
In blood but not spirit. *New

Instead of being the reincarnation of Indra through spiritual chakra, Sasuke is born with a similar DNA composition as Indra himself. Follow his journey as Sasuke shows the true power of the Uchiha Bloodline.

Zekeian · Anime & Comics
Not enough ratings
9 Chs


"Hmm hm hmm~" A humming tune was heard. With swaying hips and ladle in hand, a beautiful woman with waist length, luscious inky black hair full of luster fluttered as she began to finish cooking her favorite meal.

Her crimson red apron that was stained with various ingredients outlined her perfect curves, as fumes of spices crowded the air.

Ever since she was young cooking was a source of release and relaxation, she felt at ease when she smelled her creations. Whenever nervous or stressed, cooking comes to her mind, whether for herself or her loved ones. 

*Pit-Pat* *Pit-Pat*

"It feels nice doing this, I feel so happy, yes very happy. So, so happy." She mused, bringing the food full spoon into her mouth.

"Hmm Sasu if you were only here to taste this, I know you would love it." 


"I-I'm h-happy, right? But this f-feeling in my h-heart won't go a-away. And i-it hurts so m-much.." Tears flowed freely from her optics, trailing down her angular face and splashing on the hard counter.

For once in her life, the woman didn't feel the joy she had when cooking, the pleasuring release was nowhere to be seen, As the smell of burning beef brought her back.

"A-Ah I forgot t-the meat! It's all f-fine a little burn w-won't hurt!…Sasu it hurts so much, w-why do we live in a w-world like t-this. This is t-the last week I-I might see…y-you." Sobs erupted through the kitchen now remembering her fate, how this barbaric rule system will tear her and her son Sasuke apart forever.

For today is the last week, Mikoto Uchiha won't be used until she dies.


"Ughh this boat ride is taking too long! The only cool thing in here is…WATER!" A teen yelled.

"Only a couple more minutes Naruto, sit and wait you'll live." Voiced an elderly.

"You only got a couple of minutes to live you old fart.." Naruto murmured under his breath.

"Did you say something boy?"

"Sir, no sir," Naruto responded, doing a mock salute.

"Both of you relax, arguing isn't going to get there any faster. Why not be like Sasuke and I, reading some classical art." A silver-haired opinionated, bring his book up to point out.

"Not all of us like reading porn like you guys do Kakashi sensei." A woman's voice insulted.

"Huh? I don't read that kind of stuff, what are you talking about Vali!" Raven's hair jumped as he spoke, shutting his book in the process.

"Yeah sure Sasuke, we all know just accept it." Vali deadpanned.

"Hmph." This is why I still don't trust you.

"We'll be hitting the mainland shortly, this fog is adding difficulty to see, but I recognize this area," Tazuna said, squinting his eyes hoping for better vision.

The closer they became, the thickness of the fog intensified until they could only see outlines of land.


The boat's nose hit the dock, as they all rose out and started their trek through the foggy, dirty path towards the unfinished bridge.


Everyone became alarmed as bushes ruffled, and clouded vision increased unease as some shinobi went on guard.

*Chit Chit* *Chit*

Jumping out of the undergrowth, a small albino rabbit rubbed its hands together in common action, leaping about.

"Haah, it's just a small rabbit, relax." Naruto sighed, massaging his nose in relief.

'A white rabbit? But it's currently autumn, and this region doesn't snow until late winter, nearing spring. Though it isn't entirely impossible, but just very rare it would survive this long?' Sasuke analyzed, with similar thoughts running through Vali as well.

'what is-?'


"Get down now!" The voice of Kakashi and Sasuke shared the area, as they pulled each person next to them down.



A large cleaving sword cut through the air directly above their heads, smashing on impact against wooden bark. Golden red leaves traced the air, as mist covered the appearance of a mysterious attacker. Outlines of spiky hair and folded arms emphasized his complex, as a suffocating pressure descended on the leaf shinobi and builder.

"Kakashi the Sharingan didn't expect you would stoop so low to babysitting a bunch of mutts, how degrading for someone of your stature." Roughness in his tone reverberated throughout the area, as his words were felt through the hearts of the rest.

The mist cleared showing a man with short, spiky black hair. Each limb was accompanied by brown, cow-designed warmers. Wearing nothing on his chest except for a blue scarf wrapped around his neck. His lower face was covered by bandages, and below was fitted with light grey pants.

'Sharingan?' Naruto questioned, with a confused look on his face as he judged his sensei's looks.

