
In blood but not spirit. *New

Instead of being the reincarnation of Indra through spiritual chakra, Sasuke is born with a similar DNA composition as Indra himself. Follow his journey as Sasuke shows the true power of the Uchiha Bloodline.

Zekeian · Anime & Comics
Not enough ratings
9 Chs



-Konoha - Training grounds

-8:01 A.M.

Under a tree sat an inky-haired woman. The leaves of the tree were reddish orange, along with the rest of them surrounding the area, signifying the time of year. Wind sprayed tresses of deep black, flickering the view of the woman's deep red eyes. Beside her, a scabber was leaning against the tree, with its light grey color reflecting off of the reddish light emanating from the tree. 

A leaf fell upon her kimono's shoulder, which contrasted the red with black. The usual calm atmosphere was ruined by the woman's facial features, showing an emotionless expression, with deep thought in her eyes. 

'This is becoming more of a headache than I expected, that Sasuke doesn't trust me and I am positive with the way he's been acting that he is already on to my intentions. With him being an heir of a prominent clan, I expected a lot more arrogance and cowardice. It seems you really do have a brain Sasuke Uchiha.' She thought as she briefly looked at the raven, who was reading a bright-colored book on a bench with ankles folded.

'No matter, in the end, I will kill you. However, what surprises me more is that you want...justice for your brother? No no, that doesn't sound like you at all, and that hate you brew in your eyes when you say such things about him. It's just like mine...no he wouldn't want to kill his brother. Right?

Haaah, perhaps if you did we could've been allies, I can see great strength in you, it makes me excited just thinking about it. Emm oh Sasuke look what you're doing to me'

"Fufufu" Vali lightly snickered at the end of her thought. Causing a confused look from the redhead and a raise of an eyebrow from the raven. 

'What are you hiding Sasuke? Another thing that confuses me is the empowering aura that you have like you're superior to all living things. Even I sweated a bit when I first felt this new you. Others might not notice, but you're different, stronger, and more handsome at that...especially with the new eye look, just who are you? Haah, it's a shame that I'm going to kill you, and take...everything from you.' She thought as a merciless glint reflected off her optics for all just a second, before returning to her cheery self.

"AHHH, IT HAS BEEN THREE HOURS ALREADY. WHERE THE HELL IS HE!?" After countless hours of holding his words, the red-headed teen couldn't take it anymore and spoke his thoughts. 

'Looks like he finally broke, ahhh I expected it sooner from this idiot' She sighed. 

"Calm down Naruto, I'm sure he will show up any minute from now!" I said in my usual excitement. 

"Yeah, what she said." Sasuke interrupted. 

"I KNOW I know, it's just frustrating how a Jonin like HIM could be always so late. I mean I was at least expecting some effort from a guy like that, but perhaps this Jonin is just a disappointment." He muttered. 

"A disappointment you say? Ironic." A laidback voice captured the attention of them all. 

There stood their sensei back to back with Naruto still paying his attention to the bright book he keeps on his person. 

"HUH!? Hey, what do you mean by ironic? Ughh whatever can we just get along with this thing!" Naruto replied

"Yes yes I suppose, and good morning to you all by the way. Now this test is simple." He paused as he put away his book and reached into his pocket to grab two grey in color bells with red strings attached in hold.

"All you have to do is grab these two bells from me within the time period. If you do then you pass simple as that." Kakashi said as he held up the two bells in front of them. 

"There's a catch isn't there? Especially since there are only two bells." I asked. 

"Wohohoo, looks like we have a genius in here. Yes, chibi here is correct, each bell only applies to one person passing. And seeing that they're only two of them..." His words became thicker in the end as he revealed the drawback to the test.

"Only two of us can pass..." Naruto muttered.

"Yup, only those who are qualified can become Genin, this is only fit to weed out the weight in the group. Then send em back if they fail!" The Jonin finished off joyfully. 

"Why am I even surprised."



"Aww don't be like that, now without further ado...BEGIN." 

As soon as he commenced the test, all three figures shot to the tree line. Leaving the book reader alone.


