUSE ME! I know I am a little reckless but it's not THAT big problem?!"

not second past and Sophia materialized head-butting Ray send in him flying to the wall "say that after revising what you did, and that other problem of you, except that Lady you don't accept anything from others, be it advice or whatever, and its starts to become visible by the day" she look at Ray " cool down, and think a little about how you start to act after you wake up".

Ray sat down after the shock he took from the hit pas and he realized where she come from

closing his eyes he let his breath slow down and back to normal, after while the bedroom was filled with mist, then his mind cleaned after will he open his eyes and sigh "sorry, probably my blood is boosting my ego without noticing, as literally had a king in its name and....." before ending his world he was slapped on top of his head by whip tail "AWW, WHAT WAS THAT FOR" Sophia scoffed at him "what I do with an apology, if you realize the problems and know the cause all good "then she turns to head back.

Ray realized that she wasn't angry because he yall at her but because she didn't like the fact that he didn't realize he was affected by his bloodline he smile "thanks Sophi" she just nodded and despaired.


her today Chapter, Enjoy.

don't forget some support and See Ya next time.