"Zabuza Bloody Momochi, I expected you to be a rouge ninja, but to lower yourself to work for others? I guess taking orders will always stay with you huh." His usual laziness was nowhere to be seen, as a rare sense of sharp sarcasm rang in his response.


A pressuring aura of blue flung in the air, as cracks on tree splints broke down brown chips in the wood.

"A-Ah.." Old bones trembled in fear as he stared at the monster in front of him.

"Easy Tazuna, he won't hurt you we won't let that happen." The Jonin reassured, putting a hand on the bridge builder in reassurance.

"Hahaha, you shouldn't keep unsure promises Kakashi, after all the one I'm here for is that man. But I have to give it to you, for a couple of mutts they sure can take intense pressure pretty easily. I wonder how well they're trained..." Zabuza said ominously.

"Enough about them, they are capable on their own, your fight is with me." Pulling out kunai in hand.


The wind danced around the air, pointing out the colder air near the sea, as a red leaf slowly weaved right and left towards the ground. Until…


The moment the leaf touched the ground metal against metal clashed, creating a sharp ring when brought together at high speeds.

Both sides of the blades were opposites as the kunai and sword struggled for dominance.

Losing in parry, Kakashi jumped back and ran through hand signs in haste.

'{Lightning Release: Thunderbolt!}' The jonin thought.

Static discharged through the air as blue lightning charged at the sword user.

"{Water Release: Water Wall!}" Shouted the rouge.


Lightning electrified the water creating a dangerous combination.

Lunging at each other again, Zabuza slashed his sword horizontally attempting to cleave his opponent in half.

Ducking down to avoid bisection, Kakashi planted his left hand down and fired a sidekick toward the swordsmen.

Zabuza stabbed his blade on the ground and pushed against it to block the kick, he then grabbed the head of the Jonin striking it with his knee.



The attack flung him in the air. Flipping down, he regained his footing and shot back at the rouge.

Closing in, silver hair tossed back as he slashed his kunai down Zabuza's right arm.

Leaning to the left, he dodged the blow and swiped his sword in a vertical motion at his enemy's extended arm.

Quickly pulling back to avoid mutilation, he twirled his kunai and attacked once again.

Parrying the kunai with his greatsword, he pushed himself off and jumped back a few yards.

"I'm afraid this is where it ends Kakashi." The sword wielder said, flashing through signs.

"{Water Release: Hidden Mist…}" His voice slowly stated. 

Shrouds of mist covered their eyes, thicker than the first cloud when they arrived, they're hands only appeared as shadows and eerie sounds invaders their ears.

"You think this will do? If so you're sorely mistaken." Kakashi taunted, as he formed a hand sequence and brought his right hand to his mouth.

'{Wind Release: Great Breakthrough!}'

Powerful gales dissipated the mist, revealing the bandaged opponent standing in front of him with his blade hoisted on his shoulders.

"It's over Zabuza." Called a voice behind him.

'What!?' The bandaged rogue turned his head and was greeted by a kunai to the throat.

"You were a good opponent, but not the be-"


The body of 'Zabuza' popped turning into water. As the real one appeared behind Kakashi.

"Please save the speech I'm still alive, after all, deadman shouldn't be talking," Zabuza said darkly.

Spinning around in shock he was greeted by the sight of death inches away from capturing him for eternity. Time seemed to stop for Kakashi as he watched the blade slowly close in on his neck with great force.

'NO!' He couldn't accept death right now, no matter the past he had a job to do, and responsibilities to take! His students were going to die if he did right now. But deep down he knew.

'It's..over.' He thought shutting his eyes.


"…Huh?" Kakashi said as the death he was once awaiting was nowhere to be seen, instead in front of him was Sasuke locked in a fight of strength with their enemy.

"Hahahha Kakashi look at this, it seems your death will be held off for now! I have a new opponent I have to kill first before you!" Breaking out in a maniacal laugh, he repeatedly slashed attacks at Sasuke.


Stab left, backslash, left kick, right slash.

They appeared as blurs to the rest except for the experienced; both parried each other's blows in haste.

The ravenette was on defense blocking each spray at his, black calm eyes stared at insane ones.

"Nice! Nice! Come on keep going, you can do better than that!" Zabuza yelled, at him while speeding up his attacks.

"…haha." A smile fit his face as the fight went on, showing he was slowly losing his senses to his battle lust as well.

Grabbing Sasuke's arm, he went for a pierce to the stomach.

The raven swung his body with enhanced reflexes and propelled his foot at Zabuza's side, skidding him back enough to escape his grasp.