"Oh? They're actually devising a plan...nice." Then proceeded to whip out his pages like nothing happened.

"hehehe, oh you slutty Kimi."



'Maybe Naruto was right, very much disappointing.' Sasuke thought as he watched the scene of his sensei reading his usual perverted-like scriptures.

Although the books weren't that bad...It's not like he's read it though!

'A simple test hmm? Going by his assumed personal beliefs it should go along the lines of harmony and respect, so why pit us against each other?' Before he could think further, a familiar red-headed teen jumped out of the undergrowth with a taunting smile. 

"You know I think I already figured out your plan here sensei, hahaha."

'What?' Everyone in the surroundings was astonished that he resolved the test so quickly, even though the execution wasn't exactly favorable. No one could possibly believe he wou-

"You obviously want to test our skills individually so you could see which one of us could make you look better!" Naruto exclaimed 

"Oh." The rest deadpanned.

Falling into a running stance, Naruto dashed towards the silver at a quick pace. His black jacket fluttered as the wind whipped into the fabric. 

He jumped up and attempted a sidekick to his opponent's head. 

Said person widened his eyes in short acknowledgment, before swiping his left forearm up to parry. Kakashi then grappled his ankle going for a throw to the ground. 

Naruto swiftly used his arms to spring him back, then flipped back to reposition. With his red locs flowing through the air.

"{Water Release: Water Dragon Bullet}!" The teen yelled. With a flash of hand signs, he directed the attack at Kakashi. Soon a large menacing water dragon sprouted out 5 meters above with glowing yellow eyes. 

*RAHHHSH* The beast roared with might, speeding towards the silver figure. 


Watery mist sprayed the area. Soon the mist cleared showing a broken and soaked...log. 


Naruto could hear alarm bells in his head as he heard the ground rumble, before jumping up to avoid hands from pulling him under. 

"Huh...nice," Kakashi said as he appeared out of the ground as if he wasn't there at all. 

Without a word, the redhead raced to the Jonin with fast jabs. Head, liver, shoulder, and chest areas were all assaulted at high frequencies.

*PUH* *PUH* *PUH* *PUH* 

Each blow was blocked by the silver. Naruto changed his fighting style and jumped up in the air going for an axe kick with his heel. 

Forming an X-shape with his arms Kakashi parried the strike, and countered with a kick to the the teen's side, sending him towards the tree line.


Naruto embraced into the trees forming a large sound. Sending up dust from the ground shortly covering the surroundings. 


"WOW! You almost got me there." Naruto cheered as his cloned poofed out of existence. 

"Huh? Oh really. You did nice yourself definitely Genin material possibly even Chunin with a little experience. Which reminds me, where did you learn that jutsus? It's pretty advanced I have to say." Kakashi responded cooley.

"Heheh, a ninja never reveals his secrets~" The teen reminded, before jumping back into the brush.

"...Haaah, perhaps if you had help, it would've been more exciting." 


"As expected of him, everyone underestimates him for his outward stupidity. But deep down, I know he's smart. He probably used that whole fight to get a clue for the test." Sasuke Whispered.

'If you had help' Hmmm. Combined with Kakashi's morals...allies...help..teamwork...TEAMWORK. It's reasonable and makes sense with our occupation. Thinking of it now, a team of three doesn't make sense at all, they all have four usually consisting of three Genin and one Jonin.' The raven just now had to learn how to convince his team without seeming suspicious. 

'haaah, because if they don't we fail.'


'An idiot, but pretty strong I have to say. Perhaps he isn't as useless as I thought.' A smooth voice conveyed with a hint of surprise present. 

'Now about what he just said no doubt it is a cl-' The thought of the person was broken as another voice appeared out of nowhere interrupting her.

"Vali, I figured it out." Monotone reached her ears as she could recognize its owner. 

"Really! What is it?" I have a clue as well what it is, but let us see what kind of plan he has to deal with this.

"Teamwork. The answer is teamwork, it's the only reasonable explanation of why he said those words in the end after speaking with Naruto. As well as the fact that a three-man team has rarely been seen before." The raven explained.

