
In Another Life with a Sign In System

A man dies and is granted a chance to be reborn into a new life. In this new life, he lives as he pleases with a goal of collecting a large harem of beautiful women.

LegendaryChaos · Anime & Comics
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93 Chs

Chapter 73 - Vados

Sipping on blood flavored tea that Sicily made from imported leaves from some far away place. Leo found the price and waiting for them wasn't worth it. The tea leaves they get from around here suited his taste. Yet, the girls seem to like it, so he guess he could live with it for now.

"Still, what are we going to do with all this money?"

Looking at the paper that held the current balances between the family. The amount they have tucked away probably makes the nation treasury chump changes. Ok, maybe a bit exaggerated in the amount but it wasn't a stretch that they may need to add a few more vaults again.

"You nothing since if I remember correctly. You're on an allowance only thing." Konou answered as she took the paper from his hand. "Sicily is still annoyed at you giving away the money."

"That was almost two years ago and besides we have far more now." Leo sighed. "We also seem to own this city."

"We also own a good portion of nearby villages and cities too. Brothels and trades are very profitable after all." Konou added on. "So are some of your other summons business adventures."

"Is there some business we aren't part of?" Leo looked blankly.

"I don't think we have much in the way of medical services?" Konou answered unsure.

Rubbing her chin, Konou thought about it, before seeing Leo's eye roll. He looked at the glass as it emptied and passed it off to a servant girl who was walking by. Then placing his hands behind his head, Leo just turned to see a topless succubus calling down from the second floor.

"That won't be true before long."

"Then don't asked dumb questions." Konou retorted.

Shaking his head, Leo began to walk into the mansion or more specifically, the second floor.


"Is this really necessary?"

A few days later on the training field, Leo slightly stretched for the upcoming spar. Across from him was his latest summons and the one asking. Which wasn't surprising as both knew this was unnecessary, but traditions need to be followed.

"Hello Vados." Kale said from the side, a bit shy.

"Oh, hello Kale. Nice to see you again." Vados greeted.

Vados was a tall woman with light blue skin who stood proudly. Her white hair tied up into a ponytail giving her extra height. All while she rested one hand on a long staff that had an orb floating on top and a bluish ring around her neck.

"Ready?" Leo asked but didn't wait for a response.

Vanishing from his spot, Leo appeared once again as his fist connected with a scepter. Then in a flash, Leo continued his assault as Vados blocked each attack. Then in a heavy hit that caused a small wind storm, Leo reappeared in his original spot.

Cracking his neck as he jumped a few times. "Wow, this is almost as fun as massacuring that orc horde."

"Oh, I almost felt that one." Vados said as she returned to her spot.

"Lies don't suit you." Leo said as his eyes flashed red and his hair turned silver.

"Oh my." Vados said with a small laugh but soon found the air hit out of her.

In shocked eyes as he bypassed not only her senses but her ultra instinct. A technique that allows her body to react on its own. She found a feeling welling up in her body that she hasn't felt in a long while.


Then in a flash, she was smacked around the training field as Leo grinned as he fought. In a startled manner she barely defended from his assault unsure why her technique wasn't working. Only to be smacked down into the ground with a heavy kick, as Leo's grin faded into one of boredom.

"Is that it?" Leo asked.

Then in an epic light show, Vados rose from the ground with green ki balls appearing around her. Which she launched at him with them moving far faster than the eye can see. Then in a grand explosion a green cube appeared around him.

"That's that." Vados said with a smile.

"I give seven out of ten for the light show." Leo commented from beside her.

"Fine, I give." Vados sighed.

While they could continue neither wanted to destroy the area around them nor did she want to violate the angel law. Not that she knew if anything would happen if she did, but she wasn't going to test it.

After a bit Vados became Sicily's second attendant.


"I didn't take you one for a bubble bath."

Inside Vados bathroom, she found Leo inside a bubble bath sipping on a cup of blood. He looked up at her before giving her a slight shrug. So what if he was enjoying a bubble bath as he looked at the angel in question.

"Are you going to join in?"


"Shame." Leo sighed. "Shall we take up another form of sparring?"

"Nice try, lover boy." Vados said walking out the bathroom.

"Fine, but I am sure one day I will have you." Leo sighed as he stood up and walked out the bathroom completely naked.

Soon enough he found a servant girl who was bent over cleaning. After rubbing her butt that was outlined in the nice little dress they wore when cleaning. He whispered a few things in her ear and got her stripping at the speed of light.

The servant was fairly tall with light blonde hair and curvy body with tight round breasts and slender waist. Her legs were nicely toned and the flexibility she began to display. It didn't take long for Leo to be thrusting in and out of her as he pushed her up on the wall.

His hands groped her bubbly and smooth butt as he sucked on her blood for a snack. Her wet core clamping down on him as a few servants and succubus women walked by. Some looked tempted to join but in the end didn't. Since it was the day for the after dinner orgy and knew they would get him later.

Thanks for Reading.

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