'This is bad I'm enjoying this too much, but I just can't help it!' Sasuke thought, with a grin adorning his features threatening to split his face in half.

Rushing at the bandaged man, Sasuke quickly evaded a slash to his leg. Grabbing Zabuza's arm, he used it as leverage and snaked his body in the air with inhuman flexibility. Then performed a sign with one hand.

"{Lightning Release: Shadow Clone!}" He shouted.

Coming down he kicked the side of the rouge's head with full force, sending him flying to the right.

His lightning clone appeared behind him mid-air and pierced his left thigh, right arm, and lower chest in rapid motion. He finishes off with a self-destruct, erupting lightning to cover his opponent's body.


"AHHHH!!" His eyes bulged and light tears filled, feeling incredible pain in his body.

*Cough* *Cough*

Blood splattered the ground as he coughed up handfuls of hot, iron-tasting liquid that burned his mouth.

His opened flesh spilled blood at all sites, with a purple eye he received from the previous kick.

"Y-YOU..HOW DARE YOU L-LITTLE MUTT!" Anger sprouted from the man, losing to a mere green leaf, though stumbling a bit as he locked eyes with a psychotic teen with teeth full and squinted eyes in excitement.

"W-What is that blade, n-not even a single chip on its b-body, and that color; why is the metal so…red?" He asked while struggling to get up.

Taking deep breaths, Sasuke relaxed himself to further stop people from thinking he's gone crazy.

'I let myself loose too much, I should have made it look more sloppy, this is bad.' He berated himself.

"Stop talking, you're finished." The ravenette responded coldly, looking back he saw the shocked look of the builder and his team…minus Vali who had a sinister leer on her face.

'Why am I not even surprised, she's aware I'm on to her that she's not even hiding it anymore.' He thought.

"Y-Yes you are Zabuza, alright Sasuke I'll take it from here. But we're talking about this later." Kakashi said, moving towards the half-dead man.

'That Sasuke…I thought Vali was the strongest, but he went toe to toe with a man like that with no visible injuries except for some cuts here and there. But nevertheless, this was done without his dōjutsu.' The Jonin reasoned.

"I-I wouldn't be s-so sure about t-that." As those words came out of his mouth, brown tresses danced in the air, as another ninja flew down from a leafless tree.

"I'll be taking him away for now, you have fought well Uchiha, I congratulate you not many can do this to my master." A muffled feminine voice spoke through a white and red hunter mask.

"He was weakened by my sensei and hadn't taken me seriously throughout the battle, If he had I wouldn't have won that fight," Sasuke explained with monotone.

"Yes, yes right that makes more sense, oh well Sasuke, leaf ninja, this is a goodbye…for now." She? said, disappearing in a mist Shunshin in the end.

"…Right, well that was terrific. Tazuna is there anywhere we could rest?" Kakashi broke the silence.

"Y-Yes come to rest at my house, my family and I will gladly host you all. Follow me please." The old man responded in haste, turning around and heading towards his abode.

"So Sasuke are we gonna talk about that back there or what?" Naruto asked. He still wasn't used to seeing his friend act like…like a bad guy! Like come on, who has fun while fighting?

"Talk about what Naruto..?" He responded back turned from the redhead.

"F-Forget I asked." The Uzumaki answered while looking at Sasuke with side eyes.

'Creepyyy ewww.' Naruto thought while pinching his nose comedicly.

Turning to look at Vali for backup, all she did was turn to him and smile sweetly.

'Double creepyyy, ewww.'


Cutting through a small stone brick path, trees swayed in each direction carried by the sea's wind, and leaves fell down like tears along the sky. Soon, five people moved their eyes in front of them, looking at the peaceful house of the glasses-wearing bridge builder.

The structure was medium-sized, with two floors, it's outer coating was a simple Dark Oak color broken in some places, with light wooden doors that were splinted off and glossy white windows which were broken and cracked.

"You have a very lovely house Tazuna," Kakashi said looking at the house judgingly.

"Haaah, no need for that, I know it's not in the best shape due to our problem here. Bandits and criminals often swing by and harass us when we don't oblige, vandalizing our house and yard with whatever they have." He sighed depressingly.

"And that stops today Mr. Old Man! We'll free your country, I promise that!" Naruto cheered.

"Haha..That would be great, thank you. Now, enough of that let's go in."

Opening the doors, the sight of their eyes glued everywhere. In contrast to the outside, the interior was very nicely kept, with a comfortable homey feeling.

"Father, is that you?" An unknown voice of a woman called out from another room.

