
Chapter 30: A Resolution to This Misunderstanding

"Here's the signed book from Ero-Senin I promised, Kazuma. Thanks again for watching over Wiz while I was gone."

Naruto said, and both Kazuma and Dust gawked at the book.

"OH! Thank you thank you than kyo-Ahem...! Pleasure doing business with you, sir."

Kazuma corrected himself and calmly took the book from Naruto's hands.

'That was close, he almost caught me off-guard. But I'm not gonna let let you butter me up that easily!'

Kazuma thought while maintaining his professional persona. Naruto was obviously here to ask him for something regarding the bet. So it would take a lot more than an item worthy of becoming the Satou family heirloom to sway the great Kazuma!

"Wait, how'd you get a signed book from the legendary Ero-Senin!?"

Dust grabbed Naruto's shoulders and started shaking him.

"You know about Ero-Senin?"

Naruto asked after pushing his fellow blonde away from him, all the while Kazuma was smothering his new book while the others weren't looking.

"Of course I do! Ero-Senin's books are well-known throughout the kingdom, and they're the only books I bother to read!"

Dust proudly claimed and flashed a copy of the Icha Icha Paradise from his back pocket.

Naruto and Kazuma gave each other a look before they turned back to Dust.

"You know how to read?" x2

"I'll fight you both right here and now."

"Anyways, Megumin's been running around town looking for you Naruto. Did you not see her on your way here?"

Kazuma asked, ignoring the raging Dust.

Megumin tried to drag Kazuma out of the house with her to find Naruto for their "destined showdown of Explosions!", but he managed to convince the girl into going by herself by telling her to bring Naruto to the mansion first.

...Hey, he wasn't lazy! It was cold outside! Very VERY cold!

"Megumin? No, I haven't seen her. But we were having that Explosion match today, weren't we?"

Naruto felt bad about keeping the little girl waiting again, but she was the one who forced the spell onto him and also wouldn't admit they were rivals.

"That nonsense can wait. Where are the other crazies?"

Dust asked while waving his hand dismissively, his previous anger gone like the wind.

Naruto hadn't noticed until now, but Dust was amazing in his own way.

"Well, we were just going to relax today since Megumin was going to have her showdown with Naruto. She can only use her magic once a day after all. So Aqua's in her room upstairs, and Darkness went into town saying something about keeping the streets clean, but I wasn't really listening."

Kazuma said while rubbing his chin in thought as he tried to guess what Darkness was probably up to. Knowing that hopeless pervert, she was probably trying to pick fights with thugs in a secluded alleyway.

"I-is that so? Keeping the town safe on her day off, huh? That sounds like something Darkness would do."

Naruto said while scratching at his whisker marks.

Kazuma narrowed his on the shinobi suspiciously. Something about the way he said that seemed suspicious to him.

"Why do you ask? Was there something you needed to say to any of them?"

"Eh? No, um... You see, the thing is..."

Naruto fumbled with his words as he tried to come up with an excuse for bringing Kazuma's party members up in the conversation. But when he couldn't think of anything, he looked to Dust for help and relaxed when he saw the guy giving him a thumbs up.

Who would have thought Naruto would be able to count on Dust of all people at a time like this?

"Boss here was thinking about asking Darkness out."

Dust blatantly said while pointing at Naruto.


Naruto sent Dust a betrayed look. He couldn't believe he trusted this fool! There was no way Kazuma was going to help them now! In fact, the guy was probably furious!

But to the ninja's surprise, Kazuma was looking at him with a mixed expression of confusion and... Pity?

"Hah? Why would you want to ask Darkness out? I already told you what her true nature is, didn't I?"

Kazuma said and was about to continue his rant if not for Dust, who wrapped an arm around his neck in a buddy-like manner.

"Hey, Kazuma my buddy! Come here for just a second, will ya?"

Dust said and led Kazuma to the corner of the living room.

"Why does Naruto want to ask Darkness out? Don't tell me he's secretly one of those people?"

Kazuma whispered to his drinking buddy.

