
In A Cultivation World With The Highest Talent

I have bad grammar.

Itachi101 · Anime & Comics
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56 Chs


"He got you good." Young master Bai who was walking away from the Fuqin mansions suddenly heard someone speaking from on top of a roof. looking up, he saw a black-haired man, sitting with a young pink-haired woman.

"Who are you?" he asked with a deep frown, he was not in the mood to deal with more humiliation, but the thought of Fu Qin sending assassins over to deal with him passed through his mind, making him uneasy.

"I'm Zufu, I'm the person Fu Qin stoke his talent from," Zufu said with a smile, stunning Young master Bai,

"We both have a deep hatred towards Fu Qin, I have the knowledge, and you have talent, if we could combine two forces, we could crush Fu Qin... will you join me? I will teach you everything you need to destroy him and get revenge for the both of us." Zufu said as he flashed, appearing before Zufu with a hand reached out,

"so, young master Bai, are you willing to take the gamble on me? I promise you, I will not disappoint." Zufu said softly, young master Bai was stunned for some time while looking at Zufu's palm and back at the palm owner. after some time, he reached out, taking Zufu's hand. this was the only person Fu Qin haven't one over with his charm, he didn't have that look everyone else had,

"you will not regret this, now let's leave. you are defenseless right now, many would want to take you and dig out your secrets. if you die, the blame would fall upon the purple lightning sect... you see what I mean?" Zufu asked with a smile, Young master Bai suddenly felt chills run down his spine, Zufu had a point, he was a walking book of knowledge from the upper region.

"They came quicker than expect, and to think it's a level 10 core formation," Zufu said softly as he looked towards a roof, where a black shadow was standing there, watching them. young master Bai turned and was stunned seeing the person standing on the roof.

the shadow seeing it noticed shot towards the two of them, but all the energy it gathered was sucked out of its back, entering Krul who had been sitting on th roof this whole time. the shadow dropped two the ground, but he quickly got up. after a moment of shock and confusion, he shot after them once more. this time on guard against Krul

"let's go," Krul said with a frown as she held her palm out, the energy from the shadow was sucked out of her once more, but this time the shadow resisted, but even his resistance grew weaker before her power to devour.

the shadow quickly realized the closer he was, the stronger her power to devour grew. it even reached a point his lifespan was being drawn away, for now, he was losing a few seconds' worth of lifespan, but the rate his energy was being devoured was far higher. once, he is out of energy, his lifeforce would be left defenseless

"you heard her," Zufu said softly, young master Bai nodded slightly in hearing, and with a flash, he appeared on the roof, he threw a look towards the shadow, and his soul almost left his body seeing there were more shadows.

"Could Fu Qin have sent them?" he asked as he ran off, with Krul and Zufu following, but Zufu shook his head slightly.

"he disdains you, that look of being a perfect elder brother and stuff, it's all an act. he uses a forbidden art to brainwash people. this heavenly grade technique is something he found, under it, the whole world would see him as this perfect person, willing to throw their life away if he simply ask. to make things worse, even if you know you are under control, you would be left helpless. the control acts by the effect the person will, so mind defense is pointless before it. it's like how talking to someone could make them change their point of view, but he turns their point of view into being a loyal dog of his." Zufu said stunning young master Bai, but this went on to enrage him, how come that bastard has it and not him?

"I'm the one who found it, I was going to destroy it, but he backstabbed me and ended up taking everything I have. I have been hiding for the past year, knowing I was no match for him... at least that was until I meant you. you are more talented than you think, in a month, I can make you strong enough to kill him." Zufu said moving young master bai.

"yo, worker Sora," one of the shadows said while removing the thing covering it, revealing it was none other than Sora.

"what is it worker Sora?" the other shadows asked while removing their mask

"I existed the longest out of you all, and this is the first time I'm out... now that I look at it, why does the real Sora get to enjoy the outside world while we work?" He asked softly, but one of the Sora suddenly destroyed, leaving the others shaking their head.

"well, we should report this back to the main basic, that was so not a Sora thing to say." the Sora who destroyed that worker Sora said softly, the others also nodded. since when did Sora care about being the main or the clone? since when did Sora care for anything else other than his research? they all had their task and jobs, the main body of course had to remain outside as thats where it could improve,

"Well, let's get going back. the cyborgs will be completed soon, I can't wait to lose this pure man's mad body, and fleshy body." a worker Sora said which everyone agreed with, and after collecting the destroyed parts, they all disappeared.

meanwhile, within one of the places where the sects were staying at. a young white-haired man was playing flute. the sound from his flute had birds fill the trees around him, and all types of animals and humans come out and simply listen to him play. some even had breakthroughs from simply listening to him play.

he slowly opened his eyes once he stopped playing, and threw a look towards where the Sora robot clones were just at. with a slight smile, he thought to himself.

