
In another world with my Gift

''I don't know how but there is something wrong with my Gift.'' ''What did he say, 'the Gift manifestation depends on one's soul?' '' ''Then, is there something wrong with my soul?'' Varun is confused as why his soul Gift different from the others. He is also a reincarnate as others in this new world but it seems his journey is different from the others. If you have nothing better to do then follow Varun in his journey in another world as he wreck havoc there with his soul Gift. Author's note: 1. You can rate my book after the release of 25 chapters. I am sure you will like my story. 2. The real Soul Gift of MC will be revealed after chapter 25 so be patient. 3. This is the first ever Novel written by yours truly. Don't expect perfection from it. There would be at least no spelling mistakes and very less grammatical mistakes. Enjoy.

Cold_Corpse · Fantasy
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26 Chs

Chapter 15 The day before Ceremony.

''Yes dad, it was so much fun. The Citadel Tower is really amazing. The monsters I fought were really strong and intelligent too.'' Varun said.

''I know. How many monsters did you defeat by the way. Let's compare it to my first achievement?''

''Oho. Is that so?'' Varun was getting amused by this.

''Why? Getting cold feet, aren't you?'' Horus taunted him.

''Un huh. Let's see then. I have not accomplished much. Just five monsters, I guess.'' Varun lied with his crook smiling face.

''Woah. That is not bad for a starter. Now my turn, I defeated seven monsters when it was my first time and mind you without any sword or any knife, just by my bare hands.

Actually, I was very poor at that time to even consider buying weapons. And I also could not hold my excitement of being awakened so I rushed in the Tower without any weapons at hand.''

''What?!! Only hands? Are you kidding, dad? Oh gosh. That's amazing!! That is why mom also called you amazing that time huh. With just your hands you defeated seven monsters. I can not even imagine of doing that.''

''Hahaha. Yeah, you are right. She knew about my situation because we went together at that time to level up. At that time, I worked as a servant in your mother's Noble house and also her caretaker until I awakened. Her father took me in when my family was slaughtered in the village by a hell being.''

''You worked in mom's Noble household? Then you must be familiar with her whole family, right? How did you two got engaged, by the way?'' Varun asked in his curiosity.

''Well, let's forget it about that. That is of the past and the story is not heart warming in any way.'' Varun could see that his father's mood suddenly took a wrong turn.

Varun had a hunch that there were some bad memories in his father's past which he did not want to share so Varun also did not ask anything more. He just changed the topic.

''So dad. How many monsters did you defeat and what is your streak now?''

''Hehe. You will be surprised to know that. Its sixty nine now. I defeated nine monsters today in four hours. They were tough but not more than your dad.''

''Hmm. That's good but sorry I am not surprised.'' Varun looked at his own streak and formed a smile on his lips.

{Streak: Level 1 (26/100)}

It was already 9:00 pm in the night. They both went to the inn where Amber and Nisha have already returned sometime ago. Nisha saw her brother and her father and jumped to hug him and Horus ran to catch her in the air.

''Daddy. You are late. You know, I went to the King's Royal Palace and it was so big and beautiful. There were so many soldier uncles and maid aunts. It was like a castle in the Princess Zola's stories which mother read me in the night.'' Nisha was really very happy after seeing the king's palace and told him about many things she saw during her visit inside.

''Oh really? It is good then. Take your daddy with you next time. Okay?'' Hours said smilingly.

''Daddy, I also want a castle like that.''

Horus smiled at her silly demand and said, ''Okay, sweetheart. One day, I will buy you a grand castle like that. Okay?''

''You promise?'' Nisha asked.

Seeing her innocent face, Horus did not want to lie to her. But he also couldn't make a fake promise like that even to a child. It is said that children are sensitive with their little promises and expect others to fulfill it honestly. That was why Horus was hesitant to make a promise to her.

