
In Another Life with a Sign In System

A man dies and is granted a chance to be reborn into a new life. In this new life, he lives as he pleases with a goal of collecting a large harem of beautiful women.

LegendaryChaos · Anime & Comics
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93 Chs

Chapter 2


The sound of a titanic size body echoed throughout the forest as the corpse of a large fiery red lion fell to the forest floor. It's mane appeared as if a lively fire surrounded its head while its lifeless eyes were taller than two average men. Upon its body a teen with glowly red eyes that broke through the darkness sat calmly as he licked his bloody finger clean.

"Yuck! Animal blood still tastes nasty."

His smooth silver hair soon turned black as his red eyes dimmed to ocean blue. As a large corpse soon faded into a dark circle below it, the young teen stuck his hands into his pockets. He didn't appear to be much older than fourteen for the time being.

Looking up at the night sky, the teen reached up at the moon. "It's already been two years since I reincarnated here. Besides walking in circles I think I got the hang of most of my new abilities."

This teen was the soul that was reincarnated and decided to go by Leo Raiju. He decided on Leo as the first creature he discovered was a lion and it reminded him of the zodiac symbol. While Raiju came from a lightning creature that looked like a wolf covered in lightning.

In the last two years, besides his name, he basically has been honing his survival skills. Thanks to that, he basically can put down most creatures in this large forest with ease. While he would like to say it was all hard work, in truth it is mostly thanks to his new body.

'I wish I could get out of this forest and register at a guild or group. Then I could find out my race, but like the last two years I am lost in this godforsaken forest.' Leo thought. 'Well, I am betting it is a vampire of some kind since blood is all I can eat. Food just tastes like ashes otherwise.'

For why he wasn't scared of others hunting him down or fearing him for being a vampire. From the information, while some may dislike them, they were just categorized as demi-human variants. So unless he commits crime such as murder, stealing or becoming a bandit, he shouldn't have anyone just blanetly after his head just because he a vampire.


As Leo said this a transparent text box appeared before his eyes. Inside it didn't show his strength or attributes in letter or numeral form. Instead, what appeared was a list of skills, a timer and a blank list of summons.

This was his sign-in system which will allow him to summon women from various worlds. He is able to summon every twenty four hours. The only issue he currently has is he couldn't due to not meeting the conditions to awaken the system and that to leave the forest.


Walking through the forest as the cold ground transmitted through his bare feet. Leo assumed he was heading towards the outer ring of the forest. Not only were the monsters growing more sparse but seems to be growing weaker.

Even the giant green humanoid creatures he commonly ran into began shrinking in size and strength. Yet, they seem to be increasing in numbers as a result.

It wasn't until the sunrise did he begin to slow down his pace with a small yawn. He no longer felt the need to rush to leave the forest as he did in the beginning. Since being stuck for the last two years made him learn how to be patient.


A woman's scream soon reached his ears, making him tilt his head. While he would like to say it the first time he heard such a scream of other humans in the past two years, it is not. Thanks to a monster he thought was a wendigo who could mimic such sounds. He often would meet such incidents where he would investigate before the monster would appear to try and eat him.

'Is it another wendigo?' Leo thought to himself as he headed in the direction with a smile.

Upon arriving he found men dressed in iron armor surrounded by large green humanoid-like monsters. The knights seemed to be trembling as they faced the monster trying their best to resist with their shield while others attempted to stab with their spears.

Behind them, a fat…largely chubby man seemed to be cowerlying as more men in armor did their best to defend him. However, it didn't seem like they would last much longer and would soon fall like the men that already did.

"If they have this amount of trouble with small fries, I think they need another career?" Leo thought to himself.

Since he determined it wasn't another wendigo like he hoped it was, but instead other humans. He decided to save them and have them lead him out of the forest.

Kicking off the ground, Leo crossed the needed distance pretty quickly. Grabbing the back of the closest creature head. He easily tore it from its shoulders as his other hand decapitated the nearby one.

'Ten left.' He thought as he began easily dispatching them much to the knight's fear and delight.

Tearing their heads and arms off as he mowed the creatures down. He made sure not to get much blood on him as it first was a pain to clean and second it tasted nasty. Compared to animal blood, these creature blood tasted like dirt.

"He-He killed all those Goblin Knights in-in an instant." A man's voice trembled as he stood in front of Leo.

'Goblin Knights? These things? Please, that is way too much credit for such weaklings.' Leo silently disagreed. "Which one of you is the leader?"

"Ah, that be me." An older man who appeared around forty with a short messy beard.

It appeared to have been a few days since he had last shaved. He was also the most proactive one who seemed to be doing his best to save the others. His armor was covered in blood and scratches with a large deep cut across his chest that exposed his chest a bit.

"I'm Sir Jim, the Third Commander of the Royal Army."

"Is that so? Well whatever, are you able to show me the way out of this forest?" Leo asked, wiping the blood away.

The man looked slightly hesitant but when he looked at the chubby man bawling his eyes out. He nodded and began ordering his men to collect their fallen.

Thanks for Reading.

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