'well, the brothers seem to not be a perfect copy... well, at least I believe I'm a perfect copy, it's not like I give a shit about not being the main body or something. the only thing missing is the system, forcing me to return to the base now and then to be updated.' he thought before turning around to look at the disciples from the same sect who were listening to him.

this sect was known as the 100 instrument sect, a sect which was based around music, he was taken into the sect by an elder who saw him playing to a group of beasts. taken in by his talent, he was quickly raised to be a core disciple within the sect, thanks to his skills with the countless instruments,

"Senior brother, you're the best." a sect disciple said with a smile, to which everyone nodded, even the elders were in amazement at his skills. although the fact he refused to try and go rebirth and be reborn as a powerful expert disappointed them, in a way this would give him a second life.

what did they mean by rebirth? there are talents within this world who disdain to cultivate, saying it's too slow or something like that. these people were those who have a high understanding of the path of something, such as the way of the sword. they use only their sword alone to aim for the peak,

there are powerful beings out there who don't have cultivation. such as the old woodcutter, who upon dying of old age was reborn as a powerful expert. the old woodcutter said within the woods, always cutting woods, but upon death, he gained enlightenment and was reborn from a mortal to a powerful being in the Saint realm.

of course, going through rebirth was dangerous, you would face tribulations and if you were to fail, you shall remain dead. but if you were to pass, you shall step out of the door of death, and become a powerful expert whose strength is equal to the level of understanding,

From then on, your strength shall increase or decare based on your understanding, and at the same time, your lifespan shall be increased greatly. of course, one could still cultivate after rebirth, but it would not be the same as cultivating alongside your understanding.

Sora didn't go through a rebirth as he didn't want to weaken his foundations, instead, he was planning on having a cyborg he creates go through rebirth.

around the capability, sects such as the heavenly Sword Sect, Black Heaven Spear Sect, and many other sects had a genius disciple among them who was secretly a Sora clone. a robot clone to be in fact,

Sora had spread them all out, some killed a sect disciple and took over his identity, and others happened to be found by an elder was taken in. things were perfect, Sora handed a finger to everyone, and no one knew the better

"research Sora, report in that there might be some problems with the first model's Soras." Sora who was in lab clothing said while entering a room where a group of researchers Sora was at work,

"just destroy them and replace them with the new model. who was dumb enough to keep the mood models out?" research Sora said softly while writing a few things down before looking into a telescope,

"he has a point there." another researcher Sora said calmly while testing out a beam that opened a portal, before writing a few things down. the Sora who entered was speechless, these guys only cared about making scientific improvements and nothing else

"There doesn't seem to be an outer space," Sora who was looking at a telescope said softly, catching the other's attention,

"you guys all remember the fact earth theory right? this seems to be the world we live in, we are surrounded by ice walls on all sides. the sun is far smaller than the planet, and it's the sun that moves around the earth instead of the earth moving around the sun. stunning all of the Sora.

"you think you found something impressive? remember a few theories we had when we first awaken here? we fall back onto the computer and awakened as the A.I. so, it's reasonable to guess we might have been sent into some stimulations or a world within our world. who knows, it might be billions of years into the future." Sora who was looking at a computer said calmly, making everyone look toward him in shock,

"with months worth of research... I concluded that this isn't earth. looking at our soul waves and others' souls, we indeed seem to have been brought to a whole new world, now the only question is how, and how could we have made it here?" Sora said making everyone go quite deep through,

"Death said we came from outside the Pangue world, for now, he has no reason to not trust her words, but it makes no sense... unless our world was far stronger compared to this world, leading to a unique reaction that allowed us to escape our world death reaches," Sora said while in deep thought,

"you're saying, this world which is many times bigger than a star system is weaker than our earth?" Sora asked as if he was looking at a dumb ass.

"It's just a theory, and who knows. maybe our earth had a gravity far stronger than this one, or something of the kind. we member before our death, that guy said something about being grateful as he would not be feeding our souls to those lizard people? if he was not shocking then our world should or could have been created by someone similar to Pangu." Sora said softly making everyone go quiet

"the Illuminati could be a thing... but then there is the question, how did our world know of stuff like Pangu? could be people traveling to our world or something? we of earth know so much stuff that even those of this world didn't know. so our world must be special," he said seriously, which made everyone go quiet,

"... sigh, all of this is pointless for now. begin creating a mind licking this. all the minds of Sora should be one. none of this BS of clones becoming soemthing other than Sora should be allowed. also, how is the other world portal going?" Sora asked as he looked at the Sora who was testing portals.

"to reach another parallel world, it's going to take a huge amount of energy, the portal needs enough power to reach the parallel we want. so far, I have been able to make contact with the nearest parallel world, but that is because they are doing almost the same thing our world is doing, a perfect copy of our world. in the end, we need more power and energy." Sora said calmly,

"Well, once all of the Sora unite, who would be able to stand against us?" Sora asked calmly, he was not worried about an evil Sora running around the universe or soemthing. they were all Sora and wouldn't hunt down another Sora for no reason, as for who becomes the main Sora... well, that would be more meaningful than other stuff, but like others, each Sora was Sora. same thought process and came from the same world.

the only differences would be which body, which region, and so on, some Soras have already died, while others had a head start and have already begun researching into portals. but soon, they would all be unique, and a pocket space where only Sora could go would be created, a place where they could all be Sora, and do what they care for. research and give their life some meaning,