
In A Cultivation World With The Highest Talent

I have bad grammar.

Itachi101 · Anime & Comics
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56 Chs

Yu Jing

"it's impressive to get to level 2 nascent soul realm cultivators." the first king said calmly while looking at the 4 nascent soul realm cultivators under Sora, he was not shocked by the sight of him, being the first king, he had trillions of nascent soul realm cultivators under his rule at some point in time.

"That technique yours... it's impressive, although I sense you were holding back. it seems you don't want to catch the attention of those demigods." He said softly, Sora's eyebrow raised hearing this, and the first king smiled.

"don't look down upon the lower region, many experts are in hiding within this region, my rebirth means the road towards the God realm has reawakened, and that the harvest is about to start.. sadly I can't say a lot, but I will tell you not to trust the holy church." The first king said stunning Sora slightly,

what was the holy church? it was a church that taught the teaching of god, they were the ones who kept peace within the world, and they were also the ones that made the lower region, a way to protect the mortals and so on. it said that every few billion years, a huge danger will befall our world. it's the church that stands to protect this world from all of that,

as the number of forces within this world, they were greatly respected, they were also the ones who pushed the concept of half-bloods being sinners. they also made all none humans to be lower lifeforms, as that is what god has spoken.

Of course, Sora never trusted that church, no one is that good, he just didn't trust anyone in power. and with the first king's words,

it was more of a reason not to trust him. the 4 nascent soul realm cultivators felt chills hearing the first king's words. just how was this person to go around speaking such words,

"They are the main reason this cage might never be lifted... I will repeat myself again, it's best you don't enter the holy ground, but if you enter you would get to see what true power looks like." The first king said with a slight smile looks like,

"the holy ground you are all enter is mine, I don't know if the space has changed or something, but thats a map of where most of my treasures are. and since you're entering, you might as well help me out. slaughter anyone at the core formation, they would be sent there to stop my rebirth. although I don't need your help, with your help my rebirth would be far more... better than without your help." he said with a smile,

"People already know you came back to life?" Sora asked with a raised eyebrow, to which the first king nodded slightly.

"made things so that I shall be reborn when immortal QI was at its peak within this world. my reincarnation was born, fated to meet a powerful sect leader who would take care of and spoil him. people can read fate, and see the future, knowing I have been reborn is easy. but finding me is the hard part. so for the next month be careful, you might sense many powerful being appearing around here. you're unique, you go against fate. you're the main reason why they had a hard time finding me." He said calmly as he left, leaving Sora in deep thought, but the first king suddenly spoke up.

"with the return of immortal Qi, you would find many talents being born. those with unique physiques, those with unique abilities, and those with bloodlines that should have disappeared. look out for them, with your talent, I'm sure they would follow you." He said calmly as he felt, Sora looked at the door he left through for some time. what was this guy's plan, he most likely knows evil Sora was all an act, yet he doesn't care to point it out or anything of the kind,

'well, I should spend this month leveling up my skills to level 12, with the techniques I have, they give me more XP when I use them after all... I should create some type of mind space, where I can fight those who I already fought, that way I can have part of my attention training there to increase the levels, while my other attention is doing random stuff... this technique might be hard, but worth it auto XP.' Sora thought as he had a clone of his do this, while he trained the 4 people behind him, wanting to increase their loyalty. but a few hours later, Berry came to look at him.

"Young master, the princess has come seeking a meeting with you," Berry said softly, after today's event of Sora taking in the 4 protects, he sent everyone away for the day. so now, the princess has come seeking him. Sora had sensed her physique, like hell he would allow that to get out of his reach.

"... what's with that look?" Sora said calmly as he left the 4 protectors to their training while walking up to Berry.

"although her physique is weaker than mine... it's more suited to helping both parties cultivate, it would also use yin and yang to allow both people to enter a state of enlightenment... I believe young master should take her in." She said softly, she was also another thing she left out.

the princess had two physiques, the duel cultivation art was just the first one, but she had the heavenly mirror physique, something which was yet to awaken, with this physique, the princess would be able to take upon the form of almost anything, and to a limited degree use the ability of those she took the form off. she, of course, would have to know what she is taking the form of, she would also need to know the ability before she could use it.

but this was a hidden physique, a physique which she gained thanks to her mother, thanks to Sora's eyes, Sora found out that her mother had a bloodline known as the true mirror bloodline, which was a bloodline that shouldn't have appeared within this lower region. Sora didn't dare to push the information to go any deeper, as he sensed that something would seek him trying to look into this bloodline.

but with his clone being with Krul, Krul was able to give him more information about this bloodline, the true mirror bloodline belonged to a powerful clan within the upper region. but they have been destroyed thanks to their unique bloodline. they had the ability to of a mirror, capable of reflecting all things at you. they could even transform, become almost a perfect copy of what they turned into.

but what brought their downfall was the heavenly mirror physique, which scared many focused all over the world. the ability to transform into whatever they see, and even copy any ability they see without the need of comprehending them? but if they take the time to comprehend the technique, it would make it stronger? this physique was too powerful as it could even go on to copy other physiques,

so they were destroyed, and many of its members fled all over the world, some remaining within the upper region, and others coming to the lower regions. it turned out that the princess's ancestor was one of those people who fled to the lower region.