"Yes Tsuna dear I've returned with some leaf shinobi, come here." Soft steps were heard as a young woman with ebony black hair came into view. Her creamy untouched skin emphasized her status, with sweet, but sharp features she carried a beautiful small smile on her lips.

"Hello, my name is Tsunami and I would like to welcome you to our house." Her charming voice greeted them all as she slightly bowed in the end.

"Hello to you Tsunami, my name is Kakashi Hatake and I thank you for allowing us to rest at your home." The Jonin responded, also bowing in respect.

"No problem at all Kakashi, please follow me, I'll show you all your rooms. Though you are going to have to share with each other if that's okay?"

"That's perfectly fine we can share."

"Alright, then I'll prepare dinner after, let's go."


- Somewhere In The Land of Waves-

- 11:46 P.M.

Darkness shrouded the forms of two individuals. A single flame lit the interior of the room and their containers, with one lying down injured on a gray couch and the other treating them.

"GAH! Slow down will you, hurting me even more isn't going to do me any good!" A man's voice shouted.

"Yes it won't, but it'll teach you how not to be stupid when fighting people you can't win against. Plus it makes me feel better." The female occupant responded.

"Should've known you were a sadist Haku." He muttered.

"Shut up master Zabuza." She said, closing the final stitch on his wound, and using minor medical jutsu to seal it up.

Suddenly doors opened, showing the image of four bodyguards. Each one evenly spread out to each side of the door, revealing a short, plump man with shaggy brown hair, each strain pointing up in a wild manner. His ugly face was fitted with tiny black, circular glasses that barely covered his eyes. The short man's attire was boring with a black suit and yellow shirt, completed with a purple tie on top.

Each step he took reverberated around the room, as his stench of sex invaded the nostrils of the two shinobi.

"Zabuza…Haku, I see you two, but what I don't see is the head of a little old man that I wanted dead!" Emphasizing the last word, he stomped in a tantrum-like action.

"You'll get him by the end of next week, now calm down will ya, I'm kind of hurt here." Zabuza waved off, laying back down on the couch.

"Y-You! Hmph why did I even hire you guys, by the end of next week I'll allow it. But if it extends over I'm reducing your pay…along with keeping that woman Haku for myself hehe-AH!" His lewd expression turned to one of fright as he saw a demon towering over him with his cleaver of a sword aiming for his neck.

"You say anything like that again, and your head will be my new decoration," Zabuza whispered menacingly, staring down the scared little man.

"H-Hmph just know your place and make sure he's dead, move out!" He called to his guards, and each one of them still frozen from fear quickly listened.

"…I can't stand that little shit." Haku voiced, clearing the leftover silence.

"I want to kill him knowing the things he's done, but we need his money to restore our land Haku. After we get the money we kill him easy as that." He responded.

"Agreed..Haaah, I need to refill on medical herbs, wait here." She said, sitting up and approaching the door.

"Where else would I go? A different planet or something." Zabuza deadpanned.


The night sky was painted in white, sparkling dots. The darkness that covered the land was touched with the light of the moon, as they all shared a beautiful glow with one another.

Raven hair laced the fall night air, as silky skin touched the moon's light. Purple pigment under coal-like eyes stared above to the obsidian world littered in stars.

"Haah, are you going to keep admiring me or are you going to reveal yourself." The teen said in a monotone.

Coming out of a tree, a dark figure slowly approached the ravenette. Light hit the person as it revealed a stunning woman, wearing a simple pink kimono. Her face was sharp showing little to no fat as it accompanied her fair skin. Brown hair touched with black eyes looked at Sasuke wearily, one arm was kept behind her in safety as she stared at the averted eyes of his own.

"I-I was just m-making sure you wouldn't hurt me, you know what this country has t-turned into." She said softly, her front hand holding a small basket.

"Ah yes you're right, sorry for worrying you, but please carry on I'm no threat I assure you," Sasuke replied as he kept his focus on the constellations above.

"O-okay." Silence went on between the two shortly, before the teen girl spoke up.

"Tell me, do you have anyone you care about? Anyone you would do anything for Mr.."

"Sasuke, Sasuke Uchiha. And yes to answer your question I do. Back at home, I would do anything to make sure my mother is safe and at ease, if not then whoever has wronged us will suffer great things." He answered.

"I see…I share your thoughts Sasuke, for my m-mentor I would do anything. I believe that having a relationship like that keeps you human in this cruel world. Having someone to fight for and come home to really shows that no matter what you do you'll always stay human. Not a killing monster who sprays blood and causes trouble for pleasure, but a person who fights, kills, and at all costs keeps their loved ones safe." She explained, stopping her action and looking over to the relaxed Sasuke.

