
In another world with my Gift

''I don't know how but there is something wrong with my Gift.'' ''What did he say, 'the Gift manifestation depends on one's soul?' '' ''Then, is there something wrong with my soul?'' Varun is confused as why his soul Gift different from the others. He is also a reincarnate as others in this new world but it seems his journey is different from the others. If you have nothing better to do then follow Varun in his journey in another world as he wreck havoc there with his soul Gift. Author's note: 1. You can rate my book after the release of 25 chapters. I am sure you will like my story. 2. The real Soul Gift of MC will be revealed after chapter 25 so be patient. 3. This is the first ever Novel written by yours truly. Don't expect perfection from it. There would be at least no spelling mistakes and very less grammatical mistakes. Enjoy.

Cold_Corpse · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
26 Chs

Chapter 14 First experience.

After some rest, Varun was once again in his top condition. He decided to continue his levelling up.

[Would you like to continue?]

''Yes. Bring it on.''

After a white light, an orc like monster appeared in front of Varun. Seeing the orc, Varun was sweating bullets.

''Oh shit, orcs are already known for their incredible strength and this one would be even more stronger. I have to be careful.''

A status screen popped up showing both if their stats–


Monster stats-- Player stats--

Strength : 105 Strength : 100

Agility : 100 Agility : 99

Durability : 102 Durability : 99

Attack : 110 Attack : 95(+50)

Defence : 98 Defence : 95(+50)


'This orc looks very muscular than it should be. Why are the monsters in the Hard mode all variants of the normal monsters?' Varun thought.

The orc saw him and snickered. He stomped his foot on the ground and roared then ran towards his opponent. Varun could feel vibrations under his feet. He cursed inwardly and also ran towards the orc and jumped with his hammer. The orc put his hands in front of him and covered his face. The hammer landed on his hands and the orc roared in pain. The orc could feel some of his bones in the hands are broken and took some steps back. Even if the orc was stronger, Varun attack power was higher than the orc due to his hammer.

The orc became vigilant of Varun now. Varun landed on ground and moved towards the orc. The orc used his experience and sideflick his body and sent a kick. Varun was running at his top speed so he couldn't react on time. The kick landed on his waist and he was thrown a few metres in left side and collided with a wall.

There was a pained expression on his face. But there was no any time to become surprised as the orc again moved and covered the distance between them. Varun's own strength was very high so when he could not move the hammer on time, he clenched his fist and punched with all his might. The orc's punch and Varun's punch landed on each other and they both flew backwards.

Varun was quick to stand up even with some pain and threw the hammer towards orc's hand. The hammer collided with the orc's already broken hand and mutilated it. The orc was in so much pain. Varun decided to put an end to this and called his hammer back to him. When the hammer came to his hand, he ran towards the orc and hit him hard. The orc died and there.



''Really. I was overestimating myself. Thinking that I would easily deal with the monsters with my Gift was an absurd thought. I guess this is what my mom was trying to tell me.''

Varun looked at the disappearing orc and its mutilated hand. There was still a pained expression on its face.

''Its good to defeat monsters but its not good to torture them like this. After all, they are also living beings. I have to kill them without any pain. Wait a minute, the monsters here are real, right?'' Varun thought it after seeing the orc vanishing without leaving a trace.

''Hey, Tower. The monsters which you continuously spawn. Are those real monsters or just high quality projections because after defeating them, they just you know, dissipate into thin air.'' Varun asked.

The face of the AI appeared and answered his question.

[There are not enough monsters to sacrifice for every person to level up. Each player needs to defeats hundred monsters to level up every single time. The monsters are also life forms and not some casual fodders.] The AI voice replied to him.

[Every monster in the Tower is just a magic projection, programmed to help the players leveling up. The monsters are made through DNA signatures of real monsters and projected artificially. With the advanced technology of Tower, feelings and pains are also programmed within them. I hope this explanation satisfied player's curiosity.]

''Wow. Such high technology. That is good then. It means I won't have to pull my punches knowing they are not real living creatures. I can stop holding myself back and grind without any distractions.''

''Wait, then how do you increase people's strength when they level up?''

[Please elaborate the question. Tower couldn't understand player's inquiry.]

''I mean to ask the working principle behind the strengthening process of players. Is it possible for me to know?''

[The working principle is off limits for the players. But a simple quick summary is possible. Would the player like to know?]

''Yeah. Of course. Please tell me.''

[The tower uses the spiritual energy inside the spirit stones very deep under the surface and forcefully condense its pure form inside the player's bodies. The energy inside their bodies increase their physical stats and increase the limit of the body.]

''It is very easy process. Can't the humans also replicate the process and do it by themselves?''

[The spiritual energy in their free state is deadly for humans. No one can successfully utilize that energy in free state. The humans and other races only uses the spirit stones in their impure form. If it comes in other state, it will be harmful for them.]

"Woah. You answer all of my questions very honestly and quickly. Are you allowed to talk to everyone? I mean do you answer everyone's questions truthfully like this?''

[Not affirmative. Only players who challenge the Tower in Hard Mode are treated as valuable guests by the Tower and are allowed to ask any questions. The rest are weaks and cowards. The Tower just treat them as passing clouds.]

[The main objective of the Tower is to make people strong so it only respects the brave and strong minds who have the guts to face challenges and hardships.]

''Oh. Okay then. Let's move now.''

[Would you like to continue?]


The light flashed again and a monster appeared. This time, it was a black poison python. Of course, it was also a variant species. Before Varun could even move, the python released a black smoke poison from its mouth. The five meters area around Varun was filled with poison gas.

Varun wanted to run from there but found that he could not move his legs. The poison also had paralysing effect upon inhaling it. Varun had inhaled some of it and now he could not move his body at all.

That python crawled towards him and slowly strangled on to his body. Python also strangled his legs tightly to make him fall on the floor so it becomes easier to swallow him. Varun tried his best to not fall otherwise his situation would become more dire and his chances to escape would further slip from his hands.

Varun's strength was higher than the Python and he could have easily freed himself from its grasp if not for the poison he inhaled. His face was turning purple from the poison and the lack of oxygen. The Python has climbed up to his shoulders and strangled his neck. Varun also could not use his hammer because of his body being paralyzed. The Python slowly move towards his face and open its mouth to swallow him.

In the midst of crisis, his mind stopped working and his instincts took over. Varun's eyes started crackling with electricity. Unconsciously, he casted his second skill.

''Call of the lightning.''

Lightning started screaming and dancing around his body. Every cell in his body was producing and releasing electricity. The Python which was coiled around his body became totally fried in the mayhem of electricity. Only after a few seconds, in the place of python only its ashes were remained.

After being released, Varun quickly turned off his 'call of The Lightning' skill. This skill used all his energy and he was gasping for air. The Lightning neutralized all the poison around him as well as inside his body.

Varun was feeling like he was purified thoroughly. This feeling was very new but refreshing. For the God of thunder and

lightning, lightning is the best medicine to heal himself and charge up. He was tired but totally refreshed due to the lightning.

After resting for sometime, he once again started his winning streak. This time, he understood a little about his power and had also experienced the powers of different monsters in Hard mode so from there on, he had no more problems fighting the monsters.

After fighting for another 5 to 6 hours he stopped his levelling. For the first day, it was enough. He had gained enough experience to understand the working of the Tower. After unequipping his God Set, he return back from the Tower and found his father waiting for him at the entrance.

''So, how was your first time experience, son. You must have enjoyed and how many monsters did you defeat?'' Horus asked smilingly.

''It was a very fun experience, dad. It was so much fun. I defeated a total of ____" Varun said.