"there more?" Sora asked with a smile, Berry Phsyque was selfish, it benefited only her the most, meanwhile, the other party was in danger of death. maybe only Sora would dare to sleep with her... then again, others would dare as well. it was not a bad way to die.

"I believe my physique is pointless to the young master," She said softly, she benefited a lot from sleeping with Sora. meanwhile, Sora seemed to be a step away from death each time,

"your physique is special, even now I can't see through it all. you have the power to bring out the lust within anything, and a pure child who is born would feel lust before your charm. but your charm also has the power to bring upon pleasure like none other, that alone is worth more than hers." Sora said with a smile, so far Sora had pointed out 2 abilities from her physique.

the first ability was her charm. the lust within anything would be drawn out, if she stays too long without a mask, even stuff like chairs and stuff would develop a mind of their own, as it would be a sin not to admire such beauty.

trees would grow towards her, the light would seem to gather around her, and even the purest of things would feel lust. even those who are never into this sex would find that they can't control themselves, they would only want to throw themselves at her.

because of this, she had to keep her mask on at all times. at the same time, Sora gave her a charming technique, which could take control of those charmed by her to become a kind of mindless slave to her. of course, if they were mindless that would be a weakness. they would remain the same, but willing to do anything if it meant making her happy. they would even become stronger, as they would want to impress the person they love.

second ability was a pleasure. the pleasure ability one feels from her was enough to kill. that was not a joke... Sora noted this was the best way to die. if Sora was not freakish, he would have died long ago under her hands.

because of this, Sora gave her a technique called, Plassure. people joke about people cumming from a girl touching them, but they would come from Berry's smile and fall died. just picture someone having orgasms from seeing a woman smile, and falling dead. how the fuck would one resist this?

there were two ways Berry could use this ability. the first-way area of effect. Those under the area of effect of this technique would be hit by a huge amount of pleasure. Sora took into account that everything had a mind and a soul. be it a tree, or a sword. they all had it. so this technique would not only affect things like trees, it would even affect Qi, Swords, and so on. the pleasure would be so strong, that one would fall die if under this ability for too long

of course, the strong one is compared to Berry, the longer they could last, and those who never felt that pleasure would not be affected, but this was a technique that was hard to block, and at the same time, one can't attack, move, or even think straight under the huge amount of pleasure. upon death, their energy shall be absorbed by Berry, allowing her to grow stronger.

the second part of this technique was not as long-ranged as the first one, but those near her who could see her would be affected. under this ability, anyone charmed by her would orgasm on the spot, she might need a do a few extra stuff like smiling or saying something, but those who orgasm shall die and she shall absorb their lifeforce, making herself far stronger. although this was most effective during sex, she only loved Sora,

with her physique two abilities and these 2 abilities, Sora created for her, she was indeed a freak who could rival the like of Krul who could devour anything within this world. of course, if their two power clashed, their two power shall cancel each other out. one might think how could Berry affect someone who could devour her ability before it could affect her?

while that was because Berry's charm ability and Krul's devour ability were of the same grade. Sora made sure Berry could charm anything, even other stuff like the will of a sword, and of course other abilities. Krul's devouring power would be charmed, but Berry wasn't strong enough to affect all of it quickly enough, so there would be a standstill.

Krul mind was still pure, although there was some darkness because of the humans, that was enough to allow her to resist her charm and think of a counter.

"..." Berry smile slightly behind the mask, she needed to hear this. her physique was not made for her to have a partner, it was made to see all people as the energy she could devour. but who would have expected that she would have fallen for someone,

anyways, she followed Sora and the two went to go see the princess who was waiting for them, Sora had her sit down opposite to him, while he sat down. the princess's eyes stayed on Berry the longest, although Berry had a mask, it was not hard to guess why she had the mask on. that perfect physique just made her jealous, she was a beauty, ranked number one. but what was she before perfections?

"cough... young master Fu, your action this moment could bring upon great danger not only to yourself but this kingdom. I came to ask... what are you thinking proving someone like him?" She snapped back to reality and got straight to the main point, but her eyes narrowed slightly when she saw Sora's eyes. she instantly caught on to the way Sora looked at her. there was no lust... seeing this, she looked at Berry once more.

how could Sora lust after her with such perfection at his side... wait, what was she thinking, she should be happy that someone was not lusting after her. but then again, this only made her realize how much more stunning Berry was compared to her.

"you have nothing to worry about, princess Yu Jing. your beauty is great, I just don't lust after people. as the upper region, there is a reason I took away the storage ring, unless someone leaves to inform the upper regions, you have nothing to worry about. just make sure he stays alive long enough to temper himself. by then, his clan would be something I can easily handle." Sora said with a smile,

Yu Jing blushed slightly seeing how she was seen through, but her face darkened slightly at Sora's last words. just arrogant prideful words, but how long would that take? how long would the Bai clan just sit and watch as one of their most talented members disappears?

