
In Black Clover as the Nova deity


Shinto_no_Kami · Anime & Comics
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Let's go

Reeno woke up with a headache and ....a wierd feeling in his body?

Felt weirdly stronger.....and a lot buffer.

Coming back to 'Earth' Reeno realized what the hell was happening.

Reeno-" Oh shit that was fucking real. I mean I could've guessed but holy shit.''

What Reeno didn't realize was that for the first time in his existence, he was smiling.

While Reeno was exciting himself with the thought of how he's gonna influence the world a random note fell from the sky causing him to finally start looking at his surroundings.

Reeno- '' Oh shit I got so fucking happy that I forgot to check my surroundings. What do ya know im in a forest.''

He said this as he inspected the trees and bushes around him. He put his attention back on the random note in front of him. And then he began to read.

[' Dear Reeno,

This is the being who sent you here.

I did all of your wishes as asked.

I even removed your autism so you can express your emotions. Otherwise the overly handsome face i gave you would go to complete waste. Now, after you are done reading this a couple of things are going to happen.

1. Your magic will awaken completely. Don't worry about not being able to control it, cause you will.

2. This note will catch a blue fire and in place will be your grimoire. It will be blue with golden streaks traveling from the core. Which is, like you wanted, a star. It will most likely make some nobles jealous from how extravagant it will be so be careful, though if they make you mad all you gotta do is make a super nova powered with enough magic to destroy the country.

3. A magic map will appear and it will lead you to the capital of the clover kingdom. After that It will disappear. The exam is in a week and you have well, a week's journey. UNLESS if you use your magic to get there.

Anyway this is it. Bye.

Sincerely, The Being who created Existence]

Like he or she said, the moment I was done reading the note I was instantly engulfed with magic. Infinite amounts of mana was filling my existence and rebuilding my body.

It took around twenty minutes for my awakening to be completed and the moment It was I surveyed my surroundings looking at the destruction that appeared.

But before I could do anything I saw the most dazzling book float in front of me.

It was like it was calling to me. I moved my hand forward and grabbed it. The moment I touched it I felt an amazing power envelope me.....