"It's all just a misunderstanding, man. Boss truly thinks Darkness is a kindhearted knight that wants nothing more than to help people. He hasn't noticed her hopeless fetish at all."

Dust answered while shaking his head.


As Kazuma and Dust continued to whisper to each other on the other side of the room, Naruto watched them while rubbing his arm nervously.

"Whatever, it doesn't matter anyway. Even if it's a hopeless case, there's no way I'm helping you guys find Darkness now. I'm already neck deep in debt, there's no way I can survive anymore!"

Kazuma hissed.

"Now now, Kazuma my friend! There's no need to be so hasty in your decision! I think this might act in your favor too."

Dust said while smiling slyly, for this was where his plan truly shined.

"...How so?"

Dust seemed to have a plan in mind, and Kazuma was fully aware of the guy's talent when it came to scheming. Kazuma would have to be careful since Dust was in Naruto's party, so it wouldn't hurt to hear him out.

"Think about it. If the Boss and Darkness become lovers, then he would feel responsible when her party becomes buried in even more debt. You see, I've noticed the Boss has a bleeding heart. So I'm sure he'd be more than willing to take on his lover's debts."

"...I think you might be onto something here."

Kazuma said and glanced back at Naruto, who was looking through a pile of books that Darkness and Megumin shared. The guy did help Wiz for no reason other than being friends with her. At first Kazuma thought he was just trying to get on the clumsy shopkeeper's good side, but it was just Naruto being a kindhearted person.

'Then that means... If Naruto and Darkness became lovers, then that would also mean Darkness would eventually leave his party! That would mean one less problem child that he had to worry about!'

With that thought in mind, Kazuma turned back to Dust and the two exchanged a hand shake.

"Alright, I'll help you find Darkness. Not that I think it'll turn out like you hope it will."

Kazuma said as he walked back over to Naruto with Dust, because either way it was a win for him.

"Eh? Really? Even though the bet affects you to?"

Naruto asked with wide eyes. What miraculous things did Dust say to make Kazuma change his mind so suddenly!?

Was Dust actually an amazing person?

"I realized something... Before I came to this world, I was a shut-in with no experience with girls. I was a hopeless romantic with no chance of getting a girlfriend. My childhood friend, who promised to marry me when we grew older, fell for a delinquent senpai! But just because I can't a girlfriend, why should I get in someone else's way? Who am I to stop of a friend from finding happiness?"

Kazuma said dramatically while gripping his shirt over his heart tightly.

"What are you talking about?"

Dust asked with sweatdrop since he didn't know Naruto and Kazuma were from a different world. Was Kazuma trying to blow his cover with that crappy performance?

"*Sniff!* I knew you were a good guy, Kazuma! I owe you one!"

Naruto said while crying anime tears, causing the delinquent adventurer to face-fault.

'Leave it to Boss to buy such a sappy sounding story...'

Dust said as he recovered from the floor. But that didn't matter, because now things were going to get interesting.


"So where do you think Darkness is?"

Naruto asked as they walked through the streets of Axel. Kazuma said Darkness was on patrol, so maybe she was in the more populated parts of town. Perhaps the shopping center where thieves and dine-and-dashers were known for striking.

"She's probably in the less populated parts of town."

Kazuma said, which was the exact opposite of what Naruto said. Knowing Darkness, she was probably snooping around the isolated alleyways where no one would be able to hear shouting.

Sheesh, just thinking about what the tank of his party was probably doing made him want to give up on looking for her and go home.

"Eh? But wouldn't crime occur where there's more people?"

Naruto said when his eyes suddenly widened.

Of course! Darkness was leaving the heavily populated areas to the police! Instead, she was focusing on the lower populated parts where there was less police activity!

'He obviously misunderstood something...'

Kazuma said with a sweatdrop when he noticed the grin on Naruto's face. Unfortunately for the ninja(self-proclaimed), he was going to be thoroughly disappointed when they found Darkness.

The former shut-in could already picture what Darkness was doing.

