
Chapter 6

For the past two years, I've been chilling with Barbra, meeting Dick and training with Damian/Bruce. I also helped the Justice League out a couple times with their villains. My hair color and eye color changed out of nowhere one day, so I'm stuck with it. My system also had an special update, which changed some of its features. I'm able to hold powers, along with Quirks from My Hero Academia. Right now, Damian should be arriving at Titan Tower, as the plot of the first Teen Titan movie should start. ' Trigon will be appearing in a few days, ' I thought, as I stood up, and looked at the destroyed punching machines. ' Status, ' I thought, as a screen appeared in front of me.


Name: Jay Stone Age: 19

Bloodlines: Human

STR: 999(Limit Reached)

AGI: 999(Limit Reached)

VIT: 999(Limit Reached)

POW: 999(Limit Reached)

SP: 0 QP: 1,204,507


Heat Vision(Beginner)- Next Stage Cost- 100 SP


Cremation(Master)- Next Stage Cost- Bought

Rewind(Expert)- Next Stage Cost- 400 SP

Decay(Intermediate)- Next Stage Cost- 200 SP

I reached an limit to my stats, and it turns out I need to have an mission for my stat limit to disappear. Also, according to my system, I'm 2/10 of Clark Kent/Superman's strength, making me pretty strong if you think about it. I'm also close to running as fast as Mach 3, maybe 4 if I push it. I became in charge of my own superhero team called the Justice Group, lame name. My superhero name is Prime, which isn't really an cool one, but I was to lazy to think of one, and Dabi wasn't an cool name. I looked at my phone, that's on the counter. I walked towards it, picking my phone up, and answering the call. " Barbra, are you still on for our date, " I asked, as Barbra sighed on her side of the phone. " Jay, I need your help, I'm at XXXXXXXX, " Barbra answered, as I took off running, faster than the human eye could react.

A few mili-seconds later, I arrived in Heaven City. Unlike its name, its an terrible city, and I think its very similar to Bludhaven or Gotham in terms of crimes, and there's a couple of villains here. I walked into this coffee shop, as I spotted Barbra sitting at an table with an familiar face. " Barbra, what needs my help, and the help of Conner Kent, Superboy, " I asked, as Barbra smiled at me. " Jay, Inferior has decided to come back, and Conner was tracking down one of Clark's clones, who's now working with Inferior, " Barbra answered, as I shook my head. Inferior is the Joker to my Batman, the Lex Luthor to my Superman, and an giant pain in my ass. Inferior's is like Omni-Man, except with the fact he doesn't have super strength, but he has telekinesis instead. He's also nearly as fast as me, making him a little hard to catch at times. He also killed lots of people, and a year ago, put three of my closets normal friends in a coma.

Right now, I'm in my superhero costume, which is similar to Invincible's suit(from Invincible), but all black instead. " Prime, are you ready, " Conner asked, as me and him kinda became best friends. " Let's get this over with, I'm tryna get ready for me and Barbra's date, " I answered, as we arrived in some building, as the lights turned on, pointing towards us. " Prime and Superboy, what an pleasant surprise, " Inferior said, as we looked at someone with the same height and build as me, wearing an all white mask(like redhood's). Conner noticed the clone of Superman, and flew towards him, leaving me and Inferior alone. " What is your obsession with me, " I said, as with the help of Bruce, I was able to learn that Inferior has been stalking me for the past 8 years, even before I had powers/awakened my memories.

" You really don't know, " Inferior said, as he appeared in front of me. I swung at his head, as he slipped to the right, dodging. I quickly spun around, slamming my foot into his ribs, which sent him crashing into the wall. I appeared in front of him, grabbing him by the throat, as I slammed him into the ground, crashing through the floor. I then punched him in the face, as his helmet shattered a bit, and he grabbed my hand that was holding him. ' What is this strength, ' I thought, as he pried my hand off of him, as he headbutted me, which surprisingly sent me flying a couple feet back. I quickly raised my hand, as I blocked an punch to the head. ' Training with Bruce and the others have developed my fighting skills, ' I thought, as I kicked Inferior in the stomach, sending him through the wall.

A few moments later, Inferior flew into the air, as I flew after him. As soon as I reached close to him, I saw his arms crashing down at me. I quickly grabbed his arms, before spinning around, throwing him into the ground with all of my strength. He crashed into the ground, creating an 5ft hole in the ground. He watched as I slowly descended towards the ground. I noticed that he wasn't wearing the mask anymore. ' It broke, ' I thought, as I noticed the pieces of it on the ground. He looked at me, as I was looking at the exact same face as mine, but with black hair and brown eyes. " Who the hell are you, " I asked, as I watched the clone of Superman came towards us. ' I should stop holding back now, this is boring, ' Inferior thought, but looked at Superman's clone coming towards us. He grabbed Inferior, as he looked at me, before disappearing. Conner arrived not even a second later. " Inferior's either my twin, or a clone, " I stated, as Conner was surprised at that.