He watched as the eyes of Vali widened in shock, before adopting a thoughtful expression and then forming an O-shape with her mouth, in a sign of understanding. 

"So how do you want to approach this? Do you have a plan in mind Sasuke?"

"Yes I do, and we need you as well Naruto so come out here. At least I won't have to explain it again."

Jumping out of a tree, violet eyes were seen with a small smile sharing its space. 

"Yup, and I totally agree with that too, so just as Vali was saying, what's the plan boss~," Naruto said jokingly. 

"Hmphh, just listen and shut up." 


'Hmm? Seems like they're finally coming out of hiding. And they all came together? I wonder if they figured it out already...haaah, they definitely did. Sorry sacred texts, it seems my time is going to be wasted by your devilish teachings.' The Jonin thought depressingly. 

Two figures of black and red came out of the thicket with hands configured together in signs. 

{Water Release: Water Fang Bullet!}

{Fire Release: Stream}


Instead of the polar forces colliding with the opposing, they both crashed into each other creating a thick steamy cloud that encased the whole training area.

'Should I...nahh let's see what they can do' Kakashi thought as he reached up towards his headband before reclining on second thought. 



Suddenly, four large fireballs furrowed through the steam, revealing themselves with a push of cloud rushing towards the Jonin. 

'How did he make so many so quick!?' He thought as he swiftly dodged the explosives around him.


Dodging the last, a droplet of sweat flew down his face as the intense dark red and orange flames with black accents corroded the air around them all. The view was becoming clearer as steam was slowly, but surely starting to dissipate. 

"Haah, haah, haah." Kakashi's airways closed in as he was startled by the effect of the ashes, seemingly blocking his breathing more than the usual dense smoke of fire users. 

'Finally, soon I can actually fight them cle-wha?'

Before he could rest his mind a fist flew concerning his face, rapidly the Jonin shifted left, right, up, right to avoid the barrage of attacks from the newcomer.

'She's this strong? Huh, she's as good as some Chunin I know. I reckon she could be better if it wasn't for this steam; is this a jutsu? Why is it still cloudy.' The silver head thought. Still trying to decipher the rampage through the still-present problem.

'Enough of this.' Kakashi grabbed the arm of Vali and threw her in front, kicking her in the chest and sending her back. Then rapidly went through hand signs.

'{Wind Release: Great Breakthrough!}'


The steam that invaded his eyesight was dissipated, as he looked around and spotted his three students standing relaxed a few meters infront of him. 

"Times up academy students it looks like you guys fail-"

"Pass." Sasuke interrupted. Putting out his hand two bells dropped making a chiming in the gale, producing sound as they rattled. 

"What...how." Kakashi patted his waist pocket repeatedly in disbelief. 

"When you were fighting Vali in the smoke I used my Sharingan to see through, and hid my presence from your senses to capture the bells." The raven explained. The plan was simple, confuse, distract, capture, easy as that. 

"Hmm...you used the jutsus to make me think you were attacking me, but made smoke, making it difficult to see. At that moment Vali came and distracted me with her assault, giving you time to capture the bells for yourself; soundproof indeed." He murmured. He had to say the plan was actually pretty nice considering they were fighting a stronger opponent. But he wasn't interested in the plan, he meant how he was able to sneak past his detection. It was as if a ghost grabbed the bells.

'Aside from that, their chemistry in battle is quite precise for fighting for the first time as well. Looks like I'll finally gain a team to teach, well if they pass the final test.

"Well Sasuke looks like you have the bells, you can give it to one other person, who will it be I wonder?" 


Sasuke ignored him and took two bells at hand, offering them each to Naruto and Vali. 

They looked at the bells in the raven's hand and shook their heads in decline. 

"Nu-uh sensei if Sasuke or Vali don't get to be on the team, neither will I. We're all comrades here and it'll stay that way forever!" Naruto exclaimed.

"Mmhm both are my teammates and I don't want to be in another team without them!" Vali also voiced.

"You heard them sensei, so are we leaving or what," Sasuke replied.