The girl was mostly likely walking through the alleys with that stupid blush on her face, hoping to find a couple of ruffians. When she found some, she would then pick a fight with them and purposely lose her weapon. When the ruffians surround her, she'd spout out a bunch of nonsense about how she expected them to do outrageous things to her. All while having that stupid grin on her face.

"W-what do you uncultured beasts think you're doing!?"

A familiar voice shouted in a nearby alley.


"Hey, that was Darkness just now! She sounds like she's in trouble!"

Naruto said before he ran towards the shouting, with Dust and Kazuma following suit.

Making their way into the alley, the three boys poked their heads around the corner to see Darkness surrounded by four thug-looking individuals.

'I knew it.'

Kazuma thought with a twitching brow when he took a closer look and saw the tiny smile on Darkness's face.

"Disarming a woman and ganging up her... You really are the lowest of scum!"

Darkness said, her back pressed against the wall as she tried to make more distance between her and the thugs.

"What are you talking about, lady? You're the one who suddenly threw your sword at us."

One of the ruffians said while pointing at the broadsword that was impaled in the wall behind them.

"...What are you planning on doing to me? You're not thinking of making me strip in public, are you!? My armor is still being repaired, so I don't think I'll be able to fight back...!"

Darkness said while squirming in her own skin.

"Hey, Aniki? This chick just ignored me and is spouting out nonsense."

The ruffian said to the apparent leader.

"Tch! Crazy woman! Should we teach her not to mess with our group?"

The leader said while tapping the bat in his hands onto the floor.

'That idiot...'

Kazuma thought while palming his face. To anyone who was watching, it was obvious that Darkness was thee one that picked a fight with these people.

"Those bastards...!"

Naruto growled and was about to rush out, but Dust was quick to hold him back.

"Wait Boss, Darkness wouldn't lose to a couple of thugs like that. Just wait and see her true power."

Dust said with a serious expression.

"But she needs help! I can't just sit here and watch Darkness get attacked like this!"

Naruto responded and looked at Darkness, who looked like she was about to cry.

"Dust is right, Naruto. You haven't seen the true Darkness yet. You haven't gone on a quest with her yet, so you don't know this. But Darkness has a secret weapon to dealing with thugs like that."

Kazuma said with an expression that was equally serious as Dust's.

Naruto wanted to ignore them and just run out there to help Darkness, but it was true that he hadn't gone on a quest with Darkness. Both Kazuma and Dust had, so they knew more about her abilities than he did. So, he reluctantly sat and watched.

Darkness pointed at the supposed boss of the group of thugs.

"You must be the leader, right? I know your type! You probably want to add me to your collection! Those poor girls, having to put up your disgusting desires! Then, when you've had your way with them, you toss them aside and let your underlings have them like leftovers! You hounds!"


"...Aniki? Shall we go home now?"

One of the 'underlings' said in a timid voice. But before the boss could say anything, Darkness continued.

"I know it's going to be hard... But I'm willing to take those girl's place if you let them go! Ngh! Just imagining the unpleasant things you're all going to do to me... *Huff!* *Huff!* M-makes me sick to my stomach!"

Darkness said though ragged breaths, a raging blush on her face.

"A-aniki... I don't like the look in this woman's eyes!"

"S-she's crazy, aniki!"


The underlings all said as they hid behind their boss, who was also beginning to quiver in fear.

"W-we'll let this slide, just this once! Let's get out of here!"

The delinquent boss said before he and his underlings took off running, leaving Darkness to herself in the alleyway.

"Tch! Cowards."

Darkness said, her blush and ragged breathing now gone.

"You see? That's Darkness's true nature."

"Yeah yeah. What do you think, Boss?"

Kazuma and Dust said while nodding their heads sagely.

Naruto wordlessly stood up and walked towards Darkness, who was busy trying to pull her sword out of wall.

Dust and Kazuma gave each other a look before they went back to watching the whiskered teen.

"Here, let me help you with that."

Naruto said, startling the female knight.

"N-Naruto!? Why are you here?"

Darkness stuttered when Naruto suddenly showed up and grabbed the handle of her sword.

"I... Was watching you take care of thugs."