"I see we share the same philosophies Ms.."

"Haku, Haku Yuki. Nice to meet you." The brunette said.

"Yes, to you too. Hmm Yuki huh, so you come from The Mist. I've never seen a Yuki before, tell me do you have Ice Release by any chance?" He asked.


'I lost focus on who I'm talking to, it was so natural I forgot and started talking about my own beliefs. Now he knows my abilities and who I am!' Haku self ridiculed, as a senbon needle slid down her kimono's arm and into her hand.

"Calm down, I'm just interested in your clan. I've read about many while a child and this is the first of I have faced one from a different village. Plus…" His eyes opened revealing blood-reds of certain death looking at her.

"Do you really think you can defeat me? Someone who almost killed your master ever so easily?" Sasuke continued, smiling slightly at her.

"H-How did you kn-!" Before she could finish the ravenette appeared faster than she could blink and pushed her against the tall tree, holding her in place.

"KYAH!" Haku screamed as she squinted her eyes in pain of being slammed.

"I have certain...abilities to sense chakra, and I noticed that you share the same pattern lining as that hunter ninja who took my corpse." He whispered, still holding his soft smile while still grasping her neck still, kunai against her heart.

"If you want information on Zabuza, then I'm not tel-"

"Please I don't want anything of the sort really, in fact, I want to make a deal. If I assassinate Gato and return money to you twice as much promised, you leave us alone and help protect Tazuna the bridge builder so we can complete our mission and go to our respective homes, deal?" Sasuke questioned.

"…¥400,000,000, but that's only if you kill Gato and bring us the money that is." She said as she turned her head in defeat.

"Good girl, think of it as me hiring your services. Finish what you're doing here and heal him up well, because by the end of this week, your client will be dead." The Uchiha said flatly, before letting her go and walking away.

"…Hmph, how embarrassing. Haaah, master isn't going to like this." Haku murmured.

'Though that Sasuke is really somethi-..WHAT AM I THINKING?'


"Tsuna dear, could you pass me the kettle." An old man spoke out.

"Sure..here" A woman responded.

Sitting around a table, six individuals sat peacefully eating what seemed to be breakfast, as the light of the morning sun passed the windows and onto the room.

"Sasuke, about what happened yesterday, how were you able to keep up with Zabuza and manage to defeat him? Even if he was underestimating you that's no easy feat." Critical eye analyzed his closely, as Kakashi was still in minor shock thinking about the skills of his student.

"I've been training my skills by both..Itachi Uchiha and my mother, both being highly competent shinobi. I've also spent my younger years training and honing my skills rather than..well socializing.." Sasuke murmured the last sentence under his breath.

"No doubt about that one.." Naruto interrupted, receiving a glare in return.

"Haah clearly, well that still doesn't explain your mastery in Kenjutsu, that sort of thing takes years if not more to master completely. And you need a suitable teacher for that as well."

"Hmm..you do? Well other than learning the basics through my family, I never needed a teacher. I progressed and fixed my sword style through my own prowess." The raven explained.

"…You Sasuke are something else." The Jonin sighed.

"Such a monster," Naruto said in shock.

Only getting a small smile from the teen in return.

"Anyways guys, knowing Zabuza is still out there plus now his accomplice, we need to be prepared for anything. After eating we'll go do some light training followed by guard duty." He ordered.

"Yes sensei!" All three said in unison.

'Training isn't my top priority, I still need to search tomorrow to gather intel on Gato and his movements, as well as his forces, and usual informants.' The ravenette thought.

"Sensei is it alright if I sit today out? I still have some techniques I want to finish." I said.

"Hmm? Alright..just be sure to get some work in." He then proceeded to walk out of the house, with two people in tow.

Before crossing the door Vali looked back and stared at Sasuke, eyes judging his answer. Shaking her head she continued with the rest.

'What a weird woman.' He thought with a sigh.

'But now I should be able to head out to the village.'


Walking through a dirty path along the road, the scenery was disgusting as gangs robbed and beat people in hidden corners, and kids were left starving, huddled together in alleys.

The smell of cigarettes mixed with polluted air entered his nostrils, with sounds of forceful sex echoing from ghostly stores.

His appearance through the path brought eyes everywhere, the teen's untouched clothes and forehead protected received looks of hope and wonder from some while few gave looks of distaste and small fear.