After finishing, a deep killing intent flushed through the air, years of experience made the surroundings taste like death. Anger erupted from the figure in front of them as if they were captured by a feral creature.


All present Genins froze in shock and some in slight fear of the twist in emotions their teacher could change.

"You all....pass!" The dark, breathless air, returned to the sunny, bright mood of the early morning.


"There's just no...way. IS HE CRAZY!"


"Well, I'll see you guys tomorrow at 8:00 a.m fresh and early, bye-bye!" Then proceeded to walk into the distance, book in hand."Haaah, I'll see you guys later," Sasuke said, starting to walk off waving behind. 


'Ahhh, great mistakes have been made in this village, yet it still prospers peacefully in the end, but at what cost? The lives of the Uchiha, the death of our Lord Fourth and his wife...the death of mine as well.' The man thought as a lone tear rolled down his aged face, tracing his softly shaken lips, dropping on the wooden frame of a royal worktop. 

'Hehe, what kind of Hokage am I? I the God of Shinobi, The Professor, Student of Hashirama, crying alone like a helpless maiden. Haaah, oh my Biwako whenever I think of you I end up with teary eyes. God, I'm a failure, not only to you Kushina and Minato but also to you Naruto, if it wasn't for me who knows what mindset you could have adopted?' 

"The so-called fire in this burning place has drowned and diminished, how depressing." Hiruzen sighed.

*Knock* *Knock* *Knock*

"Come in." He said. Opening the door, the feminine slim figure with black tress was revealed, wearing a dark red formal dress.

"You called for me Lord Third?" She asked the aged man.

"Yes, Mikoto Uchiha this…might..well this is not a good visit between us I'm afraid." Eyes creased at that statement, Mikoto couldn't remember doing anything that would put her in this situation, hell ever since the…incident, she'd been couped up in the comfort of her home with her Sasu.

"Haah, you see the councilmen have decided that you are to…"



-Konoha - 12 weeks after the final exam.

Following our team's official formation of leaf Genin, day after day we resumed our usual routine of stretching, missions, then team training & formations throughout the day.

Although personally, I've been integrating my personal Lunar Release into my techniques, testing the seemingly limitless potential of my power.


As self promised he first started with the use of hollow release. Though he has learned crucial information that makes his power more reasonable, yet so problematic at the same time. Learning about the Mangekyou Sharingan and their abilities, namely Amaterasu, brought confusion him because of their utter indifference.

So instead, Sasuke flowed the same energy through his hands but retracted the Lunar energy from his body while doing so.

The results were shocking, but expected, showing that Hollow Release was just Lunar energy combined with his natural Amaterasu, making a stronger, denser, and more destructive flame, but that is the extent of his knowledge of it.

Circulating the Lunar energy back through his system, he began his processes of creating jutsus or using pre-existing jutsus as inspiration for new techniques.

So far he's created {Hollow Release: Yatagarasu}. Which utilizes the black flames and shapes the flames into multiple black three-legged crows. They can be controlled independently or at will. However, if they were to touch onto anything, the crows would combust on impact.

Next, Sasuke created {Hollow Release: Okuninshi}. This technique creates a fine black "mist" composed of minuscule embers created from the black flames. As the mist of flames descends, it gradually disintegrates what it comes into contact with, whether it be a foe or the surroundings themselves.

When thinking about his sword, the raven has been a bit hesitant to do so. After all what if the power is too great for the blade to handle? What if it permanently becomes unusable? Sasuke's sword which is named Rebirth, came to him while training in his clan's compound. He could still remember the day Rebirth was brought to him.


- Uchiha Clan Compound - Flashback

"Whew." Wiping off a mass of sweat on my forehead, I rested for a bit after doing my daily sets of exercises.

"You know I still can't believe something like this exists here, I didn't even know we had something like this until not so long ago," I murmured to myself.

The training armory was filled with daggers, short blades, swords, maces, and other various weapons. It's royal yet professional appearance brought awe to me.

Its floors were marbled black, with the walls being grey, decorated in black accents. There were thread sections of the semi-large room. On one side were weights, reusable restriction seals, and instructional guides of Taijutsu forms and alike.