But she suddenly froze slightly, how did Sora know her true name? only a rare few knew of her true name, yet a stranger just popped up knowing her name.

"shocked that I know your name? I know a lot about you, like how you have that mirror bloodline, to other stuff." Sora said softly as he looked to the side, where a masked woman was coming over with some tea. after putting them on the tea, she left with a slight bow. picking up the tea, Sora looked at the shock, fear, and killing intent with the princess's eyes,

"no need to fear me, from the moment I saw you I knew who you were. your physique intreast me, so, I want you to become a follower of mine." Sora said with a smile, Yu Jing's face turned dark, what was all that mess about not lusting after others? she was right, all males are the same.

"Not that duel physique of yours, I want that physique which has yet to awaken. the reason behind your clan's destructions... you get what I mean." Sora asked with a smile, Yu Jing's eyes shrank hearing Sora's words,

"... i-i have the heavenly... no, it can't be, my bloodline has been mixed, the chances of this happening are low." Yu Jing shook her head, not wanting to believe this. if this physique awaken, she would be a goner, so of course she didn't want to accept this

"immortal Qi has returned to this world, so of course talents would start blooming, I dare to take you in because I know I can protect you. so princess, what would you do? reject my offer, or stay, you should know the risk of it awakening on its own." Sora said with a smile,

"do I have a choice?" She asked through gritted teeth, two which Sora nodded slightly,

"Maybe you were fated for someone else to stumble upon, or maybe you were fated to go your whole life never to waken this physique. you see, my existence alone is a mess up with fate, if you were to reject me, something better than me, or worse might await. in the end, it's a gamble. it's not like I will force you. we are all born with free will, so use it and follow your heart. I will support you either way." Sora said with a smile, Yu Jing looked at Sora for some time. for some reason, she had this feeling to trust him, as if following this person would be the best choice she made... so, she nodded slightly.

"then welcome to my group," Sora said with a smile, as he reached a hand out to shake hers, Yu Jing's lips twitched slightly. she hated the thought of touching another man, but looking at Sora's hands, it was not so hateful. reaching out, she shook Sora's hand while nodding slightly.

"This is Berry, my right hand," Sora said as Berry removed her mask, revealing her beauty which made Yu Jing freeze on the spot, for get Sora's charm, she was conquered by simply looking at Berry. as a princess, she had a stronger will than others. enough to endure Sora's charm, and resist it, but it's not like Sora was trying to charm her.

but from simply looking at Berry, she becomes a slave, willing to do anything Berry says at this moment. Berry only got more beautiful the more she and Sora did it, it's like she feeds off sex to make herself look better.

Suddenly a warm feeling covered Yu Jing's mind, snapping her out of the state she was within. Berry covered her mask while shaking her head. Yu Jing had sweat covering her forehead, now she understood how outclassed she was. Berry was too beautiful that her beauty alone was like an ability.

"We usually wear masks... oh, I should remove my mask as well," Sora said with a smile, confusing Yu Jing as he wasn't wearing a mask. but to her shock, Sora pulled out his flesh, revealing that the skin was a mask.

Yu Jing had to cover her eyes from the glow which came from Sora. it was like Sora was opening a treasure chest or something. after the light died out, she looked over and instantly blushed, she had never seen anyone so handsome before.

Sora was already handsome before, enough to make her cold heart towards the opposite sex melt. but this... this was a whole new level of charm, Sora was too good-looking, although not as much as compared to Berry, but it was enough to make his charisma which was suppressed along with his other ability suddenly have a greater effect.

"well, here is your mask. it has its abilities, such as blocking out other senses, strengthening you, and so on." Sora said with a smile, as a red mask appeared in his palm. the mask had a huge smile showing its white teeth, with green eyebrows, and green lines running from the eyes and around the mouth

"..." Yu Jing nodded slightly while taking the mask, she couldn't look at Sora, she was too shy to look at him. but upon seeing the mask, she froze, she looked at Berry's mask and her mask. why did he have a red monster, while Berry had a beautiful white human-like mask, it had beautiful red lips, and closed eyes which were painted red as well

"Berry mask is known as Mask of Lust... yours is Mask of Envy, it fits your physique right?" Sora said with a smile seeing the unwillingness to accept this. Yu Jing wanted to say no, but she couldn't help herself but nod in an agreement, seeing this, she wanted to slam her head against the wall. how could she fall so low as to act like this before a guy?

"thats great, I was fearful you might not like it, but I guess I missed judging you, you're not so picky like others... I like that." Sora said with a smile, Yu Jing's blush grew, she didn't know what to say, the guy she liked just said he liked her... when did she start liking him?

"your face is red, are you alright?" Sora asked as he got to one knew he could see her better, as she was looking towards the ground. Yu Jing forgot how to breathe seeing Sora's face so close to hers, she pushed Sora away and ran off, too embarrassed to even look back.

Berry seeing this gave Sora a thumbs up, as expected of her man, easily winning over any woman he wants,