The raven hair walked peacefully, as the crushing aura he presented around him avoided any unnecessary conflict. Only getting enamored looks from women of both Wave and invaders. 

'To start I need to find someone who works directly for Gato, not just a freelancer who snuck in.' The ravenette thought, looking through each section and alley for any criminal.

"Hey, no need to be frightened here we're just friends, and one of our friends has ordered us to bring you to him. You've done some naughty things you know, but if you want to have some fun first I wouldn't mind at all." Stopping by a rundown building, Sasuke extended his senses through the walls, capturing the voice of a thug accompanied by two others, corning a young woman.

"Go to hell, like I would do anything like that with you. Plus our 'friend' has broken my home in two so don't give me that bullshit." She responded coldly.

Creeping through the broken window, Sasuke climbed the walls and hugged the shadows of the ceiling, watching the scene of a purple-haired woman arguing with three others.

"You got this all wrong bitch, I never said I was asking was I? After we're done you'll go talk to our friend and perhaps live if you play it smart." The back man leered perversely, as two others started walking towards her.

"Tch, you all are just simple rabbits being controlled by a carrot stick, don't think of yourselves as a higher power I can still easily kill you all." The purplette said.

"Yeah right, I'd like to see you try!" Flexing golden brass knuckles at hand, a brown-haired thug ran at the woman, sloppily throwing a hook directly to her liver.

In return, she grabbed his arm and flipped over him, then reached down under her boot for a kunai and slashed him in the neck.

"GAH-urgle!" He screamed, clawing at his severed flesh in desperation, before dropping dead with blood covering his figure.

"Y-YOU FUCKING WHORE!/FUCK!" Both men were shocked at what happened to their friend and then charged at her in retribution.

Tugging his knife, a grey-haired thug swiped at her chest.

With trained reflexes, she ducked down, spun around, and kicked his jaw from below.

"AGH!" He yelled in pain as he was sent flying.

Jumping up she grabbed him in the air and swung him like a bat down towards the last thug.

"GYA!/UGH!" Each thug was disoriented as they didn't get time to recover as the grey-haired man felt a sharp pain in his chest, and dropped dead with puncture wounds in his upper torso.

"Y-YOU MONSTER, I-I'll KILL Y-" The last man shouted angrily.

"Drop dead." Going for the finisher, she was stopped forcibly by another man.

"So you're here to take me too?" The purplette asked distastefully, a bit startled by the newcomer.

"No, but I need him alive so you can leave if you would like." He said letting go of her arm and walking towards the downed blonde-haired thug.

"…U-Um okay?" She responded in minor shock and watched as the ravenette teen grabbed the man by his neck and slammed him against the wall.

"ARG!" Yelled the blondie, as he creased his features in pain.

"Do you work for Gato directly? If you do tell me where his headquarters are." A flat voice invaded the pinned man's ears.

"G-Go to hell I a-ain't telling you shit."

"Oh you will I can assure you, I just thought of being civil for a change and just asking instead of invading." Ebony eyes turned to ones of vermilion as three tomoes cycled ominously.

Lunar energy spread through his eyes, creating a darker tint in the red and glow to the optics.


Sasuke dropped the man on the ground once he gained the intel on Gato's headquarters layout.

"You're an Uchiha…" A voice pulled him away from the information in his mind.

Turning around, he now got a clear view of the woman. Short tresses of dark purple that reached her shoulders, flowing freely emphasizing her slightly tanned skin. Wearing a tight black crop top that showed clear view of her defined chest and flat stomach, and long black pants, tied together with grey boots coming up.

Brown eyes stared at red, waiting for an answer.

"Yes I am, now if you excuse me I hav-"

"Help me save this country, and take down that man." She interrupted, going in front of the Uchiha.

"I'm already doing that, all I need is information on him and I should be fine by myself." Sasuke waved off.

"I can give you intel on him. I have been spying on Gato since his rule, thats the reason why these men wanted to capture me. I have gathered information on his trading ports, hostages, men, and people he's hired."

"…Fine that would be helpful, If you do I can move onto my plan tonight." He sighed.

"Alright, my name is Kora Miyoki and we're partners in duty from now on!" Extending her arm for a handshake.

"Sasuke Uchiha, never thought I would be working with a Miyoki clan member." He replied, shaking her hand.

"Well today's the day you do, now back to business," Kora said, opening a storage seal on her arm containing contents of words and drawings, settling them on the old wooden counter.

'Soon you'll die Gato, and those who are suffering in this land will be given peace.'
