
In Black Clover as the Nova deity


Shinto_no_Kami · Anime & Comics
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3 Chs

Testing my powers

As the power enveloped my existence. I began to realize that my power is beyond even what I can imagine.

Getting used to the high feeling that enveloped me, I slowly regained my posture before shouting out in excitement at the idea of having magic, and being in the world of black clover.

"Yessss!…I really can't believe I'm here.....but I need to get my shit together. I need to learn how to use my powers and make some spells. More specifically, a spell for transportation. I need to ride in style after all"

Looking at my hands, I called them up and squeezed with a strength I never had before.

'This power feels absolutely intoxicating... But I can't get power-hungry. With my infinite mana and my magic which is unique only to me, I'm practically a Deity. Getting power-hungry would be useless.'

I began to feel my mana, which is extremely easy when you consider my infinitely large mana source and my complete control over that very source.

After feeling it. I began to draw my aura out, and as I did a fiery blue aura erupted from my muscled body, Golden streaks following along with it. My hair flew up and revealing my eyes as it seemed to glow, and everything lit up.

The surroundings of the forest that were already burnt from my magic awakening were getting caught on fire again. The stones near me melting at the sheer heat of my mana.

I then began to try and shape my magic into something. Making a vivid image in my head, and using my magic to draw it into existence.

And the next thing I knew, my grimoire flew open. It flipped numerous pages and stopped at a blank page. This confused me until I saw the writing begin to appear on the page. Beautiful blue streaks of words filled the page as I jumped in glee, I then spoke the very spell I just created.

''Nova Spirit Magic: Novalight Phoenix"

Then next thing I knew, a blue and gold sun appeared out of nothingness and engulfed the sky. And after a few minutes of waiting, it exploded in a nova, revealing what was inside. A beautiful Phoenix that was as big as a mansion. Its entire being engulfing the forest around us.

Lowering its divine head to look at me, it began to speak in a heavenly manly voice.

" Hello, Reeno...I am a spirit born from your infinite mana, a being that has an infinite connection with you. I am the Novalight Pheonix, the being of which stars bow to. The divine being of the cosmos. And I am very pleased that a divine being of your caliber is my creator."

'Divine Being? Maybe that is what my specific magic and amount of magic make me?'

The Phoenix perked up and spoke again.

"Correct, the being who created you made you a deity to conform to your requests. And you are the perfect being master. A being beyond the comprehension of even me. Such is your existence."

I pondered over his words whole ignoring the fact that he just read my mind, before realizing that my wishes were a lot. So me being a regular human would be almost impossible.

I smiled up at my Phoenix.

"Do you have any specific Name?"

My Phoenix looked at me before speaking

" Sadly father I do not"


"If that's the case, I'll name you. How about.....Rigel, after the blue supergiant"

He peeked up at the name I gave him. And his solar flames expelled off of him in his excitement.

"Thank you, father...I accept such a noble name"

I smiled at him before telling him to lower himself as I mounted him. Once I got on him, I could feel how hot he was, but it was strangely comfortable and I wasn't burning. I chalked this up to my magic and the fact that I'm practically a deity.

Seeing as we had no reason more to stay here, Rigel flew me off into the horizon, towards our new destination.

Clover Kingdom Capital...