Across was a large obstacle course-like structure, flowing up to the ceiling. Ranging from beginning to advanced, with various poisons and sharp knives embedded inside.

Lastly, In the other section were shurikenjutsu exercises with dummies, aim boards, and activated targets.

The usual plan I followed was stretching, obstacle course, weight & restriction training with perfecting my hand-to-hand as well, and finishing off easily with sharpening my shurikenjutsu and incorporating other forms and tricks to my throwing style.

Pulling away from my thoughts, I walked towards the exit.

'Come…here.' A voice of neither sex called to him behind.

Whipping my head behind me, my body formed a defensive stance with its remaining strength.

'How did it get by me, even with my expanding signature!' I thought as an unsure expression crept upon my face.


Following the sound led me to an oddly placed clan flag on the right side of the room.

Lifting it up revealed a small button glowing an odd white murk, radiating dread.

'W-What is this feeling, it feels l-like that…night.' A creeping sense of nervousness filled my heart, as the same reoccurring memories of my past filtered into me.

Slowly, I move my hand onto it with a bit of shake. Inches, centimeters, my finger came closer before…


The white mist took the form of a sword before rapidly vacuuming inside my chest.

"AGGRHH" Pain filled my mind as I felt unimaginable torture. It was like my soul was being ripped apart from the Shinigami itself.


My body dropped to the floor as the pain subsided. Gripping my chest I pulled my Kimono off, which came to show a weird large black centipede tattoo flowing up my left pectoral and around my nape.

Its structure was sharp, with thorn-like objects sticking out of some places.

"What the hell…" I whispered in small admiration and in fear, fingers lightly touching the image to see if it would come alive.


Eyes flicked up from my studying, as the wall in front of me started to quake.


A small portion of the wall crumbled revealing a skeleton with its bony white finger pointing at me. On the other hand, an old crumbled paper containing information was shown.

"Those who have touched death and survived will be rewarded, but also cursed, for he who has touched death will see their death always when using this weapon." It read.



As if on cue, a sword handle slowly drew from my midsection. Grabbing it in awe, I pulled on it, forming small ripple effects on my stomach.

Once removed it came in full focus, a long sword around a bit over my height, with a white handle and a small red tsuba in a twin centipede designation. Similar to its guard, the blade was blood red with jagged edges, darkening nearing the tip.

'I don't know what this is…but it feels like..death. I don't know how, but it reminds me of that night. As if countless souls reside in this blade; but why me? Why give this sinister thing to me?'

'Because of what you'll become…' An answer voiced in my mind.

"Huh! Who are you? How did you answer me!" I said.


Silence filled the area as I questioned my sanity even more so.

"Haaah, I guess this is where we begin our journey by force, isn't it….Rebirth…yes that's a fitting name. Because it is I who rebirthed you.


"-uke! Sasuke! Stop zoning out! Were you even listening to me?" Purple eyes creased in annoyance, bringing his teammate to the present.

"..hmm?" Sasuke responded, opening his eyes only to see his redhead accomplice hanging above him on a tree.

"Don't 'hmm' me! we're on a mission and you're already losing focus, what if we got attacked huh!" Naruto yelled.

"We're still in Konoha's safe zone borders for another mile out we'll be alright for now." He replied.

"You know Sasuke you can never be so sure who's lurking in the dark, some people are masters of hiding either for smuggling drugs, illegal weapons, or other forms of contraband, or causing chaos to the lives of innocents. Nowhere is truly safe, but you can always have somewhere to feel safe, remember that, that goes for all of you as well." Their conversation was interrupted by Kakashi, who was as always flipping through his special book. Now that they were real shinobi and by law adults, he needed to let them know as their teacher how the real world is.

"That doesn't make me feel better at all." A new voice of an old man came through.

"It is what it is I'm afraid Tazuna." Said the Jonin in a laidback manner.



-Border of the Land of Fire-

The squad had been walking for hours trying to reach the shore of the Fire Nation before dark, though because of some complications of their client they decided to camp for the night and resume their journey by dawn.


