
In Another Life with a Sign In System

A man dies and is granted a chance to be reborn into a new life. In this new life, he lives as he pleases with a goal of collecting a large harem of beautiful women.

LegendaryChaos · Anime & Comics
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93 Chs

Chapter 48

Inside the castle of Densnow, the King was reading a small report on Dungeon City. It covered Leo's latest addition to the body count and how his women wiped out three thousand men by themselves. Granted they weren't trained soldiers or anything like that, but three thousand isn't to scuff at.

On his throne as he thought about Leo, the King thought of the last few months over. Besides opening up a shop and contracting a succubus clan. Leo hasn't done much and didn't seem to be ambitious at all either. It was more his women that the King worried about as they seemed to be the most ambitious as they began buying up the city.

'Then again, they sort of have to be ambitious to provide funds for them all. He has a harem larger than even the past seven kings combined and times four at that.' The King thought to himself.

After thinking for a moment, he put the report to the side as he had a more pressing matter to attend too. Corrupt nobles and embezzlement alongside envoys from surrounding kingdoms and empires looking to marry his daughters. A part of him wondered why he agreed to become king, then he thought of his wife and instantly knew. All for her and he doesn't regret it either.


Relaxing on his long chair in the backyard. Leo was polishing a pike as he watched as a pool was being dug. It wasn't the most exciting thing in the world but since the men who were paid to dig kept taking glances at the beautiful women around the mansion. He was there to keep them in line or prepare them to be the next one on display.

Still it didn't stop a few younger ones from whittling or attempting to flirt. Which made the older ones laugh as they watched as they got beaten mercilessly. They knew better and the way Leo polished the pikes, they just wanted to finish and leave to never come back.

"Leo, stop scaring the workers and get to the dining hall. There are a few horny succubus waiting and they are also hungry." Konou shouted down from the second floor.

"Please, every girl is horny when he is around." Millianna shouted from a few windows over.

"His skills are unparalleled." Susan joined in from the first floor window.

"He is peerless with no equal as he just keeps on going without rest or softening." Mabui smiled as she joined from the side.

"Girls stop. You're making the workers blush and I am afraid they will collapse with all their blood rushing to their two heads." Sicily shouted at them. "I'm sure they just want to finish and leave with Leo's polishing act. You don't need to add to their pressure telling of Leo sexual prowess. A feat they couldn't ever hope to match."



Thanks to Sicily words, the men blushed in anger and shame as they dug faster. Even the younger ones that were messing around wanted to leave sooner. They weren't sure how much their egos could take as they felt jealous of Leo for having so many beauties by his side.


Later in the evening while sitting in his room, Leo sighed as he looked around the plain room. Since he usually doesn't spend much time in his room, it just contained the bare minimum with a few women's lingerie laying around.

Humming to himself, he opened up the sign in system and looked at the colorful wheel holding countless names. Rubbing his chin as he considered signing in since it was not like they didn't have the space, finances, and resources to support who is summoned in.

"Lady Luck, please bring me a chef." Leo chanted to himself as he clicked sign in.

In a gathering of lights, Leo watched for the fifth time a woman silhouette appeared before him. As long blue hair and eyes appeared as a dress covered her body. Leo's hopes were quickly dashed as he knew who appeared before him.

[Congratulations Host. You have gained Aqua from Konosuba.]

"Well at least we have clean water from now on." Leo shrugged before thinking of telling Sicily to keep an eye on the money.

"I will have you know I can do more than purify water right." Aqua crossed her arms.

"Is that so?" Leo replied. "Well, you are a goddess. So I'm sure you got some tricks or something."

"Don't need to be so rude about it." Aqua commented dryly. "Interesting system you got there. Even I, who is a god, couldn't resist it."

"Well I did get it from someone who ranks higher than you." Leo joked.

"So what am I supposed to do now?" Aqua asked. "Sleep with you and wait for my turn to come around again?"

"If you want." Leo shrugged. "Technically you can do what your heart desires while following a few simple rules."

"So I could build a shrine and temple for people to worship me?" Aqua asked in a joking tone.

"If you so wish. Just away from the mansion. Don't want the place turning into a holy ground now."

"Haha," Aqua laughed, but his glare withered her laughter. While he could care less about the ground turning holy, the succubus who live here would. It won't cause a big effect on their abilities or ban them from the house. It would just cause them some irritation like an itch they can't scratch.

"Still feel free to set up a temple here in a city of adventurers and prostitutes." Leo shrugged at her again. "Just be warned that your followers probably won't worship you as a water goddess."

"I guess I got you to thank for that." Aqua grumbled as her powers were holy in nature.

"Anytime." Leo smiled up at her. "Now about that sleeping part."

"Not today." Aqua turned around and left heading towards Sicily to study.

Shrugging as he knew she would come around at some point. Leo wondered how he should decorate his room. Even the servants' rooms were more appealing and they didn't desire all that much to begin with.

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