Naruto said as he pulled on sword, but he found that it was really stuck in there.

"Eh? I-is that so?"

Darkness said while adverting her gaze. How much did he see? She wasn't holding anything back against those ruffians. What was he going to think of her now?

It seemed Naruto had yet to notice her fetish, not that it was entirely a bad thing. Her fetish wasn't exactly something she took pride in, and it felt good to have someone think she was an ideal knight.

While Darkness was having these thoughts, Naruto was busy trying to pull the sword out of the wall.

'This... Stupid... Thing! Why won't it come out!?'

Naruto thought as he struggled with all his might. It was just a stupid sword, but if he put too much strength into pulling it out then the whole building would be in trouble.

Deciding to give it a rest, Naruto let go of the sword and turned towards Darkness.

"Sorry I didn't jump in and help, you seemed to have the situation under control. I would have jumped in if things got out of hand though."

"Ah, thanks... Um, how much did you see?"

Darkness asked, because the anticipation of his reaction was killing her. Not that she hated being kept in suspense.

"You... Are a little weird, aren't you?"

Naruto said while looking away awkwardly.

Needless to say, he noticed how happy Darkness seemed to be while she was 'under attack'. He still didn't quite understand it all, but it seemed he had misjudged her character a little.


Darkness said as she adverted her gaze again. That was a strange way to put it, and it wasn't exactly the kind of reaction she was hoping for either...

'Huh? That's weird... It looked like Naruto was beginning to realize Darkness's hopeless side. So why does it seem like things are going well between them right now?'

Kazuma thought with a raised eyebrow as he watched the scene in front of him.

Dust, on the other hand, was smirking victoriously. Things are going smoothly, as expected.

"I thought you were going to say I was a hopeless woman with a terrible personality. At least that's what Kazuma would say."

Darkness said while rubbing her arm shyly.

"That's something Kazuma would say, isn't it? That guy really doesn't know how to hold back."

Naruto said and leaned onto the handle of the sword.

Big mistake.

When Naruto put his weight onto the sword, it slipped out a bit and caused the shinobi to fall on his face. When he sat up, the handle of the now free sword fell and hit him on top of his head.


Naruto said, rubbing the top of his now bruising head. How could he let his guard down like that...


Darkness giggled into her hand, prompting her fellow blonde to turn red like a tomato.

Naruto crossed his arms and pouted. He couldn't remember the last time he felt so embarrassed over such a pointless blunder.

Pulling himself off the ground, Naruto picked the sword up and offered it to the girl.


The shinobi said and adverted his gaze awkwardly when Darkness smiled at him.

"Thank you-Ah!"

Darkness said when Naruto took off running after she grabbed the sword. But she couldn't help but laugh to herself.

'He may have called me weird, but he's plenty weird himself.'

With that thought, she turned the other way and walked deeper into the alleyway. Her hunt was still not complete!


Naruto ran past Kazuma and Dust, ignoring their calls, and jumped to the rooftops.

It seems he misjudged yet another member of Kazuma's party. First Aqua, and now Darkness.

'But still... Why do I feel like I want to know more about her?'

Naruto thought as he came to a stop. He now found himself on the rooftop of one of the buildings next to the adventurer's guild.

There was obviously more to Darkness than he knew, and judging by Kazuma and Dust's warnings, it didn't seem to be anything good.

Darkness's smile flashed in Naruto's memory, and again came that feeling of anxiety in his gut.

Shaking his head, Naruto hopped down from the rooftop.

He wanted to know more about Darkness before jumping to conclusions! Because he refused to believe someone with a genuine smile like that was a hopeless person!

'Dang it, I shouldn't have run away like that then! What was I thinking!?'

Naruto thought while scratching his head irritably. But he couldn't help it, after that embarrassing blunder!

Oh well, no use beating a dead horse. He'd always have more chances later. But he'd have to act quick, since there was only four more days in the week after today.

"Ah! There you are Naruto!"


Hearing his name, Naruto looked over towards the guild to see Megumin pointing at him while standing over a crying Yunyun.

Wait... A crying Yunyun?