"Ahhh, we'll set camp here. Everyone unpack your sleeping bags, Vali set up Naruto's, Sasuke's, and your tent, Naruto go find wood and materials for a fire, Sasuke I need you to scout the area for any threats, after dinner you'll resume scouting until 1:00 a.m. I'll take next shift after. Now go!" Kakashi ordered as everyone went to their duties.

Hopping from tree to tree, Sasuke used his elite chakra-sensing ability to see if any bandit, thief, or mercenary camp resides in their area.

"Looks like no one is he- oh, never mind." While turning back towards the camp, the raven sensed two shinobi with about standard Chunin reserves hiding in the undergrowth.

Suppressing his chakra to blend with the nighttime, he moved like a shadow towards the signatures.

*Whisper* *Whisper*

Coming close Sasuke heard muffled voices of two men, fitted in Ebony coats. However, what really caught his attention were the crossed-out head protectors signifying their fall from loyalty.

"Meizu, It's better to attack at night when they're off guard. Haha, imagine the pay when we finally take out that hit on that old man big brother!" Whispered the youngest of the two.

"Ah yes, I agree little brother we'll attack now, take out the bridge builder, then get our pay from Zabuza easy as that. But first, that team of tree lovers is in our way, especially the leader being Copy Cat Kakashi we have to take him out first so no complications arrive Gōzu." Meizu replied pensively.

'Tazuna huh, that complicates things greatly. And if I remember correctly Zabuza is one of the Seven Swordsmen of The Mist, a strong A-Rank missing ninja. While I'm sure I could take him on, especially with my full strength, I can't reveal anything to anyone, not yet. Whatever I'll deal with these two then form a plan later for him.' Sasuke released a simple genjutsu infused with Lunar energy to suppress its sense.

"Hey brother, where did you go? This night is darker than usual, be on the lookout." Gōzu called out in a harsh whisper.


"Brother?" He called out once more finding the silence of Meizu to be odd seeing he was just right next to him while walking through the brush.

*Crunch* *Crunch* *Crunch*

'Huh, where could he have gone?' Gōzu thought.'

*Crunch* *Dwip* *Dwip*

'That's weird? Why do my footste- blood!' Looking down at the source of his muffled steps, the sight of a puddle of blood came into view on the ground.


"HAH!?" The brother yelled as bright red blood touched his nose from above.

Turning his view up, he saw the sight of blood curling vermilion eyes of death staring at his own. A feeling of dread crept up his heart as unimaginable fear hit him as he stared at the monster in front of him. Its shadow was inhuman, and its eyes were disturbingly repeating a circular ripple.

"W-Who…What a-are GAHH!" Gōzu yelled as he suddenly found his chest nearly split in two.

"Ahhh hel-gurgle me broth-er." He called out with his remaining life, tears falling from his eyes as he couldn't accept his cruel death.

In his final moments as blood spewed from his body, his head hit the floor looking in the same direction where his brother's head was. With a frightened expression fitting his face.

"M-Meiz no…" We're his final words as death followed them.

"Sasuke! I heard the commotion when I was looking for you, are you alright? We're you hurt?" The sound of his sensei hit his ears.

"Y-Yes I'm o-okay." he responded shakily, back turned from facing him.

"I see…we'll talk about this in the morning, for now, get some sleep I'll deal with this mess," Kakashi said somberly feeling pity for his students for killing so early on in his career.

'He's probably hiding his face from the shock of what happened…I'm sorry Sasuke.' He thought.

"Alright," Sasuke replied before walking off with a complicated expression on his features. But no guilt was present in his heart, no sadness, no anger. Instead, his lips were spread widely, feeling a gleeful rush he hadn't felt in years. The feeling of battle with lives at stake brought an insane look in his eyes that he couldn't show to his mentor. No, not at all.

"I forgot about this feeling, it's been so long since that night." The last time he felt like this was against those fake ANBU he fought.

'Perhaps I'll fight Zabuz- no. Calm down, think reasonably here.' The raven thought before removing his light grey, painted red kimono and crawling into the tent.