Varun was really happy to see his family happy like this. He was so happy that he said without thinking, ''Why one day? You won't have to wait for so long. When you will reach your fifteenth birthday and awaken your Gift, I promise I will give you a castle like your Princess Zola story.''

Nisha was a child so she obviously took his words seriously and said, ''Really? You are not lying brother, are you? If yes, then I won't talk to you anymore.''

''No. I am not lying. I promise, my cutie pie.''

''I will wait for my new castle then. If you don't keep your promise then I will put snakes in your bed and mouses in your pants.'' She said with a serious face.

''Wha-- , Where did you learn to say like this from, huh?'' He pulled her cheeks.

Both of their parents were laughing hardly hearing their children's conversation. They obviously did not took Varun's words seriously. It was just a rambling of a kid in their eyes. After all, is it that easy to own a castle, if it was so easy then why were they living in a small house in a remote village?

''So Varun, do you still want to go to the awakening ceremony in the Sun Temple? Even if you have awakened, we can still go there to watch the ceremony of your old friends. The ceremony is held the day after tomorrow.'' Amber asked Varun about this.

Varun thought about this.

'I also want to see them. Not them exactly but actually their Gifts. I want to confirm whether their Gift is same as mine or something totally different than mine. I still have some doubts regarding my Gift.'

''Yes mom, we can at least go there and watch the ceremony as an audience. So let's go the day after tomorrow but I will spend all my day tomorrow in the tower. But don't worry, I will return before 9:00 pm.''

''Hmm. Okay but be careful and avoid stronger monsters, okay? You can always try again later so don't overdo yourself.'' Amber said to him.

''Yup. I will be careful. Don't worry.''

Next day, Varun woke up early and after freshening himself he directly went to the Tower. Today, he was all alone because his father and mother both had some meeting to attend at their old friend's house. Nisha was at the inn all by herself playing around. It was not the first time for her being home alone so it was not a problem for them. They already instructed her not to go out of the inn.

When Varun arrived the site, he found it was still bustling with life and hundreds and thousands of people were going in and out of the tower. Without stopping to look at anything, he went inside the tower and continued where he left off the last time.

In the Tower, again he started killing the monsters with his Thunder God Set. Yesterday, he only was in the Tower for four hours but today he had planned to stay for at least more than ten hours.

Today, his pace was also faster than yesterday because he had already familiarised himself with all the types of monsters in Level 1 floor. Wolves, goblins, orc, snakes, gnomes are the only types of monsters available in the first level floor.

After climbing the new levels and floors of the tower, would the players find new types of monsters. Fighting with different types of monsters also gave Varun new types of experience and deeper understanding about his powers of the Thunder God Set.

While taking small brakes in between, he continued to fight the monsters. If someone else find out about his fighting pace, they would chew their nails because it is basically impossible to fight so many monsters in one day without taking any harm.

Injuries are inevitable in one on one fights and when your opponent is a monster with strong physical bodies than you, wounds are unavoidable. Injured people have to take some rest to naturally heal themselves and be in good condition to continue fighting otherwise death is imminent.

On the other hand, Varun's Thunder God Set also gave him endurance, durability and stamina of the Thunder God. While equipping the set, he is basically the Thunder God himself in his starting phases. He can recover faster than normal humans. He had better weapons, armour and stats to fight till very end without being tired. That is the reason behind his fast leveling.

After grinding himself for almost fifteen hours in the Tower, he had defeated sixty-five monsters. Now his current streak is something like this–

{Streak: Level 1(91/100)}



''It's already 9:00 pm. If I can pull one more hour, I can directly jump to Level 2 today. Just a little more push.''

[Would you like to continue?]

Lightning started crackling in his right hand and in his left hand was his hammer ready to smash every obstacle. He had became more proficient in handling his lightning powers than before and he can kill monsters without wasting much energy. His experience in fighting was also increasing at fast pace.

''Yes.'' Varun replied.

And like this the next monster appeared and they both ran to each other without wasting any time.