
could you stop smiling at me??

Alex began to circulate his immortal essence as instructed by zero, feeling the same warm and pleasant feeling he got earlier from healing his injuries, Alex was almost lost in it.

[Ok, now it's ready] 

Zero informed, breaking Alex out of his trance-like state.

Alex looked around him but everything still looked the same, with no noticeable change at all.

Alex took a step forward and in the next instance, everything around him seemed to have stopped moving, no... rather, they were actually moving very slowly, in fact, too slow for the word slow.

The leaves that were swaying in the wind, the fleeing wolves, flying insects, everything was so slow that Alex felt he was alone in this world.

Everything was practically at his mercy.

Alex started walking towards the outer part of the bush, where he could see the road. When he was finally just a few steps away from stepping out of the bush, he stood still and stopped circulating his essence.

After what seemed like a few minutes of Walk for Alex when it was just a fraction of a second, everything finally returned to normal, unaware of what had just occurred.

"Waw! that sure was something," Alex said as he finally walked out of the bush casually like he had just gone there to take a piss.

[You should also avoid using your powers when around others] zero's warning voice echoed in his head.

Alex raised an eyebrow, he understood that most of the people here were actually from that Niniola realm, but didn't this same system say they could only regain their memories if they perhaps met a toist sage mage? what did his basic and core spells have to do with it?

"And why?" He asked

But no response was heard from zero as she suddenly turned mute.

"You aren't going to reply even if I keep asking right?".

[....] Silence prevailed.

" Ugh, fine I won't now stop playing deaf" Alex said in slight frustration.

[You should get a taxi and head home already] was all zero threw at him before returning mute again.

"Sigh" Alex could only put zero's case at the back of his mind for now.

He walked to the side of the road and raised his hand, waving it gently at the car coming in his direction, this was the gesture used by people from the memories he got from the old Alex.

The car slowed down before finally stopping beside Alex, and a man who seemed to be in his thirties popped his head from the window of the driver's seat.

"Where to, young sir?" The guy asked politely with a professional smile on his face.

What Alex on the other hand felt from the smile was some sort of uneasiness, the smile turned into a creepy smile to him because of the huge scar that covered half of the man's face.

But Alex's face didn't show any expression as he still smiled in return, although he knew that the scar must have been some accident on the driver's part, he couldn't help but want to not see it.

"Please take me to the yeaga family's residence," Alex said with a sweet smile on his face.

"Oh! A young master huh? hop in" the driver pressed a button that made the passenger's door open while giving Alex another smile.


<Could you stop smiling at me?your smile looks creepy> Alex thought to himself but of course, his face didn't show anything and was just covered with that dazzling smile of his.

Alex got into the car and wrapped himself with the seatbelt as per the driver's instruction.

The car accelerated, heading towards Alex's home, well in a way, Alex could say it was his new home.



The sky was so bright with the sun already at its center. In the forest where Alex had woken up earlier, a small space was torn open in the air, which continued to expand till it was the size of a door.

On the other side of the rift looked like it would lead anyone who entered into the void, two figures emerged from within, landing heavily beside the lake Alex was some hours ago.

The one on the left was a man whose appearance was that of a twenty-seven years old man, he was wearing ancient golden armor which perfectly fitted his big build, and he had a huge sword on his back which he could somehow move around with easily.

He had long black hair which reached his shoulders, dark pupils that looked like they were painted, he had a small scar on his forehead like that part was injured by an arrow.

He gave off the vibe of a warrior.

The other figure on the right was completely covered by a long green robe, even the face was covered by the hood of the robe, but it was easy to tell that the one behind the hood was a man, an old man rather because of his had which wasn't covered by the robe, he looked like a wizard from ancient history.

"It appears we are late, he's gone already" a very deep and authoritative voice came from the man in golden armor.

"Marco, be mindful of your words, we were sent to investigate, not to get into a direct confrontation with him, even if he just arrived here, he could still be dangerous" an old croaked voice came from the figure in the robe, the voice was full of warnings.

"Come on old vent, you are just being paranoid, you shouldn't be scared of these weaklings, even if they are immortals, we can still find a way to end them, we can also just capture him as we did to the rest that came before him" Marco, the man in golden armor sneered at the old man in a green robe.

"Let's just hope he doesn't do anything funny," he said again after a slight pause.

" Yes, I do hope so too, fighting against them is really a pain since they won't die no matter what we do, not to even mention those weird powers of theirs" old vent grumble and turned back to the rift they had opened earlier" come on, let's get back to Niniola and report back to the emperor," he said and jumped into the rift.

" I could just chase him and take him back with us, why do we have to just ignore this?" Marco said through gritted teeth and followed old vent into the rift.

This wasn't the first time an existence like Alex had appeared here, they had been given orders by the emperor to investigate immediately when the arrival of the intruder was noticed, they didn't hesitate and immediately came down here.

Although people like Alex (immortals) were hard to deal with, it didn't mean that they couldn't be restrained for a certain period. Every empire in Niniola had been searching for a way to end them once and for all but it was still all for not.

They just felt it was inappropriate to attack if the other party didn't become a threat and only sought peace.

(A/N): thanks to everyone who left comments on the previous Chapters and helped me identify the errors I made earlier, I promise to try and improve as the story continues.

P.s: please don't bale out on me, keep commenting to help make the story better *wink*