In deep thought, Sasuke didn't notice two

sharp red eyes glued on his form.

Watching Sasuke through her tent Vali couldn't help but to recognize that expression on his face, combined with his bloodied clothing, she knew what he was thinking. After killing countless leaf shinobi, her insatiable lust for fighting filled her with unimaginable happiness.

'It feels good doesn't it Sasuke, hahaha. This is bad Sasuke, I'm starting to like you more and more. You're more like me than I thought.' She thought as she flung her smooth silver hair, changing it back to a dyed black through jutsu.


"The Demon Brothers huh, never expected to see them snooping around here, Huph!" A silver-haired said, lifting the nearly severed body of Gōzu in one arm and Meizu in the other…minus his head.

'His swordsmanship is one of the best I've seen, and I haven't even seen it. His cuts ran deep with deadly precision, cutting through bone and skeletal muscle relatively without trouble, interesting.' He thought.

'Haah, here I am praising him yet he went through a real-world experience.' Kakashi sighed.

'Tomorrow's another day.'


As sunrise came everyone woke up to call, had breakfast, packed, and started to move out to their boat on shore.

"Sasuke about last night…did you by any chance..get any information from those two?" Kakashi asked while walking.

He still felt guilty for letting Sasuke deal with that situation alone, and along with asking about the incident made him feel a bit uncomfortable.

"They were targeting our client, Tazuna for some reason. They also happen to be working with Zabuza, one of the seven legendary swordsmen of the Mist." Sasuke replied.

"Are you completely sure?" He asked, as his eyebrow creased in seriousness.

"Yes, I spied on them before their deaths, they talked about working with Zabuza and earning money by killing, and I quote 'that old man' A.K.A Tazuna." The raven explained.

"Was that really necessary to put in…" Tazuna said with a cloud of rain above him.

"It's okay Tazuna, just because you're old, doesn't mean you're awfully useless." Naruto consoled in a pitying voice, which only made the bridge builder slouch in depression even more.

Lightly snickering at Naruto's poor sympathies he resumed. "I also used my sharingan to validate the information."

"Very nice Sasuke. Now Tazuna, would you like to explain why they are targeting you? Our client?" The jonin questioned.

"I-I…haaah, well I had to, I couldn't afford any other shinobi rank higher than C, and even that was pushing it..you see most of the shipping to various nations is transported through The Wave. One of the major shipping companies in our region is Gato's Shipping. And while you might've heard of the name, you don't know the dark secrets behind his fame. Slaves, mercenaries, and criminals are only some of the kinds of people he uses in his work. Up till recently, Gato has run our country to the ground, by monopolizing trade and restricting the flow of traffic to other major companies. This has limited our supply of food, water, resources, and other miscellaneous items every day to day village needs. Thus, our citizens are in poverty, many are beaten, kidnapped, raped, and killed by the criminals he's let in our home. Tearing down families and people who go against him. This is no longer just business, this is a rule." As he went along, tears threatened to fall as he thought about his daughter and grandson, and the tragic events that happened to their family.

"I give my sorrows to your people, but we can't deny the fact that you lied to us, and gave fake intel that may have caused injuries or death in my group because of it," Kakashi replied not daring to look in the bridge builders direction.

"Y-You don't understand, once I finish my bridge merchants and trade can continue steadily, people can leave and travel to other nations, news will spread of our situation and God can only hope if they send shinobi to aid us! Please I beg, you cannot leave us, please!" The aged man crawled on his knees towards the team. begging for them to help.

"I'm sorry bu-"

"Sensei! You can't possibly be serious! They need our help and I say we do, we can't just live in ignorance knowing others are suffering greatly from things we can solve, sensei!" Naruto exclaimed. He felt great sadness for the people of The Wave. Like him, they are going through a great struggle and he can't leave that be! That's not him at all.

"Naruto ju-"

"Sensei I think Naruto is right, we need to help others and after hearing this I cannot let them be! That's against my goals!" Vali said resolutely.

"Haah, Sasuke what do you say, are you in too?" Kakashi asked tiredly.

"…Let's do it."